..:Official 2008 NL Central Thread:..Congratulations Chicago Cubs...:

Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by Joe Billionaire

whats good page 3?

cubs game canceled due to rain

double header tomorrow


I just got squakin with a guy here at work, I realized if things stay the way they are right now (I know, big if) but we would be facing the D-Backs in the first round again, right? The team that swept us last year. And they go Webb..........Haren..........Randy owns us Johnson..........

I'm not going to be able to sleep tonight.

i think our offense and whole team is waaay better than last years we should have no problem beating them or the dodgers.
Originally Posted by aRog27

Jimmy Edmonds with another 2-run homer !! 4-0 Cubs in the 3rd.
And now he adds the RBI double.......He's making it very hard for me to not start to like having him on the team. Couple more months like this andI think I'll forget about the past.
Originally Posted by Joe Billionaire

Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by Joe Billionaire

whats good page 3?

cubs game canceled due to rain

double header tomorrow


I just got squakin with a guy here at work, I realized if things stay the way they are right now (I know, big if) but we would be facing the D-Backs in the first round again, right? The team that swept us last year. And they go Webb..........Haren..........Randy owns us Johnson..........

I'm not going to be able to sleep tonight.

i think our offense and whole team is waaay better than last years we should have no problem beating them or the dodgers.
I repeat, Webb...........Haren.............Randy owns us Johnson.



None of that concerns you even a little? We ain't the Yankees bro.
Obviously , which ever team we play in the playoffs is gonna be tough. Believe me, the Cubs won't mind playing Arizona. Those boys got revenge on theirminds.

BTW, 7-1 Cubs in the 5th.
We need Marquis to get us 7 or maaaaaybe 8 because you know Hardin can't be overextended in the second game, we need that fresh pen.

But if we can hold onto this one, I like our chances with Hardin. But we'll probably sit some guys like Soto, Edmonds, maybe Lee or Aramis. We'llsee.
I was lurking into a Live Chat hosted by a writer from the STL Post Dispatch regarding the Cardinals (Strauss) and saw an interesting post from a readerregarding the Cubs struggles over the last 100 years.

"There's a theory I first heard probably 20 years ago for the Cubs' struggles since WWII. Of course, that was when they won their last pennant. Itwas also when lights came into Major League Baseball. The theory is that the Cubs are at a disadvantage - and prone to late-season collapse, as we've oftenseen - due to playing dozens more day games in the summer heat than all other teams. An average NL team might play 50 day games a year, but the Cubs play morelike 80 day games. The extra 30 day games at home, which fall disproportionately in July and August, have a tendency to wear down Cubs players; even Chicagohas severe heat and humidity in the dead of summer. Forget the Billy Goat; it's the curse of the Dog Days. Whether it hurts the every-day players or thepitching most, I'm not sure. But in a game like baseball, where marginal advantages and disadvantages make the difference between winning and losing over a162-game schedule, it's plenty plausible. How else do you explain the failures of a franchise that has had plenty of talent over the years?"

Interesting theory and i have heard that before. I am not entirely sure i believe it but it seems plausible. I can understand how playing out in the hot sun athome could wear out and maybe even dehydrate or whatever else, the players.
Along those lines, more proof of why this is the Cubs year.

[h1]Decade has had fewest 90-degree days since 1930[/h1] By Tom Skilling August 13, 2008 August is the wettest and often the muggiest month of the year. Yet, summer heat continues in short supply, continuing a trend that has dominated much of the 21st Century's opening decade. There have been only 162 days 90 degrees or warmer at Midway Airport over the period from 2000 to 2008. That's by far the fewest 90-degree temperatures in the opening nine years of any decade on record here since 1930.

This summer's highest reading to date has been just 91 degrees. That's unusual. Since 1928, only one year-2000-has failed to record a higher warm-season temperature by Aug. 13.
Soriano cannot be posing like that. He thought he hit a homerun and ends up with a long single. C'mon Sori. I bet Lou is pissed.
Sori always does that crap. I cant stand it when a guy ends up on first cause he wants to watch his hit. SMH.
I love the way Soto takes off like a charging rhinoceros as soon as he makes contact. the ball can be out on the street and he will still sprint to first base.
Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by Joe Billionaire

Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by Joe Billionaire

whats good page 3?

cubs game canceled due to rain

double header tomorrow


I just got squakin with a guy here at work, I realized if things stay the way they are right now (I know, big if) but we would be facing the D-Backs in the first round again, right? The team that swept us last year. And they go Webb..........Haren..........Randy owns us Johnson..........

