Official 2008 NBA Finals Game 2 Thread: Lakers @ Boston 6/8 6PM PST Game On ABC HD

I hit my post count earlyyy today lol

Anyways we played terrible D today, we barely had any ball movement in the 1st half
I don't even want to talk about the officiating in that game
. That was worse then game 6 vs. the Kings

The team quit in the 3rd quarter, they flat out quit.
That wasn't a good look.

During the comeback, I was screaming like a kid on Christmas day, but I knew we weren't going to pull it out.
I don't even think the Celtics had a fg in the closing parts of the game, all their points were from fts

I'm really not one to blame the refs, but that was THE worst officiated half I had ever seen.
The Lakers had 2 foul shots in that half... and 1 was from a free throw

With all that happened in game 1 and game 2, I am STILL confident we are the better team.
I just refuse to believe Boston is better than us.

If the Lakers don't win all 3 at home, this series is a wrap.
If they do win all 3, they will win the series.

Also, LO really needs to step it up and become more aggressive.
8 boards and 10 points isn't enough homeboy, you can't let Space Cadet get more boards than you do

I know for a fact Perkins is not quick enough to guard him, he needs to take advantage.

Pau played like a man out there, he needs more touches.
Kobe played like Kobe. I wish he would drive it more, but with the Celtics D + the Refs not calling anything, I can see why he doesn't
Vlad, he killed momentum for us. I want to put Ariza in, but it's just not a good idea to give him significant pt during the FINALS

I want to see a Pick-N-Roll with Kobe and Gasol every time down the court on Tuesday. The Celtics cannot stop that at all.
I don't know why we got away from it.

Anyway, the way Lakers fans are treated on NT

I don't even want to argue anymore.

I don't really know what to expect at Staples.
Will the Lakers get a ginormous advantage from the refs at home like the Celtics did?
Or will the game be called fairly(lol yeah right)
OR will the Lakers get a SLIGHT home-court advantage which has been going on in the playoffs.

I'm sitting here trying to figure out how Pau Gasol, who probably played his most aggressive game of the playoffs, only got 1 ft.
It's a complete joke.

Granted, we could/should have played better, but I mean come on.

Last thing, I can't wait to read what Bill Simmons says about this
i thought fisher hacked peirce driving before he went up.

I just finished watching the game a little bit ago and I only saw that when I replayed it. Unfortunately, that play only supports the claim of those whobelieve the game wasn't being called the same way on both ends of the floor. Kobe had just been fouled in a more (equally?) obvious manner and there wasno call.

The reason he said that is you left out this part "with all the contact they were letting go tonight....naw that wasn't a foul" considering he didn't even go to the free throw line that game.

wait...that was clearly Lamar Odom that said that
Not that it makes a difference, but I believe either that Kobe said it first or they both said it at some point after the game.

Laker fans were the same ones saying Brent Barry didn't deserve the call on his pump fake b/c he's not a star. And that if it was Kobe or LBJ or another star player that they would've gotten the call.
I believe the idea behind that claim is that Kobe, LBJ, etc. would've jumped into Fisher rather than put the ball on the floor. Lakers fanswere also complaining about the missed call on Fisher's shot, Barry's travel, and the fact that Barry dribbled the ball into Fish. It was kind of likethe travel call on Pierce tonight. Fisher was in the air and he may not have been going straight up or down, but Pierce would have had to jumped into Fisherto make it a foul (offensive).

so if that's not the case do the Celtics just not ever foul on shot attempts, is there defense THAT good
That's exactly what I was thinking. They must themost disciplined defense in the NBA. Actually, they are very disciplined, but they've also benefited from a lotof no calls.
The lakers don't have a better team then the celtics.
I thought so too until the playoffs began unfolding. Unfortunately, injuries to Ginobili and Billups in the Conference Finals left things alittle murky.

Would the Lakers have defeated the Spurs if Ginobili was healthy? Would they have been better off winning in six or seven games?

