OfficiaL '16 NYK offseason thread, Melo goes to bodega in bathrobe and Olympic hat

In the past few months, Who's been your favorite Melo? Multiple choice

  • A. Olympic Melo

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • B. Civil Rights Activist Melo

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • C. Brazilian hood Melo

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D. Ninja Turtle movie star Melo

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • E. Old man annoyed by kids Melo

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • F. Yankee/Mets fan Melo

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • G. Met Gala Fashion show Melo

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Also I just read in the P&T comment section that Brandon Jennings for his career averages more points, rebounds, and assists per game in less minutes per game than the highest paid player in NBA history... Mike Conley 

Let me say it again... 1 year $5 mil 
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The issue with Phil's trades isn't about what goes out, but what he ends up getting in return. I think it deserves fair criticism. It's either not enough or they just get stuck with a wrong part. The Tyson trade, JR/Shump, RoLo...all of those guys had to get moved for their own reasons. Yeah, there was some loose change and they took a flyer on a few guys, but to not get a 1st round pick back on at least one of those trades...ehh.

And just for the record...I never called for Phil's head. Even when it looked super bleak and people wanted blood...

I'm mad at that Seth Curry deal though. I think he showed just enough at the end of last season to earn a contract higher than what he ended up getting in this market. Wish we would have got in at that price. :smh: Can't ever have enough shooting in this league, and there's still a need for more spacing on this squad.
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The issue with Phil's trades isn't about what goes out, but what he ends up getting in return. I think it deserves fair criticism. It's either not enough or they just get stuck with a wrong part. The Tyson trade, JR/Shump, RoLo...all of those guys had to get moved for their own reasons. Yeah, there was some loose change and they took a flyer on a few guys, but to not get a 1st round pick back on at least one of those trades...ehh.

And just for the record...I never called for Phil's head. Even when it looked super bleak and people wanted blood...

I'm mad at that Seth Curry deal though. I think he showed just enough at the end of last season to earn a contract higher than what he ended up getting in this market. Wish we would have got in at that price.
Can't ever have enough shooting in this league, and there's still a need for more spacing on this squad.
I agree with some of your points (Tyson for sure, I even acknowledged that. But as a novice GM Phil definitely overvalued Calderon short term potential for this team, which is his mistake but I kind of understand it and it didnt cost us too much in the long run, especially because we got rid of Felton and his contract. JR/Shump wasnt getting us a pick because JR was a cancer on a bad contract we were lucky to get rid of, Shump didnt have value as someone who was about to get paid next summer so only a team in immediate "win at all costs" mode like Cleveland was going to take him on in a trade for any value whatsoever and take back JR, plus we got Lance in the deal which has worked out more than well for us. RoLo trade was a gamble to get Rose, which I respect. We will see how it pans out).

But youd rather have Steph Curry's D-League cast away brother who showed a glimpse or 2 playing meaningless late April games for the ******* Kings over Brandon Jennings on an expiring extremely team friendly $5mil contact? Come on man. THATS what you are getting on Phil for? 

You probably would have never even heard of the dude if he wasnt Steph's bro... AHe more resembles Anthony Roberson's bro than Steph Curry.
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Seth Curry played really well. I'd pay him that 2 year deal. Finished off the year strong.
Again, it was April, on the Kings. Seth wasnt the first player to do that and amount to **** and he certainly wont be the last. I am MUCH more content with Jennings on the contract we gave him than some cast away who had a solid month of garbage time basketball on an even more garbage franchise,
And what about Brandon Jennings? Dude was on a garbage Orlando team and couldnt start over a rookie who cant shoot for **** and got 15 min a game. What'd he shoot 30% from the field last year?
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Whoa, whoa, whoa...the Seth Curry comment was a completely separate thought. That wasn't related to my Phil point. Brandon Jennings at 1 yr/$5M is exactly the type of gamble worth doing at that price for its good value and low risk. I said a few days ago filling out the bench is where the front office would really need to work some magic. I like the start so far, but there's still some holes left.

I know what Seth Curry is, I'm just saying I wish that had been us taking a flyer on him, and not the Mavs. He's worth that low risk IMO because his best skill happens to be a never ending necessity in this league.

