OfficiaL '16 NYK offseason thread, Melo goes to bodega in bathrobe and Olympic hat

In the past few months, Who's been your favorite Melo? Multiple choice

  • A. Olympic Melo

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • B. Civil Rights Activist Melo

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • C. Brazilian hood Melo

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D. Ninja Turtle movie star Melo

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • E. Old man annoyed by kids Melo

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • F. Yankee/Mets fan Melo

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • G. Met Gala Fashion show Melo

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
We really should do a Team NYK livestream or podcast before the season, all star break, before playoffs, before finals, and after the finals. Topics will obviously be the Knicks and other NBA storylines as well. We should allow a few [emoji]127828[/emoji] on the show as well just to mix it up

i will never forgive tyson chandler. f dude
Oh come on. That's not fair. Tyson was a great Knick for this era. Definitely served his time here much better than ******* overrated *** Amare who for some reason has half the fan base diehard apologists because he played at an MVP level for half a season.

Tyson came in here and won DPOY, then the next season he anchored a defense that wss good enough to win 54 games. And he literally did EVERYTHING for us on the defensive end those 2 seasons. Tyson was a great fit for us both personality wise and next to Melo.

It was Amare stealing money from us and being an injury prone poor fit next to Melo that killed us. If you replace Amare's max contract on the the 2011-2014 Knicks with a max contract to Chris Paul, that team of CP3, Melo, Tyson, with 6th man of the year JR/Shump at the 2/3, and the same group of vets we had, that team certainly could have competed with the Hear and won a championship.

**** that team was ready to compete with Miami even with Felton at point. And yes I know it was signing Tyson and amnestying Billups that really prevented us from amnestying Amare and having the cap space to go after Chris Paul, but Amare was the player who held that team back. Tyson was great for awhile. Then he got fought illness during the 2013 playoffs and dropped 15 pounds while getting bodied by Hibbert and David West (a tall task for one man to do back then even at full strength) and then the 2014 was just an unmitigated disaster and everyone on that team was at fault besides Melo, who played his *** off that season and produced.

But if you wanna point fingers. Point them at Felton for letting himself go in the summer of 2013 and reverting back to his fat *** bum self that was ran out of Portland in 2012 as opposed to the 2010/2013 version who thrived in New York, plus added a criminal record on top of it. Point it at Shumpert for regressing, although I still believe injuries were a major factor in him not living up to the potential we saw early on. Point it at Amare for eating up all our cap space while constantly being hurt and being a poor fit. And if one player should shoulder most of the blame, point the finger at Earl ******* Joseph Smith III. Because if he doesnt head butt Jason Terry in game 3 of the Celtics series and get his dumb *** suspended, we probably sweep the Celtics. Tyson would have gotten the rest he needed as opposed to having to tack on another 3 extra games, and most importantly, KG never rips Melo's shoulder out of its socket. Then you see a much different and more well rested Knicks team vs Indiana, who we could have/should have beaten (although that team was on definitely on a tear at the right time, took Miami to 7 games, and kept right on ascending until the last quarter of the following season after Lance/Hibbert got into that practice fight and both players took a nose dive right off a cliff which neither one has rebounded from). And obviously JR should also be blamed for focusing more on trying to hit the clubs and lay pipe on Rhianna than making a championship run in 2013 and of course all of his bull **** antics in 2014, on and off the court, and the Chris Smith saga. So yeah, **** JR Smith. **** him hard. But I got no ill will towards Tyson. He worked his *** off as the last (often times only) line of defense that this team badly needed, and took us to the next level from the moment we signed him. A level no other Knicks team has reached this century. He was the missing piece and I dont blame him for everything else that went wrong around him.

And I am a Phil supporter, but that Tyson Chandler trade is really the one black eye on his time here. I mean I think its clear now that after being out the game for 4 years, he wayyyy overvalued Calderon and his ability to be an effective starting PG in this day and age just because he had an ideal triangle PG skillset. A solid veteran defensive minded big man with championship experience on an expiring contract could have at the very least netted us what Denver got for Mozgov (2 first rounders from the Cavs), if not more froma team like OKC who also had 2 first rounders in the 2014 draft. Phil definitely should have waited that one out, but in the grand scheme of things it is not a HUGE deal and people who still hate on him for that move are the people who like to grasp at straws and blame Phil for anything they possibly could, like losing a franchise record amount of games with a roster he inherited, even though those same haters also like to enjoy the benefits of Porzingis arriving as a result of that season. Some people just need to have their cake and eat it too and cant ever look at the big picture. These are the same people who cant understand that the JR/Shumpert trade was a necessity and still think the Cavs ripped us off to this day because they acquired the "talent" in the deal... Despite the Knicks and the Cavs having completely opposite goals that season, JR having a player option he was likely to pick up and Shumpert being an expiring contract who had little trade value because any team who traded for him would either have to pony up big cash for him in the summer (like the Cavs ended up doing) or lose him for nothing- and we had no interest in resigning him, and the trade also landing us Lance Thomas and benefiting the tanking effort that again, landed us Porzingis... This type of fan is also likely to take Stephen A Smith's word as Gospel because he speaks loudly. 

