OfficiaL '16 NYK offseason thread, Melo goes to bodega in bathrobe and Olympic hat

In the past few months, Who's been your favorite Melo? Multiple choice

  • A. Olympic Melo

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • B. Civil Rights Activist Melo

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • C. Brazilian hood Melo

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D. Ninja Turtle movie star Melo

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • E. Old man annoyed by kids Melo

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • F. Yankee/Mets fan Melo

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • G. Met Gala Fashion show Melo

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Listen im not delusional enough to think were getting some good guys to come play here on the minimum. But it all goes back to the **** that the Knicks never do that good organizations do all the time.

I mean is it any surprise that an organization like Portland trades for good cheap young talent like Moe Harkless for next to nothing on a consistent basis and then next thing you know their entire homegrown starting lineup is being signed away to teams like us for big contracts and they are still making the playoffs with more young talent? Or teams like the Atlanta Hawks finding a gem out of thin air with Demarre Carroll and filling his spot like its nothing with Bazemore? When have the Knicks EVER done some **** like that?

The Knicks simply arent good enough to just hand out roster spots to dudes like Vujacic or Chris Smith. We have 2 ******* 2 guards. I like Courtney Lee a lot but he is still 30 years old, gonna be 31 at the start of the season. We have no idea what we are going to get out of Justin Holliday. He might completely suck and that 3rd sting 2 guard might end up becoming our 2nd string 2 guard. Regardless, we might as well plan for that to be the case. I am sure organizations like Portland or Atlanta arent handing out roster spots to super washed up veterans who fit the system.

I get it that signing Vujacic to round out the bench most likely wont harm the team. But Sasha brings NOTHING to the table. How about instead of giving that roster spot to Sasha you take a flyer on a player you think might have some upside?

I am not even one to nit pick, I have been one of the most supportive Phil backers since he started here, I think most of yall know that. But I really dislike how the Knicks dont ever seem to look for untapped upside in young players or develop talent of their own outside a prospect who clearly emerges himself as cant miss as a rookie like Porzingis. Having Porzingis is ******* awesome but most serviceable NBA players, even most all-star NBA players, were not rookie sensations. The Knicks never seem to look for players who might be able to develop into good rotation players long term dating back to when we traded Trevor Ariza for Francis.

So yeah, I get it, it's just an end of the bench player. But like I said, the Knicks arent necessarily deep at 2 guard right now nor do we have the track record to justify handing out rotation spots to a player who hasnt even earned his stripes in this city but is a Phil Jackson favorite. **** that. That roster spot that was handed to Vujacic is a roster spot that could have been used taking a flyer on somebody who can improve this team in the long run. Cheap young talent would be nice, especially considering that outside of Porzingis we really dont have any young players who look like they could become rotational players right now.

What happens if this "win now" experiment fails? Im all for going all in and trying to win on Melo's time line, especially since all we really gave up was Jerian Grant and some cap space, but what if we dont? What do we fall back on? Just Porzingis? As we have seen, now more than ever, having "just" any superstar isnt nearly enough in the NBA today. Porzingis doesnt look like he will be one to bail but if we waste his prime trying to win with aging players and fail to surround him with any good young talent, you absolutely cannot know for sure. Im just saying its not a good look.

I like what we have done this summer. But we have taken so many chances on againg veterans as rotation pieces. Why waste another roster spot on another aging veteran who has 0 shot to be a rotational piece? Why not try and use the end of the bench to take some flyers on young players we like to gain experience as this "win now" approach plays out, since we arent taking flyers on young talent to be rotational pieces? I mean just in the past year or so we have found young(ish) gems in Langston Galloway, Lance Thomas, and Derrick Williams just by giving them a shot. Why give Vujacic a shot over someone who could be the next Lance Thomas or Galloway? Even if they fail to become that, it is still a better look than not even trying and giving up a roster spot to Vujacic.