We'll agree to disagree on some of what Phil got back or didn't get in return, but :lol: @ the boy GR8 typing a couple words then bunching the rest of all those sentences in parentheses. I like it. :lol:
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I like the BJ signing too. Great gamble and potentially a good 6th man. Just saying Seth Curry is a solid pick up for that much.
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And what about Brandon Jennings? Dude was on a garbage Orlando team and couldnt start over a rookie who cant shoot for **** and got 15 min a game. What'd he shoot 30% from the field last year?
1. He had some good games

2. Not easy adjusting to a team midseason and catching a groove when they already have an established backcourt hey are building around

3. He was playing for a coach who gave him an extremely short leash due in part to clashes they had in the past.

Again, Jennings isnt perfect. Im not trying to say that. But he is only 27 and is a proven commodity who is hungry and fits the style of play we are looking to play. He is a better player than Seth Curry plain and simple (who again, nobody would even know about if it wasnt for Steph) and I feel MUCH more comfortable giving him the ball to play a pretty damn important position for us this season, on a 1 year $5 million contract, than signing some unproven D-League journey game who had one fluke month of decent play on a ****** team in the garbage time portion of the season like many players before him. Getting Jennings on that deal is a ******* steal. 

Like I said, arguably the biggest value signing of the summer so far. We need a backup we can rely on more than ever with Rose's injury history. I would honestly be more comfortable with Galloway taking on that role full time than give it to some dude who had a decent fluke month of garbage time basketball who people only talk about because of his brother.

If this is what you want to pick on Phil about, it is beyond nit picking. Seth Curry is a notch or 2 bove Jimmer as far as im concerned. Slow, not a pure PG, and not nearly the shooter his bro is. Again, he is Anthony Roverson 2.0.

And yall keep saying that the Curry gamble has nothing to do with Jennings but the fact is that with our cap situation it was one or the other. Give me Jennings on that deal every day of the week and twice on Sundays. Not hating on Curry it just is what it is. Im not against taking flyers on young players with potential. I actually had a long *** rant about that earlier in the week about how I hate the Knicks never do that **** like other teams (such *** Portland) thrive on doing. But Seth Curry is not that player and if we did bring him in it would have to be as the role as primary backup PG, which I am just not comfortable doing especially given Rose's injury history.

Backup PG can be huge for us this season and now we got another cost friendly young guy with a chip on his shoulder who can also do the similar fast paced **** that Rose can do when his # is called upon. It was a great signing and knowing Hornacek, I am sure he is already even imagining ways he can get rose and Jennings out there sharing the court together at times like he did with his 2 PGs in Phoenix.

I imagine Jennings being a big part of this team this season. One way or another. I would not even be a little bit comfortable trusting Seth Curry to take on those kind of responsibilities. Plain and simple. Thats all im saying. Dont say "dont compare Jennings and Curry" when that is exactly what it would have to be. Curry signed on for 2 years and $6 mil. We could have never signed both and even if there was a sligh possibility that we could, I would still rather have the homegrown Galloway (who's Bird rights we own, another factor to consider) than going outside of the box to take a gamble on Steph Curry's little brother.

And just to be even more clear, there are DEFINITELY some young guys the Knicks could and should take fliers on to fill out the roster. I am a HUGE proponent of that. Always have been. But Phil and the scouts need to scour the summer league and **** to find those kinds of players... Not sign Seth Curry to a $3 mil a year contract because he had a decent garbage time month for maybe the worst run organization in the NBA west of Brooklyn.
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Bruh. For me, it's not Seth or BJ. :lol: It's not one instead of the other. I'm saying I wish they could've found a way to fit him in with the rest of the moves made thus far. It's a low risk gamble worth taking at that ridiculously team-friendly price.

It's not an indictment on Phil. That was a completely separate thought and unrelated. Seth is more wishful thinking, if you want to call it that. Just a shooter off the bench who can spot you some minutes. Dassit.
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Jennings is that streaky JR type. first thing that came to mind was he'll be that Weoten role had we kept him. creates his own shot. remember, he was ballin for SVG before he got hurt.

dont get your hopes up bruhs. Phil making good moves, but we still need a good 3/D backup 2 & 4/5. KOQ was decent, but mans is slow.

with news of Russ not signing an extension & KD going to the Dubs, assuming he doesnt Deandre Jordan this, i could see Russ forcing a trade. word to Melo. possibly here? :lol:
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Bruh. For me, it's not Seth or BJ.
It's not one instead of the other. I'm saying I wish they could've found a way to fit him in with the rest of the moves made thus far. It's a low risk gamble worth taking at that ridiculously team-friendly price.