Would the Celtics have defeated the Pistons? Did beating them (2nd best -playoff- team in the NBA?) get them back to where they were in the regular season?

Listening to a podcast or something on ESPN earlier in the week I heard two guys wonder if there was a sense of things being ahead of schedule for the Lakersand the person being asked the question gave an answer that was something like, "yes, they believe they're ahead of schedule, but the veterans (Phil,Kobe, Fisher) are making sure that the rest of the team doesn't take this for granted. They might not make it back again."

Unfortunately, it seems clear now that outside of that fourth quarter and the first half of both first quarters, the Lakers just don't know how to playwith the appropriate intensity. Hopefully they'll take the fourth quarter and apply it to a couple of more quarters in Game 3.

Next year they'll be adding two athletic defenders in Bynum and Ariza so hopefully they'll be better prepared for improved play in the WesternConference and the challenge of facing the winner of the Eastern Conference.

You won't get calls on fade away jumpers.
Was anyone asking for calls on fade away jumpers? Kobe took it to the hole a lot tonight. There was a lot of clutching and grabbing as he wentthere. His elbows were also hitting a lot of arms as he was trying to get his shot off. I don't want to see a Wade-like parade to the free throw line forhim, but I would like to see a few calls just to free him up a little bit and a few less calls on the inside on the Lakers.

This is my first experience with this kind of game. I missed Game 5 of the '04 playoffs against Minnesota and stopped watching the Mavs/Heat series afterDirk choked it away (assist: ref's), but I believe I know how fans of those teams feel now. Clearly the Lakers didn't play as well as the Celtics, butI would have liked to have seen how the game would have been played had some of the calls been made or not made.
Originally Posted by SoHi 23

I hit my post count earlyyy today lol

Anyways we played terrible D today, we barely had any ball movement in the 1st half
I don't even want to talk about the officiating in that game
. That was worse then game 6 vs. the Kings

The team quit in the 3rd quarter, they flat out quit.
That wasn't a good look.

During the comeback, I was screaming like a kid on Christmas day, but I knew we weren't going to pull it out.
I don't even think the Celtics had a fg in the closing parts of the game, all their points were from fts

I'm really not one to blame the refs, but that was THE worst officiated half I had ever seen.
The Lakers had 2 foul shots in that half... and 1 was from a free throw

With all that happened in game 1 and game 2, I am STILL confident we are the better team.
I just refuse to believe Boston is better than us.

If the Lakers don't win all 3 at home, this series is a wrap.
If they do win all 3, they will win the series.

Also, LO really needs to step it up and become more aggressive.
8 boards and 10 points isn't enough homeboy, you can't let Space Cadet get more boards than you do

I know for a fact Perkins is not quick enough to guard him, he needs to take advantage.

Pau played like a man out there, he needs more touches.
Kobe played like Kobe. I wish he would drive it more, but with the Celtics D + the Refs not calling anything, I can see why he doesn't
Vlad, he killed momentum for us. I want to put Ariza in, but it's just not a good idea to give him significant pt during the FINALS

I want to see a Pick-N-Roll with Kobe and Gasol every time down the court on Tuesday. The Celtics cannot stop that at all.
I don't know why we got away from it.

Anyway, the way Lakers fans are treated on NT

I don't even want to argue anymore.

I don't really know what to expect at Staples.
Will the Lakers get a ginormous advantage from the refs at home like the Celtics did?
Or will the game be called fairly(lol yeah right)
OR will the Lakers get a SLIGHT home-court advantage which has been going on in the playoffs.

I'm sitting here trying to figure out how Pau Gasol, who probably played his most aggressive game of the playoffs, only got 1 ft.
It's a complete joke.

Granted, we could/should have played better, but I mean come on.

Last thing, I can't wait to read what Bill Simmons says about this

you dont know anything about basketball. may be you should watch the replay of the game and see how your team never drove the ball to the basket
I completely agree with the guy talking about if a person who has played organized basketball has a more valid opinion about basketball in comparison tosomeone who has never touched a basketball in his life.