I also think it isnt nearly spoken about enough how badly our front office ****** up in the summer of 2012. They made some decent moves in acquiring veterans who fit, and Felton was better for this team in 2013 than Lin would have been and we were right to let Lin walk instead of caving in to that ridiculous poison pill contract so that we could sell more merchandise, but what I still cant wrap my head around is how we let it happen, and I said all this **** back in 2012 and it is even more true today.

Houston went after Lin hard that summer. They had 2 young emerging all-star PGs already on their roster at that time in Kyle Lowry and Goran Dragic. They werent the big names back then that they are now, but they were both young and brimming with potential, and both clear cut updates in the immediate and long term than both Lin or Felton would have been. Lowry was traded that summer to Toronto in exchange for essentially just a first round draft pick. Dragic was an UFA we didnt have cap space to sign. But the Rockets ******* wanted Lin. Everyone talks about how badly the Knicks played their hand when they had leverage in the Carmelo deal, but IMO this was even worse. Yes, the Knicks were right to let Lin walk, but how we dont try to negotiate something with Houston that summer is inexcusable. How we didnt say, "Listen we will match any offer for Lin unless you trade us Lowry or Dragic in return" is beyond me to this day. Lowry was under contract. We could have worked out a sign and trade for Lin and maybe the first round pick we later gave up for Bargs and gotten Lowry in return. Dragic, I am sure, would have been more than open to coming to a huge market like NYC and becoming the starting PG on an emerging contender as opposed to signing with Phoenix like he ended up doing. We didnt have the cap space to sign him. But we definitely could have worked out him resigning with the Rockets that summerunder the condition that they would flip him to us in exchange for us matching their offer to Lin and sending him to Houston. 2 stud PGs on the team who signed our own PG that same summer that we absolutely let slip right through our fingers... Instead the Knicks went after Raymond Felton, Steve Nash, and Jason Kidd that summer... ******* typical Knicks.

But of course if we are in the spirit of pointing fingers, this all goes back to Dolan and him stepping in to trade for Melo before Donnie Walsh wanted to pull trigger. Trading Mozgov was the stickler to that deal, and looking back it makes sense as to why, and Donnie knew that we had the leverage. IF we traded the pieces we had traded for Melo with the lone exception being that we kept Mozgov, we wouldnt have the need to sign Tyson Chandler in the first place. We would have had enough cap space to make a run at Chris Paul. We could have floated Mozgov as an extra asset in a potential trade plus offered them Chauncey Billups instead of amnestying him and also included the pick we traded for Bargnani. If CP3 made it clear he wanted to play with Melo in NY (he did), and we had the cap space to make it work, we could have made it happen back then. And then if we used Billups in a CP3 deal instead of amnestying him a couple of months after signing him like ******* morons, we could have acquired CP3 and then amnestied Amare, allowing us to still use cap space to sign Tyson and give us the Big 3 we should have went after of CP3, Melo, and Tyson (CP3 and Tyson also crushed it together in New Orleans. That is when Tyson finally broke out after looking like a bust early in his NBA career). The Big 3 that would have helped us compete for a championship.

Basically what I am saying is there is no reason the Knicks shouldnt have ended up with one of CP3, Kyle Lowry, or Goran Dragic at some point in 2012. Thats what really ****** us at the end of the day. And that blame falls on Dolan and the Knicks management. But as far as players go, STAT should really get the blame for his contract and not living up to it. I will admit that STAT was always a consummate professional, and it is unfair to fault a player for taking money, and he really was invested in bringing the Knicks back and helped set the train in motion for what looked at the time like brighter days, of course hindsight is always 20/20, but in the grand scheme of things that is how this business goes and STAT crippled us both from a financial and team fit perspective. It might be unfair, but Melo and other Knicks of the past get **** on all the time for taking too much money or costing too many assets or not living up to their contract, etc etc... But for some reason, Amare ALWAYS seems to get a pass from a large group of Knick fan apologists.