I mean more than likely if we signed a young player instead of Sasha, he probably never pans out. But it is just the message we would be sending. Like its better to at least try and accumulate some sort of young talent on the open roster spots we do have as opposed to handing out a spot to some bum who Phil has a relationship with. And you never know. Like I mentioned we are not deep at 2 guard and maybe that player becomes what Langston Galloway did. Maybe less, maybe more. But at the very least it would show that we are at least somewhat preparing for a fallback plan if guys like Rose or Noah or Lee dont pan out at the end of the day. We dont have the track record to just hand Sasha a spot, we just dont. It is not a good look. That is all.
we all hate sasha but lets be real, hes just an extension of the coaching staff on a pretty much brand new roster trying to learn the triangle. and kp seems to really like him. could be just Phil liking his impact on kris. thats really the most important thing, kp's development. gonna try to look at it positively, too early to be negative. we have the whooole season for that.
GR8's post is exactly how I feel.

Signing Sasha won't make or break our season but I'd much rather fill the end of the bench with guys like Chasson Randle or Ron Baker. We've actually had some success finding rotation players: Lin, Novak, Copeland, Galloway, & Thomas to name a few.

It's why I was begging Fisher/Rambis to give Jerian Grant consistent minutes. He'll probably be a career role player but at least see what you got.

I'm not mad Sasha is byke. He's a good guy to have around & hopefully he won't be getting many significant minutes. Just wish we took a chance on someone else.
I would've liked a young undrafted guy to get that last spot but KP loves Sasha and he knows whats going on offensively.

Don't be surprised if Sasha retires next year and ends up on the staff.


harlemtothebronx harlemtothebronx
Thanks bros.:pimp:
We still have 2 extra roster spots. I guess that can be used on a Chasson Randle or Ron Baker or both. All Im saying is that we need to fill up the roster with high upside young players now more than ever because other than KP, we have a serious shortage of good young talent. Even if Willy, Mindy, and Holliday all develop into solid rotational pieces (and realistically it is probably unlikely that all 3 do), we still could use a good deal more.

Idk what the deal with Cleanthony is he seems to be as good as gone but I wouldnt mind bringing him back just because he is still young and has 3 and D potential as well as the ability to play the 2-4. I know he hasnt done anything yet in his career but it is his 3rd season and that is when role player/2nd round picks tend to come into form, and it doesnt seem like there is any league wide interest in him. We could probably bring him back for the minimum to fill a spot and give the other roster spot to Chasson or Baker.
Team Valor, level 8. Caught my Bulbasaur on the way into work today :pimp:. Need to find more Eevee doe :nerd:. Was in Brooklyn when I got her.
Damn, I forget about Early

How was his performance in Orlando last week?

Saw an article about polices rushed 8 people to a hospital after alleged K-2 overdoses in Brooklyn yesterday morning :x

Have a great birthday, HTTB
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Knicks signed Maurice Ndour to a 2 year guaranteed contract. Im sure yall remember him from last year's summer league. He played very well for us but was signed away by Dallas before the season. Hes a young athletic big man with a solid mid range game, I like this move a lot.

On my life I was gonna come in here like 2 days ago and ask what ever happened with Ndour, because I knew we needed another big man and I didnt remember him on Dallas last year after they signed him from us, but I totally forgot to do so. :lol:

Apparently he spent the season playing with Real Madrid, which is where Willy played as well. I guess our scouts liked what they saw from him on Real Madrid after also liking him in the Summer League last year. Now we just gotta invite Baker and Chasson to training camp and have them battle it out for spot #15 and keep them both around in Westchester, and we are looking pretty solid.
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Whole squad is practically based on familiarity. Phil is trying to skip the chemistry building process, all these guys have someone they relate to on the squad in someway.
Welcome back to the Knicks nation, Ndour

Five international players on our team

I really like our new Knicks culture

Wonder if Liga ACB is our farm system now? :lol:

Need a reliable PG in the worst way.
Definitely need a solid 3rd string PG, especially with the injury concerns for both Rose and Jennings.

But I think people are making a lot more out of our lack of having a backup center than they should. Noah shouldnt be playing a ton of minutes this season, but I think that Porzingis should essentially be able to be our backup center in addition to our starting 4.

I foresee that we will see lineups like:




More Than we will see lineups featuring PorZingis paired with a center other than Noah. And I think thats how it should be. Throw Noah out there to start each half and also finish up most games but also try to find smaller, speedier lineups with Melo at the 4 and KP at the 5 to change the pace and keep teams on their toes.
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