OFFICIAL 2009 DODGERS SEASON THREAD : Season Over. Congratulations Phillies.

Word, some pollo Campero fresh off a Taca Airlines flight as an appetizer
[h1]Fans giving Manny Ramirez hero's welcome are hypocrites[/h1]

July 2, 8:44 AM


Manny Ramirez is set to return to the Dodgers on Friday against the
Padres at Petco Park. (AP/Reed Saxon)
It's not many times that I agree with Los Angeles Times columnist Bill Plaschke.

Plaschke is self-righteous, pompous and to him, the opposing view is always wrong (there are other words that might friends suggest I use, but they aren't too appropriate).

The world is black and white to the LA Times columnist and what he believes is white and what he disagrees with is black.

But on this one I do.

Manny Ramirez is set to return to the Dodgers on Friday against the San Diego Padres at Petco Park, and-at least from those fools up in Los Angeles-he'll be receiving a hero's welcome.

Petco Park is sold out for Friday's game and I am certain it's not because of the fireworks that will be shown after.

And this is where I start to agree with Plaschke.

To put it in so many words, Plaschke is heart broken that Ramirez turned out to be a cheater.

After news broke that Ramirez was to get suspended for 50 games, Plaschlke wrote, "The Dodgers can't build their team on fakery. They can't march to a championship behind a charlatan. They can't fall for his act again."

And as the Manny Circus made its rounds throughout the minor leagues, Plaschke could barely understand why so many fans-excuse me-Dodgers fans were treating Ramirez as the second coming of Christ.

If there were any boos in any of Ramirez's minor league appearances, they were scattered. And while I expect the boos to rain down on Ramirez this weekend from the (hopefully) mostly pro-Padres crowd, those clad in Dodger Blue at Petco this weekend will be cheering the loudest.

It is this hypocrisy that peeves many around baseball-and I am sure it peeves Plaschke and any true fan of the game.

Dodgers fans were the loudest when it came to Barry Bonds and his steroids scandal in the early part of this decade.

The venom, the hatred, the ire came out whenever Bonds took the field at Dodger Stadium.

Out of the other 29 ballparks in Major League Baseball, it was Dodger Stadium that jeered the loudest when Bonds was at the plate, shagged a fly ball in the outfield, or just showed his face.

Bonds was accused of using steroids when he broke the single season home run record. And he was tied to BALCO. He allegedly perjured himself in front of a grand jury.

Bonds-though never caught by baseball-in the public's eyes was a cheater. And when he came to Los Angeles, he was the biggest cheater. Bonds couldn't get away from it.

And now, with one of the biggest names in baseball set to return from a suspension for performance enhancing drugs, that same crowd that booed Barry Bonds, that would have undoubtedly booed Alex Rodriguez and Roger Clemens, will cheer and live vicariously through every swing of Manny Ramirez's bat.

That's hypocrisy at its finest. It may even top many politicians-save for maybe South Carolina governor Mark Sanford.

I sort of understand where it comes from. Barry Bonds was their cheater, and for Dodgers fans, Manny Ramirez is our cheater.

But that works for only so many character defects.

Athletes can be clowns and jerks. Athletes can be vain and have huge egos. Athletes can want to trade in their championship rings for huge contracts.

But one thing that an athlete cannot be is a cheater.

It goes against the principles of sport. To cheat is to shatter the spirit of the game.

This is the reason why I was so upset after learning about Ken Caminiti and Wally Joyner's steroids use.

It meant that the only MVP the Padres ever had was a fraud and a cheat. It meant that the 1996 and 1998 division titles, and the 1998 National League pennant will forever be tainted.

I will never look back on those teams in the mid-1990s and have the same joyous memories. No, all I can think of is how many times did Caminiti use before he played. How many of those home runs he hit were because of the juice?

And it is in this vein that Ramirez-and every other steroids user-should be shamed.

He cheated. Bonds, Clemens, A-Rod-they all cheated.

And for Dodgers fans to cheer Manny Ramirez when he returns, it not only screams hypocrisy-but it also shows the true character of those fans, and it isn't a good one.
Thank you cards.

I wonder how the lineup is going to look tomorrow.

