OFFICIAL 2009 DODGERS SEASON THREAD : Season Over. Congratulations Phillies.

Bills trouble inning is approachin
Uh oh something with his leg?

Wonder if its the one he got surgery on?

O yeah he hyperextended it
Great coaching by Torre, Bills has struggled going into the 6th - he could get the Win, put the game in our bullpens arms.
Originally Posted by UCLAMIKE

what kind of music u like?


Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

i always use yelp. some of the people who review places are pretty elitist though. usually if they have like 500 reviews written i dont take them too seriously
Some of these "yelpers" OD on their response with like an essay that could get them accepted at a university.

keep that *%!@ simple and let me know if its worth it, dont tell me about how the chairs feel and what not.
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