I'm not going to be able to sleep tonight.

i think our offense and whole team is waaay better than last years we should have no problem beating them or the dodgers.
I repeat, Webb...........Haren.............Randy owns us Johnson.



None of that concerns you even a little? We ain't the Yankees bro.

not really...if we can't beat a team barley hovering over .500 (probably be 5 games over when the seasons over if they win the division in the firstplace,i still think the dodgers are going to win it) then this whole season would be a waste of effort...

i will start having a concern when we play a team from the NL east or if we play the wild card winner, now those teams are stacked with pitching andoffense.
2nd Game Jorge Campillo he has been a pleasant surprise for the Braves maybe they can win this one.

Too many Cubs fans in attendance

and McCann > Soto
Originally Posted by MFr3shM

2nd Game Jorge Campillo he has been a pleasant surprise for the Braves maybe they can win this one.

Too many Cubs fans in attendance

and McCann > Soto

Both are not true statements.

Although i can see how a Soto vs. McCann argument could turn into a long drawn out battle. That being said McCann is very good. and strikes out a lot less.
For now, I agree McCann is better than Soto.

But Soto being a rookie is pretty scary.
JCH3, I agree more with what you said than with what I said. I think Soto will have a better career, in the long run.
Damn, y'all at it again. Four in the first, could've been even worse.

One thing I will say though, is having a rival player on your fantasy team sucks big time. I will never draft a Cub again. Every time Harden pitches I ambanking on him going 6 or 7 innings with 0 ER, then hoping the bullpen blows the game.

I learned my lesson.
Nice to stake a guy a 4 run lead in the first in the second game of a DH.

Soto the only guy not starting the second game. I thought for sure Lou would switch it up, he must really want both these games.
Harden has been dealing...he should be 5-0 with the Cubs...yet his 1st three starts the Cubs messed it up or didn't give him run support...but he'sgonna be great in the playoffs
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Soriano apologizes for not hustling

Cubs outfielder poses at home on long single, gets thrown at

By Carrie Muskat / MLB.com
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Alfonso Soriano was nearly hit in the head by Francisely Bueno on Wednesday. (Charles Rex Arbogast/AP)
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ATLANTA -- Alfonso Soriano said Wednesday was the last time you'll see him not hustle out of the batter's box. However, it may not be the last time he has a pitch thrown at him.
In the eighth inning of the first game of the Cubs' day-night doubleheader against the Atlanta Braves, Soriano led off with a single to left. He watched it, obviously thinking the ball was going over the wall. It didn't.

Soriano ended up with a long single. Cubs manager Lou Piniella was not pleased.

"I talked to Alfonso about it, and I told him that he's one of our leaders here and there's no need for that, and he agrees and says it won't happen again, it's over," Piniella said after the Cubs' 10-2 win over the Braves.

Soriano appeared embarrassed by the incident.

"I apologized to [Piniella], and I apologized to my teammates," Soriano said. "I said to him that's not going to happen again. I apologized to him."

The Braves didn't deliver any kind of apology after pitcher Francisley Bueno, making his Major League debut, threw a pitch at Soriano's head in the ninth inning. Home-plate umpire Ed Rapuano immediately ejected the pitcher.

Last year, Soriano hit three home runs on June 9 in the first game of a series in Atlanta, and the next night, Tim Hudson hit Soriano with a fastball on the left triceps. Chicago's Ted Lilly was ejected after his 10th pitch hit Edgar Renteria in the series finale.

Earlier this season, on June 11 at Wrigley Field, Atlanta's Jeff Bennett hit Soriano on the left hand, and he suffered a broken bone, which sidelined him for six weeks.

Cubs outfielder Jim Edmonds didn't know about the history between the two teams, but he did know what Bueno did was wrong.

"It's part of the game, but you can't throw at someone's head," Edmonds said.

"It's part of the game," Soriano said. "There's nothing you can do about it."

But isn't he tired of being targeted?

"I don't know what they want to do to have two guys thrown out," Soriano said of the Braves, who lost both Bueno and coach Chino Cadahia. Manager Bobby Cox had been tossed earlier after an argument with crew chief Joe West.

"I don't want to fight with somebody in the game, that's not me," Soriano said.

He didn't expect anything further.

"I didn't think they would throw at me in the last at-bat, and they did," Soriano said. "It's part of the game."

He did not consider charging the mound.

"That's not me," Soriano said. "They do it and I take it like it's part of the game. We have pitchers who can do that to the other team -- if they do it to us, why can't we do it to them?"
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