Official 2008 NBA Finals Game 2 Thread: Lakers @ Boston 6/8 6PM PST Game On ABC HD

--It's nice to see Laker Haters and KB Haters are having their great day in the sun...these last 2 games probably made their year. haha...
another 80 page thread, gotta love NT

I just wanna know what the hell got into Leon Powe,

Originally Posted by nycknicks105

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

at anyone blaming this loss to the ref's.
Which NOBODY has done, sooooo... ... ... yeaaaah... ... ...

Did I say anyone has?? jesus Christ I'm beginning to get sick of you being so defensive lately. I know the Lakers lost, bust still. Finding anyway to get a win some how huh?

Caaaaaaalm down, buddy.
Breathe in; breathe out.

Did I say that you said that anyone blamed the loss on the refs? Nope. Don't be so defensive.

And I wish you could know exactly how long I have said that one of the most annoying things in a debate/discussion/argument is when someone views thedebate/discussion/argument as a victory or a loss for themself or others.

It's a debate, or a discussion, or an argument; there is no victory, there is no defeat.
Originally Posted by jefffort5

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

I love it.
SO predictable, some of the rebuttals people come up with.

'You haven't reffed before, so you can't talk.'

'You've never played organized ball, so your opinion is invalid.'

According to that brilliant logic, the only people that should have a right to vote for President are people that have actually been President.


i hope that isnt a qoute..cuz i def didnt say your opinion doesnt matter

Just everyone else that isn't a mod right?
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Originally Posted by nycknicks105

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

at anyone blaming this loss to the ref's.
Which NOBODY has done, sooooo... ... ... yeaaaah... ... ...

Did I say anyone has?? jesus Christ I'm beginning to get sick of you being so defensive lately. I know the Lakers lost, bust still. Finding anyway to get a win some how huh?
Caaaaaaalm down, buddy.
Breathe in; breathe out.

Did I say that you said that anyone blamed the loss on the refs? Nope. Don't be so defensive.

And I wish you could know exactly how long I have said that one of the most annoying things in a debate/discussion/argument is when someone views the debate/discussion/argument as a victory or a loss for themself or others.

It's a debate, or a discussion, or an argument; there is no victory, there is no defeat.

If you read your post, you clearly posted an innuendo. Implementing I stated people blamed this loss on the ref's.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

I love it.
SO predictable, some of the rebuttals people come up with.

'You haven't reffed before, so you can't talk.'

'You've never played organized ball, so your opinion is invalid.'

According to that brilliant logic, the only people that should have a right to vote for President are people that have actually been President.


i hope that isnt a qoute..cuz i def didnt say your opinion doesnt matter


So why did you ask if people have reffed or played organized ball? Clearly you had a purpose, so what is it?
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

I love it.
SO predictable, some of the rebuttals people come up with.

'You haven't reffed before, so you can't talk.'

'You've never played organized ball, so your opinion is invalid.'

According to that brilliant logic, the only people that should have a right to vote for President are people that have actually been President.


Originally Posted by nycknicks105

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Originally Posted by nycknicks105

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

at anyone blaming this loss to the ref's.
Which NOBODY has done, sooooo... ... ... yeaaaah... ... ...

Did I say anyone has?? jesus Christ I'm beginning to get sick of you being so defensive lately. I know the Lakers lost, bust still. Finding anyway to get a win some how huh?
Caaaaaaalm down, buddy.
Breathe in; breathe out.

Did I say that you said that anyone blamed the loss on the refs? Nope. Don't be so defensive.

And I wish you could know exactly how long I have said that one of the most annoying things in a debate/discussion/argument is when someone views the debate/discussion/argument as a victory or a loss for themself or others.

It's a debate, or a discussion, or an argument; there is no victory, there is no defeat.

If you read your post, you clearly posted an innuendo. Implementing I stated people blamed this loss on the ref's.

And I could say the same of your post, so what's the problem?

"If you read your post, you clearly posted an innuendo, inferring that people blamed the loss on the refs."
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

I love it.
SO predictable, some of the rebuttals people come up with.

'You haven't reffed before, so you can't talk.'

'You've never played organized ball, so your opinion is invalid.'