Just because you watch basketball on TV doesn't automatically mean that you are a basketball analysis

Players and explayers on average have a better understanding and are more knowledgeable due to their ACTUAL experience with basketball
Originally Posted by outkast9984

you dont know anything about basketball. may be you should watch the replay of the game and see how your team never drove the ball to the basket
Yup, not once in 48 mins. did we drive to the basket

I mean we had 40 POINTS IN THE PAINT

I hope the Laker fans complaining about the ref's are not the same Laker fans who were calling Kings fans salty for complaining about the refs in the2002 WCF.
Originally Posted by the north west

I completely agree with the guy talking about if a person who has played organized basketball has a more valid opinion about basketball in comparison to someone who has never touched a basketball in his life.

Just because you watch basketball on TV doesn't automatically mean that you are a basketball analysis

Players and explayers on average have a better understanding and are more knowledgeable due to their ACTUAL experience with basketball

thank you.....thank you...thank least one person understands where im coming from
Originally Posted by epox12

I hope the Laker fans complaining about the ref's are not the same Laker fans who were calling Kings fans salty for complaining about the refs in the 2002 WCF.
Oh I'm not. That was horrible to watch

But game 7 was legit
Originally Posted by outkast9984

stop f-ing crying about the refs. if anyone saw the game the lakers hardly drove to the basket. they werent aggresive and thats why they didnt shoot many free throws
Funny since Lakers outscored Celts in the paint.
Originally Posted by jefffort5

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Boston enjoyed a huge free-throw advantage, going 27-for-38 from the foul line, while the Lakers were just 10-for-10.
The whistles were one-sided.

"I didn't notice," Bryant said, cracking a smile.


same as after the spurs game....when they asked kobe was it a foul..." naw...its want a foul"

Originally Posted by jefffort5

Originally Posted by the north west

I completely agree with the guy talking about if a person who has played organized basketball has a more valid opinion about basketball in comparison to someone who has never touched a basketball in his life.

Just because you watch basketball on TV doesn't automatically mean that you are a basketball analysis

Players and explayers on average have a better understanding and are more knowledgeable due to their ACTUAL experience with basketball

thank you.....thank you...thank least one person understands where im coming from

It's like who are you gonna get your advice from about fishing
an actual fisherman


some guy who watches fishing on ESPN
Originally Posted by LA Laker Devotee

Originally Posted by outkast9984

stop f-ing crying about the refs. if anyone saw the game the lakers hardly drove to the basket. they werent aggresive and thats why they didnt shoot many free throws
Funny since Lakers outscored Celts in the paint.
yea why dont you put up the fg attempts in the paint
Paul Pierce got into the lane -- just as he had all night -- and drew a foul on Fisher with 22.8 seconds remaining and nine seconds left on the shot clock. Let the record show that Fisher felt this call was legit.

"I fouled him," Fisher said. "Once he turned the corner and went to the left, I thought he had an open lane, so I wanted to provide some sort of resistance to him."

He didn't see Pau Gasol coming over to provide help. If he had he would have let Pierce try his luck against Gasol.

"But I tried to get my hand in there real quick and try to poke [the ball] out and got caught with my hand in the cookie jar."

What's funny about the video posted above is that Odom foul call when he swipes Powe's hand after the ball is out of it. Isn't that the same thingPierce did to Vujacic on his three? That's what it looked like to me.

I hope the Laker fans complaining about the ref's are not the same Laker fans who were calling Kings fans salty for complaining about the refs in the 2002 WCF.
Kings fans were salty that series. The refereeing was horrible all around. The Kings benefited from amissed call (ball out of bounds on Webber before his illegal screen on Fisher that led to Bibby's game winner) and a no call (Bobby Jackson pullingKobe's jersey out of his shorts on a last second shot) at the end of a game (two?) and wildly inconsistent refereeing when it came to Shaq. I believethere were game(s) where he didn't shoot a single free throw.
Originally Posted by LA Laker Devotee

Originally Posted by outkast9984

stop f-ing crying about the refs. if anyone saw the game the lakers hardly drove to the basket. they werent aggresive and thats why they didnt shoot many free throws
Funny since Lakers outscored Celts in the paint.