I wont ever hate on STAT, because all I ask as a fan of Knicks players is to respect the fan base and the organization and the "NEW YORK" on the front of their jerseys, and STAT did all that. Not his fault he made a lot of money and got hurt and wasnt a great fit. Just pointing out that he seems to get the pass that Marbury or Carmelo or others never seem to get from Knicks fans. But moving past the front office and Amare the main player who should go **** himself is JR Smith for destroying the 2013 playoff run before it had a chance to happen and everything that happened after that. Because he is a ******* bum who had 0 respect for this team or the fanbase. All Earl ever cared about is Earl and he can go **** himself for that, as I have gone over in great detail in the past./ JR Smith broke my heart (no homo).

But as far as I am concerned, Tyson Chandler was one of the 5 best Knicks of this century and he will always have my support and respect. Definitely more than Amare and probably more so than any player from the 2013 Knicks still playing basketball besides Mello (and Prigioni, of course).

Damn... I cant ******* believe I ended up writing that much. Swear I meant this to be short. 
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Also while somewhat on the topic...

My 5 Favorite Knicks of the post Sprewell/Houston/Camby/LJ era:

1. Melo

2. Nate Robinson

3. David Lee

4. Stephon Marbury

5. Tyson Chandler

HM: Jamal Crawford

God: Pablo Prigioni

My 5 Least Favorite Knicks of the post Sprewell/Houston/Camby/LJ era:

1. Eddy Curry

2. JR Smith

3. Andrea Bargnani

4. Steve Francis

5. Keith Van Horn

HM: Chris Smith

Lucifer: Larry Brown

Satan: Isiah Thomas, Scott Layden

Root of all Evil: James L Dolan

Anyone else?
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J. Kidd
K Mart

Not so Much:
I also loved all of the vets of the 2013 team but cant put them in my top 5 considering they all played only one season. Amazing how much I ended up loving Jason Kidd his one season in New York, considering he was by far my least favorite player in the NBA for a long time when he played for the Nets, before Paul Pierce won that title from him when the Celtics Big 3 was created, before Lebron took the crown he has yet to give up and likely wont until he retires... I despised K-Mart in NJ also but I came around to him in Denver. But I also sort of came around to Kidd in Dallas considering the whole world was pulling for them to beat Miami in 2011.

I also ******* hated Duhon. He falls right outside my top 5. Thats probably just because it had more to do with D'Antoni's love affair with him than Duhon himself. **** drove me ******* crazy. Pringles would play wack *** Chris ******* Duhon 40+ minutes a night, every night, while he exiled Marbury from the team prior to the 2008 training camp after telling him to get in the best shape of his career (which Marbury did) and benched Nate Robinson for no apparent reason during the 2009-2010 season (after Nate had an unbelievable 2008-2009 season playing under Pringles in which he could have easily won 6th man of the year if the Knicks didnt suck and Jason Terry didnt go off that season), who were 2 of my favorites, especially Nate.

Everyone who cracked my Least Favorite list did so because IMO each one had a negative effect that went well beyond their personal control or physical limitations. Maybe not KVH as much, but he was another player I despised on the Nets, and I was absolutely heartbroken when we traded ******* Sprewell for him. 

However, D'Antoni randomly benching Nasty Nate for 14 straight games led to what probably is my favorite individual performance by any Knicks player during my life time...

The "**** you Pringles" game. 

Idk how many of yall remember this game but it was ******* INCREDIBLE to watch. 41 points after being inserted to start the 2nd quarter with the Knicks down and Duhon playing traditionally sucky basketball, after 14 straight DNP-CDs, to lead the Knicks to a victory to kick off 2010 with a bang. My man was absolutely unstoppable in this game... At the time, I figured it was a sign of brighter days ahead in 2010 and beyond LOL 

I dont know why Bender would make the Not so Much list though (if you are referring to Jonathan Bender). He was a bust for the Pacers, not us. He was actually a really pleasant surprise for us for awhile, dude couldnt miss when we signed him, before his chronic knee woes eventually ended his career.

Also got MAD respect for Jonathan Bender for coming into the NBA outta HS, not living up to his lofty expectations, but still putting the money he made to good use and becoming successful off the court. He serves as a shining example of why the NCAA is corrupt bull ****. And why it makes sense for young players to try and get that NBA money while it is available to them. Because Bender's knees were a ticking time bomb and lucky for him he was able to monetize his abilities while he had the chance and invest that money wisely instead of blowing out his knees playing for full tuition for an organization that generates billions off his and others' services, and would have thrown him away like garbage the second his knees gave up and he was no longer of financial value to them.