It's not an indictment on Phil. That was a completely separate thought and unrelated. Seth is more wishful thinking, if you want to call it that.
Bruh. For me, it's not Seth or BJ.
It's not one instead of the other. I'm saying I wish they could've found a way to fit him in with the rest of the moves made thus far. It's a low risk gamble worth taking at that ridiculously team-friendly price.

It's not an indictment on Phil. That was a completely separate thought and unrelated. Seth is more wishful thinking, if you want to call it that.
This dude Wroten couldn't keep a roster spot on this team I'm positive Jennings is far better than dude as far as the role he'll be filling :lol:

Russ forcing a trade here would be so bad. Just wait out the season and do a S&T in the off season.

We'd give up too much (not as much as the Melo deal) in a trade before the deadline.

Depending on how certain ppl play, we could keep Rose and Russ.
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There's no "choice to make" because there's no competition. You scoop Brandon Jennings fast for that price/1 year deal, and NOW I'm looking for other holes to fill. It's not an either this or that situation. Seth Curry is not your primary back-up PG because that role is filled. :lol:

I could be mistaken, but I think we still have the bi-annual exception available for use...? That's around $2.8M or some **** close enough. Anyways, it's not that difficult to come up with something when you're able to sell the player on his value and role on the team.

I clearly should've made separate posts or some ****. :lol: :smh: Too much fuss over a fringe player, I think I've said enough about friggin' Seth Curry.

I'm cool with Phil, man. I never get too hot or cold with him. Been cool with Phil. The jury is still out, but I'm glad he's open to adapt. That's the biggest takeaway this offseason.
There's no "choice to make" because there's no competition. You scoop Brandon Jennings fast for that price/1 year deal, and NOW I'm looking for other holes to fill. It's not an either this or that situation. Seth Curry is not your primary back-up PG because that role is filled.

I could be mistaken, but I think we still have the bi-annual exception available for use...? That's around $2.8M or some **** close enough. Anyways, it's not that difficult to come up with something when you're able to sell the player on his value and role on the team.

I clearly should've made separate posts or some ****.
Too much fuss over a fringe player, I think I've said enough about friggin' Seth Curry.

I'm cool with Phil, man. I never get too hot or cold with him. Been cool with Phil. The jury is still out, but I'm glad he's open to adapt. That's the biggest takeaway this offseason.
 Yeah its all good homie. I just dont think Seth was ever coming because Phil was clearly looking for an established PG with a proven history that he can be relied upon in the very probable situation Rose gets hurt or even to have him share the court with Rose from time to time in those 2 PG sets Horny likes to run. And Branon Jennings more than fits the bill on that, especially on that contract.

I just dont think Seth was ever a real option because he hasnt proven himself to be reliable enough to thrust into a backup PG role (backing up Rose essentially makes you the most important backup up PG in the league, given Rose's injury history and a coach who is known to throw 2 PGs on the floor at once from time to time) and Jennings was a great choice to be that guy. The hope is that he can fill in for Rose without missing a beat and play with him from time to time as well. Seth Curry cant do that and it would have been unwise to expect him to based on a decent month of April for Sacramento (I mean remember how many Knicks scrubs have had big Aprils over the years? Mardy Collins, Toney Douglas, Alexei Shved, Jerian Grant (although jury is still out on him obviosly) just to name a few although I know there has been many more on the Knicks and other bad organizations around the league. Anybody who follows the NBA would tell you to take nice statistical Aprils on bad teams with an ocean's worth of salt).

We will clearly need a 3rd PG and we do have the $2.8 mil exception to use, but I think it would be much more wise to use that extension on another frontcourt piece and hopefully resign Galloway as that 3rd PG because he is homegrown/knows the system, can play both the 1 and the 2, is actually a year younger and also more proven/experience than Curry, and most importantly unlike Curry, we dont have to eat into our own cap room to resign him.

I 100% get your point about taking low risk fliers on young players and I also 1000% agree with you about that. I have been outspoken about doing **** like that. The **** we never do that often works out well for other teams, Blazers the first one to come to mind as they always seem to find these young players overlooked by other teams who end up becoming valuable contributors who then get paid elsewhere. But I think you are trying to make the wrong example for the right idea.