I'm thinking

I was going to post all of the LAT articles but it seems a bit much. Suggestion, it looks like a nice day to pick up an actual paper

Or post whichever articles you think warrant it.
Baseball on tonight, and guess who's back

I heard Dodger fans are heading down there STRONG.
Originally Posted by CincoSeisDos

Originally Posted by sinser13

no salvadorian heritage game?
pupusas and yuca con chicharron on deck?

maybe next season, right Iron Man?

With our current marketing department, wouldn't doubt it

I was going to post all of the LAT articles but it seems a bit much. Suggestion, it looks like a nice day to pick up an actual paper


They are planning to use the "Los Dodgers" jerseys, it is not official yet. It has to be approved by Joe. Personally, I think it is tacky, since wealready have "Los" in one of our jerseys. Plus, if you are going to do it, go all in "Los Doyers" (
). The Mexico "My Town" date just makes me
. There is a runningjoke that there is already a "Mexico" section at every game...The Left Field Pavilion,

I'm in a rush, heading to SD for the weekend. I got some
seats,wanted AYCE, but they were sold out. Oh well, I plan to walk around all day anyway so I will be roaming in my #99. I wanted to go Saturday, but once theychanged the game time to 1:05, decided to pass.

By the end of the weekend, we will be halfway through the season. I like this team a lot, sucks for Juan Pierre, but he needs to ride the pine. He shouldjust be happy that he is no longer looked on as the overpaid center fielder with the noodle arm. His performance the past 50 games, salvaged his rep and youcan even say it made him a fan favorite among some fans.

As far as what we need, I think the bullpen will be fine. Belisario and Troncoso have been heavily used, but we have a lot of arms we can throw in thebullpen. If we can get anything out of Wade, Ohman and Kuo in the second half of the season it would kill the need for chasing a bullpen arm. Even Mota isnot sucking as much as he did at the beginning of the season. Not to mention the contributions of Jeff Weaver, and the possible contributions of Eric Stultsand Claudio Vargas in long relief roles. The most pressing need is another starter that can give us at least 6 innings a night.

I'm off to SD, hopefully, I won't get much traffic.

Peace out.

Boss wanted me to come back on Sunday,
, Michael Jackson mediacredential distribution at Dodger Stadium. I couldn't get out of working Monday (6am-8pm), Michael Jackson Funeral Ticket distribution,
. Thanks Mike (RIP)
Furcal, SS

Hudson, 2B

Manny, LF

Ethier, RF

Blake, 3B

Loney, 1B

Martin, C

Kemp, CF

Kuroda, P

Let's start this road trip off right, 562 and Ironman have a good time

[h2]Dodgers trade Stephen Randolph to Royals[/h2]
The Dodgers have traded pitcher Stephen Randolph to the Royals. Randolph, 35, was last in the majors with Houston in 2007.

The left-hander went 4-2 with a 5.10 ERA for Triple-A Albuquerque, but had better success as a starter, going 4-0 while giving up only one run in the entire month of June.

Randolph's final start for Albuquerque came against the Omaha Royals, as he went five shutout innings for the win.

Notably, Randolph was among the players named in the Mitchell Report.

I'm not sure if you heard this or not, but the Dodgers are adding a player tonight after a long absence, followed by rehabilitation games in the minors. Yes, Claudio Vargas has been activated for tonight's game in San Diego, giving the Dodgers 13 pitchers to start their nine-game road trip. Since fifth starter Eric Milton won't be needed until Saturday, July 11, the Dodger bullpen is effectively nine deep.
so we left at noon, but the GF forgot her meds while we were already in costa mesa

Did a restart at 120 , SOOO MUCH TRAFFIC we got here at 420ish.

im at the motel 6 off of 2nd, right next to the freeway

On the road I mustve seen a good 8 dodger'd out cars including one late 90s white suburban with AZ plates cheering us on

this motel6 seems like dodger central though, As we were checking in there were 4 groups behind us, and i saw at least 2 with license plate frames.

Feels like home

We're going to be heading out in maybe 30minutes and capture the madness.

Enjoy, I know i'll try to
That was a great at-bat by Raffy.

Saw pitches, got the count 3-2 got his fastball and went to work.
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