**Official '11 NYK LOCKOUT thread*** lockout over

Originally Posted by bonafide125

What do you guys think about drafting Jimmer Fredette?

Bad idea?

I would never. I mean that's a pure D'antoni guard, but we got enough defense problems. Besides, ain't Utah taking him?
Williams on howard 
just look at our starting lineup and tell me dantoni doesn't want to be fired

Amare and Shawne front court AGAIN
I almost feel embarrassed for not knowing the answer, and I'm hoping it's a total brain fart but....

Where did our 1st round pick this year come from?

I thought we were without one for another year or two still. I remember reading the reports of how we were trying to flip Randolph for a 1st (that we didn't have) to include in the Melo trade.

I'm NOT complaining though.

With that being said, if our pick ends up being around the middle of the 1st, there is NO way we get Derrick Williams. Assuming he declares, that boy is a top 3 pick.

I wouldn't be mad at all if we snagged Kemba. Is he a pure assist man? I don't think so, but he's definitely a legit PG.

I was all for keeping Chauncey and picking up his option but the more I think about it, declining it and spending the money on a FA Center and drafting a PG (if it's Kemba or Knight) sounds a lot more enticing. Of course, the draft could shake out unfavorably....
Sheldon Williams has the dumb.

@blackred ... because too many GMs were like Isiah, they made a rule saying you have to have a 1st round pick every other year. Only reason we do.
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