OfficiaL '16 NYK offseason thread, Melo goes to bodega in bathrobe and Olympic hat

In the past few months, Who's been your favorite Melo? Multiple choice

  • A. Olympic Melo

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • B. Civil Rights Activist Melo

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • C. Brazilian hood Melo

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D. Ninja Turtle movie star Melo

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • E. Old man annoyed by kids Melo

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • F. Yankee/Mets fan Melo

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • G. Met Gala Fashion show Melo

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
He has a better chance for a ring in Brazil.
I see your rationale


Melo about to become the god of the favelas.
tbh, i dont think KD going to golden state made their chances of winning THAT much higher. they got exposed badly against cleveland. if they get pressed and cant get their shots up, its a wrap. i think they had a really good run and shocked a lot of teams bc of their style of play, but they really struggled against big teams like OKC and cleveland. assuming its a finals repeat, cavs are gonna win again. even though a lot of their guys went ghost in the finals, they lost a lot of key players that provided the continuity that made them so successful.
The Knicks fortune will change once the fans all get behind their guy. It's been Melo haters since 2010. Never supported this dude and he is more than worthy of it.

Now that he's getting international love, a lot of those idiots are ghost. Gotta ride this wave into the season...

to be honest i will still support melo even if he doesnt get a ring... he forced his way here and he stayed during free agency when he could of left... thats loyalty right there... i was a huge ewing fan and was disappointed he got traded but he played with so much heart that it didnt bother me he didnt get a ring here...i still blame starks for game 7 and riley for leaving him in the game :smh:
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One thing I'll never slander Melo for is his genuine interest in people. I want the man to succeed but I can also admit I'm HIGHLY critical of him as I felt we've hit a wall. Hopefully this year is a turnaround but even if its not his attitude towards people is something I can co-sign.
saw this on twitter when he posted the pic :lol:
View media item 2135429

anyone listen to Bill Simmons' podcast last week? had it on earlier today and Bill made an interesting comparison.
he compared Melo to Dirk. both elite scorers, clutch, can make plays for others (from attention he requires) and cant do much other than that.

made me think that it cant be a coincidence the most success hes had as a Knick, was with Tyson & Kidd. they both knew how to play with Melo.

just to rift, nothing serious, whos the players now we could surround Melo with? like who plays the Kidd / Jet / Deshawn / Tyson etc roles?
Kidd - Conley?
Jet - Jamal Crawford
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my guy, i clearly put 'just to rift, nothing serious'
i knew i had to state that before i brought up any names.
cot damn, the 1st response :rofl:
Melo is an elite player. You surround him with talent instead of gutter trash you will consistently win 50+ games and be at the top of your conference. Dudes really want to act like when he had talent in Denver and the one year in NY he wasn't a top 5 MVP candidate and consistently putting on great performances.
Melo is surrounded with talent now. Arguably the best team on paper he's ever played with. Really no excuses this year to get passed the first round unless injuries happen.
I prob asked this question but I'll ask cause I can't recall .
So if drose bounces back and has a mvp type season.
Do you max him out this offseason or do you sign cp3?

Cp3 will the 32 but his game ages graciously but is 32
Drose is 28 but we're all aware of his injuries
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I prob asked this question but I'll ask cause I can't recall .
So if drose bounces back and has a mvp type season.
Do you max him out this offseason or do you sign cp3?

Cp3 will the 32 but his game ages graciously but is 32
Drose is 28 but we're all aware of his injuries

If he somehow has an MVP season and if we somehow miraculously go to the distance (The Finals), it would be an interesting dilemma. I know that's not the answer you want but I'm sure Melo would like CP3 on the team lol
This whole squad got chip on their shoulders. Sign lance. I'm tryna see a brawl this season.
Simple solution: sign both CP3 & [emoji]127801[/emoji].

Nah, foreal doe, [emoji]127801[/emoji] would do well with another pg on the court.
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