OFFICIAL 2009 DODGERS SEASON THREAD : Season Over. Congratulations Phillies.

Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

so can you just stroll up with a 30 pack to these places or what?

yup. they charge $3 to place it in a huge @#% cooler and they give you glasses and !*!!.

I <3 that place, looks like a family decided to open up a business in their house. It's completely informal, it's white plastic chairs and tables,banda playing throughout the joint with the little old ladies selling candies and little trinkets. It's awesome, and it can get wild too with the paisabreezys catching their boo with another chick, huge scenes

Do you yelp something before you go there?

I swear its so helpful.
I do nowadays moreso than before, times are rough sometime ya know?
i always use yelp. some of the people who review places are pretty elitist though. usually if they have like 500 reviews written i dont take them too seriously
Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

so can you just stroll up with a 30 pack to these places or what?

Yup, reading the reviews you can stay as long as you want and they'll keep your brew cold.
russ is basura.
If russ is gonna have like at-bats like that, they might as well let him drop a bunt and advance the runners.
Well, with the bases loaded, and the bases loaded. I didn't really expect a grand slam or anything. It would have been nice to get an RBI to get a run it.But things just didn't work out.
These ESPN mics are picking up everything

"Mannnyyy can you hear me over there?!!!!?"

Steve Phillips needs to shut his mouth.

The Phillies just got worked by the Giants.
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