Obviously Bender is much more of an exception than the rule, and this is a much larger issue entirely. But it is why that even as a HUGE fan of NCAA basketball, I will never criticize a player for entering the NBA Draft before "Experts" or fans think he is "ready." And also why I am a firm supporter of the NBA investing more money in the D-League so top high school players have another route available to them to develop their games while also making some money besides going oversees to get little playing time with grown men on teams built to compete in a format very different from the NBA in an entirely different setting from what these teenagers are accustomed to. It is bull **** that the option to join the highest professional ranks is available to professional athletes of any sport once the athletes legally turn adults and graduate high school, besides basketball and football. Which not so coincidentally are also the 2 sports predominantly dominated by minorities and also the 2 sports the corrupt NCAA profits from the most. So basically, I appreciate someone like Jonathan Bender for being an example that the NCAA is ******** by gaming the system and becoming a financial success story without a college degree or a superstar NBA career.

Aight enough Knicks talk, I need to go to bed. **** is getting out of hand. 
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I've never been a big jersey guy, I've wanted to be.. just never thought they looked good on me and it wasn't anything I was into.

I think it's because one year for Christmas my mom got me an authentic home Sprewell jersey and shorts. Then I lost it somehow. I still have no clue where or how I could have misplaced it, but I've always hated myself ever since.

I've got a Ewing Georgetown, a Ewing Olympic, a Jeter home Yankees with the Final Season patch on it, which is one of my favorite things I own that my brother bought me... and that's about it.
I've never been a big jersey guy, I've wanted to be.. just never thought they looked good on me and it wasn't anything I was into.

I think it's because one year for Christmas my mom got me an authentic home Sprewell jersey and shorts. Then I lost it somehow. I still have no clue where or how I could have misplaced it, but I've always hated myself ever since.

I've got a Ewing Georgetown, a Ewing Olympic, a Jeter home Yankees with the Final Season patch on it, which is one of my favorite things I own that my brother bought me... and that's about it.
You tryna sell that Ewing Olympic? 
I've never been a big jersey guy, I've wanted to be.. just never thought they looked good on me and it wasn't anything I was into.

I think it's because one year for Christmas my mom got me an authentic home Sprewell jersey and shorts. Then I lost it somehow. I still have no clue where or how I could have misplaced it, but I've always hated myself ever since.

I've got a Ewing Georgetown, a Ewing Olympic, a Jeter home Yankees with the Final Season patch on it, which is one of my favorite things I own that my brother bought me... and that's about it.
You tryna sell that Ewing Olympic? 
Not thinking about it, but if I do.. I'll let you know 

Speaking of.. I'm going to have to nab these Olympic Ewings when they drop


So Jerian Grant won Summer League Finals MVP finishing with 24 points, 5 assists, and 10 boards in tonight's championship game vs the TWolves (although he didnt have a particularly great SL statwise outside of tonight's game, but the Bulls still went through Vegas undefeated with him starting at point)... Man we better be nice with Rose this season, I said from the start that was the one part of the trade that made me nervous. 


Also, on another note, I really hope we are back in Vegas next season. Orlando ******* sucked. 
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You're talking about summer league MVP....go to bed and get a good nights rest lol...don't lose sleep over that lol
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at second guessing the trade again because you watch Grant win SL Championship game MVP
Not second guessing the trade again because Grant won SL MVP. I was for the trade when it was made, I am still for the trade, and I will continue to stick to my guns right or wrong. But I was always worried about Jerian. I said it from the time of the deal. I didnt love giving up a promising rookie PG we just used a first round pick on. Still dont love it. I can be skeptical about it and still support the trade. And I just thought I would bring it up after watching Grant have a good SL...

I mean if Phill and the boys can "allegedly" say that it took them 2 weeks or whatever to realize Grant was a waste of a pick or whatever in late year's SL, and for that to generate a bunch of "
" responses, I certainly think that I should be able to voice doubts that I already had after watching him play well. Just saying, Rose better make this team good. Because if the Knicks suck again (and I dont think we will) then the Knicks will have essentially given away Grant for nothing, and that just isnt a good look.

No need to get so up in arms. I still think the trade needed to be done. But I have always maintained the stance that giving up Grant is the only way that I can potentially see this trade turning out badly for us in the long run. 
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i will never forgive tyson chandler. f dude

Facts. I hear you Gr8 but the lethargic play his final season + the **** talk after he left = [emoji]128405[/emoji][emoji]127998[/emoji]

I bought the Tyson Chandler shirt and all that. :lol: Him and Amare on the **** list forever.
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