Lakers also out shot Celtics in the paint 27-20.
Watching the game a second time is even more irritating. I mean damn this is the NBA Finals and this is what the NBA has to offer in terms of officiating. Withthe NBA being more transparent, (the apology after the Brent Barry incident) how do you suppose the explain this game?
We got out rebounded by one we shot nearly 50% we made all our free throws, we made 5 more shots than them (10 or 11 points), 1 morethree pointer and we lose by six?
Originally Posted by the north west

Originally Posted by jefffort5

Originally Posted by the north west

I completely agree with the guy talking about if a person who has played organized basketball has a more valid opinion about basketball in comparison to someone who has never touched a basketball in his life.

Just because you watch basketball on TV doesn't automatically mean that you are a basketball analysis

Players and explayers on average have a better understanding and are more knowledgeable due to their ACTUAL experience with basketball

thank you.....thank you...thank least one person understands where im coming from

It's like who are you gonna get your advice from about fishing
an actual fisherman


some guy who watches fishing on ESPN
Well, what if the analyst was a former fisherman?

Disclaimer: I don't even know what this arguement is about... nor do I care.
yup...all the points in the paint come from had aggressive drives to the basket...smh

Agressive drives to the basket? Is that Paul Pierce? This isn't the WWE, despite the acting skills. Lakers got hacked and called for nothing at timesthrough the game, despite shooting more in the paint.

Face it, you team faked game 1 and cheated to get game 2.

Feel proud of your team.
good comeback...we have win at home now which is gonna be tough...come on give boston their credit...i expected them to win both games this is a team who won66 games!! seed in the NBA...but for some reason i think kane is right with his theory LOL
Lakers need to go home.... win on Tuesday.... get some momentum & realize that they belong in the NBA finals.
Then win on Thursday with that momentum.

Then we got ourselves a whole new series at 2-2

Granted I still think Lakers need to win ALL 3 games at home to have a chance at winning this series.... but making it tied at 2-2 would be real nice.
Originally Posted by 8tothe24

Originally Posted by jefffort5

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Boston enjoyed a huge free-throw advantage, going 27-for-38 from the foul line, while the Lakers were just 10-for-10.
The whistles were one-sided.

"I didn't notice," Bryant said, cracking a smile.


same as after the spurs game....when they asked kobe was it a foul..." naw...its want a foul"


Watching the game a second time is even more irritating. I mean damn this is the NBA Finals and this is what the NBA has to offer in terms of officiating. With the NBA being more transparent, (the apology after the Brent Barry incident) how do you suppose the explain this game?

I was thinking the same thing with regards to the quality of the officiating. I felt like I was watching a home Duke game.
horrible game. ska i hope you dont really believe what you're saying.

a person who plays ball MOST DEFINITELY has a more valid opinion than someone who doesn't. they know what goes on, and as a player what you do andcan't do. it hurts and it annoys yo if the refs pull some mess like that, hell if someone makes a call i disagree with and im just playing ball in the parkim going extra hard the next play and making my bucket. you cant sit there and cry like kobe and the gang.

and yes an ex presidents vote would be MORE VALID than the average citizen. i dont see the logic behind arguing experience versus no experience. we're bothsitting on the couch but one of the two people also can see themselves in the game right now.
Originally Posted by LA Laker Devotee

yup...all the points in the paint come from had aggressive drives to the basket...smh

Agressive drives to the basket? Is that Paul Pierce? This isn't the WWE, despite the acting skills. Lakers got hacked and called for nothing at times through the game, despite shooting more in the paint.

Face it, you team faked game 1 and cheated to get game 2.

Feel proud of your team.
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