I dont think Seth Curry was going to be a realistic or smart option for this team. Especially not for 2 years and $6 mil. IMO the best bet (and likely course of action) is to resign Galloway, use that $2.8 mill room exception on a solid vet rotational piece, and then look to take those low risk fliers to round out the roster on overlooked summer league players, which Seth Curry was prior to his decent April of this year, but who wont cost valuable cap space to bring in.

I dont think it would have been wise to use that valuable room exception on Seth Curry when we have other holes to be addressed externally and we can hopefully just as easily resign Galloway, who is not only younger and more experienced, but also somewhat familiar with the system and has a higher upside to become a valuable contributing role player like he has already shown himself capable to be during his short time here.

Plus he is a great story, easy for fans to rally around with his relentless drive and hustle, the front office loves him, and quite frankly he deserves it more than Seth. So unless Lang gets some kind of crazy offer to play elsewhere( possible, but unlikely), he deserves to be back as that young 3rd guard the organization can develop while he contributes what he does as a role player, thus using valuable cap space on a player like Seth Curry extremely redundant.

If Seth had signed for the minimum I would get the point. Why let him go elsehwere when he could be a good flier for the Knicks to take a chance on for the minimum or close to it. He has shown he deserves at least that in the league. But at $3 mil per, that money is better spent elsewhere when we can resign Galloway to play that same role and/or look for another overlooked summer league guy to bring in on a minimum contract, I think it was smart not to pursue him. At the end of the day, he is really just a name.

I totally agree with that mindset that the Knicks should be looking to improve their roster with young low risk potential diamonds in the rough. But Curry was never that guy. He has been wondering around the league for years and it took him until garbage time with the Kings to show anything. He just iosnt worth it with the contract he got when we found a better backup PG (Jennings) and have a better young 3rd guy we can retain without eating into our cap space as much (Galloway). And even if we lose Galloway (although I really hope we dont), I would still rather look for a younger unproven guard we can sign to the minimum and use the room exception elsewhere than throw cap space at Seth Curry.
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Loving the signing we've made the last 24 hours. Jennings and Pookie are great signings. Seems like we have a shot at 45-50 wins this season. Wonder what are bench will look like.

BTW, I approve of KD going to the Warriors. It's his right as a FA to leave OKC for any team he chooses. I don't care if people think he looks "weak". He wanted to put himself in the best position to win a championship, and the Warriors were just that. This is no different than The Decision. In sports, the ultimate goal is to win. Plain and simple. KD wasn't going to sit around and wait for Westbrook re-sign (I have a feeling he knew Westbrook wants out or there was some friction) and the Thunder were going to put players around him to win.

The Warriors better win though, or else this will go down as one of the biggest jokes in the NBA. If LeBron does beat this GS team, he has a very strong argument for being the GOAT.

I think we're better than the Celtics. The Cavs are still better than us right now. But there's a chance we could be in the Eastern Conference Finals.

Wade is going to the Cavs. I can just smell it :lol:
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I hope Wade does

Wade going to Cleveland would contradict everything we've heard from his camp this offseason. Word is he wants his money and I don't see how he gets that by going to Cleveland. He'd have to take another paycut or the Cavs would have to preform some sort of salary cap sorcery to pull it off and find a way to give Wade his $20 million.

Now, if he looks at things in a basketball perspective like KD, he'd be smart and go to Cleveland. His game and body would be preserved and he could buy some more time, even though it's well known that he's on borrowed time.

I was talking to a buddy of mine and I expressed my observance of the Cavs not making ANY moves yet in free agency. You know LeBron and Griffin are sitting back and waiting to see the cards fall. Something big is about to happen. I'd be shocked if they didn't do anything. J.R. could be out, Delly is gone, Moz is gone. And they could find a way to unload Frye and Shumpert. I think that would be enough to get to that $20 million mark and sign Wade.
I read some of you guys want Ariza back on the team. He'd be an upgrade from Barnes, but we'd have to deal with that swine Daryl Morrey again. The man is one of the most despised GMs in the NBA.

On a side note: I'm bummed we didn't get KD. Would've been cool to take some of you guys to a few games this year. If we have a decent quarter, maybe my firm will look into getting a box suite for the season and I could maybe bring a few of you guys to a game. Don't get your hopes up though :lol:

Knicks vs. Bulls
Knicks vs. Warriors
Knicks vs. T'Wolves
Knicks vs. Cavs

All these games should be entertaining to watch
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