According to that brilliant logic, the only people that should have a right to vote for President are people that have actually been President.


i hope that isnt a qoute..cuz i def didnt say your opinion doesnt matter

So why did you ask if people have reffed or played organized ball? Clearly you had a purpose, so what is it?

go to the last page...and see my response to misterP
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Originally Posted by nycknicks105

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Originally Posted by nycknicks105

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

at anyone blaming this loss to the ref's.
Which NOBODY has done, sooooo... ... ... yeaaaah... ... ...

Did I say anyone has?? jesus Christ I'm beginning to get sick of you being so defensive lately. I know the Lakers lost, bust still. Finding anyway to get a win some how huh?
Caaaaaaalm down, buddy.
Breathe in; breathe out.

Did I say that you said that anyone blamed the loss on the refs? Nope. Don't be so defensive.

And I wish you could know exactly how long I have said that one of the most annoying things in a debate/discussion/argument is when someone views the debate/discussion/argument as a victory or a loss for themself or others.

It's a debate, or a discussion, or an argument; there is no victory, there is no defeat.

If you read your post, you clearly posted an innuendo. Implementing I stated people blamed this loss on the ref's.
And I could say the same of your post, so what's the problem?

"If you read your post, you clearly posted an innuendo, inferring that people blamed the loss on the refs."

No, you cant. I stated that you implied I said other's blamed the loss on the ref's. When you clearly came into the rescue for Laker's nationto point out no one has blamed the ref's.

All I said was, "
at anyone who blames the ref's..." I never said anyone actually DID blame the ref's.

You just interpreted my post wrong.
^ Already read it before.

You said "ok..but playing organized know you officals win/lose a game for you "

Soooo... like I said you're saying 'You've never played organized ball, so your opinion is invalid.'
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

^ Already read it before.

You said "ok..but playing organized know you officals win/lose a game for you "

Soooo... like I said you're saying 'You've never played organized ball, so your opinion is invalid.'

But those aren't mutually exclusive. If you played, you'd know that they can win/lose games for you. But that doesn't necessarily mean youropinion is invalid if you don't.
I never said anyone actually DID blame the ref's.
I never said you said that.

It's really not that complicated; you never said that anyone blamed the loss on the refs, and I never said that you said that anyone blamed the loss on therefs.

Done and done.

No biggie.

But you did say you were sick of me being defensive, but this fact still remains: I never said that you said that anyone blamed the loss on the refs. I simplyreplied to your ambiguous response with my own ambiguous response. Yet somehow, you're now trying to make my ambiguous response into something specificwhile maintaining that your ambiguous response is still ambiguous.

You never said that anyone blamed the loss on the refs, and I never said that you said that anyone blamed the loss on the refs.

No biggie.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

^ Already read it before.

You said "ok..but playing organized know you officals win/lose a game for you "

Soooo... like I said you're saying 'You've never played organized ball, so your opinion is invalid.'

thats def not a translation for that...
I don't see how trolls thinking they can unleash their hidden secret hate for the LAKERS when they are down and when the LAKERS win they are no where to beseen. lol
You can talk about referring all you want but at the end of the day it comes down to rebounding, defense and execution. The Lakers lost all three of thosecategories easily with or without help from the officiating crew. LA just looks out of sink and their offensive fluidity is completely absent unlike theirother playoff series. And that's what this game boiled down to.
Originally Posted by MisterP0315

Your response to me was obvious to any casual fan of basketball. I still don't see the purpose.

hmmm...ok..well let me break it down further...its been 10 plus pages complaining about refs...but last i checked...refs cant dribble, they dont stickdefense, they dont coach, they dont shoot, i mean must i say more?
was anyone at staples?? It was crazy up in their! A fight broke out with like 5 min left, it started out as some guys gettin into it cuz one of em had aceltics jersey on and then it suddenly turned into a hispanic vs. black thing and it got outta control. !%@@ was bananas!!
Originally Posted by jefffort5

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

^ Already read it before.

You said "ok..but playing organized know you officals win/lose a game for you "

Soooo... like I said you're saying 'You've never played organized ball, so your opinion is invalid.'

thats def not a translation for that...
O.K., so even if a person hasn't played organized ball, they can still have a very valid opinion on officiating. Someone who has playedorganized ball does NOT have a more valid opinion than someone who hasn't.

Would you agree with that statement?
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