**Official '11 NYK LOCKOUT thread*** lockout over

Originally Posted by GaBeGRaMz

I'm the most impressed that this team, with all the Carmelo wanting to come to NY or Knicks trying to get Melo talk, they don't let it phase them.

I heard Melo came to shake Gallo's hand after the game and he just brushed it off  and didn't shake his hand

To all the people that want Carmelo right now, if we go 1-1 against the Celtics/Heat or even 2-0 (not very likely but you never know), would you guys still think Melo is a necessity right now or would it make you more comfortable with the idea of waiting?

On the flip side, to the people that don't think we need Carmelo, would your mind be changed if we go 0-2 against these teams?
Going 1-1, 2-0, or 0-2, shouldn't change anyone's minds. No one should be sure of something after two games.

If we come out and win a majority of the games against Boston, Miami, OKC, Chicago, @Miami, @Orlando, Indy, San Antonio, @PHX, @LAL, @Portland, and @Utah in the upcoming month, THAT should tell us something about our team and how good we really are.

Regardless, if there's a deal available and it's a reasonable trade without gutting our team, you make it today, tomorrow, at the deadline, or anywhere in between. You get Melo now, you don't wait. That coming from someone who isn't the biggest Melo fan... I think he doesn't do enough things well enough other than scoring, and to me he's overrated as a scorer.

With that said, I wasn't thrilled about the Amare signing initially, thinking he didn't do enough things well enough defensively (and he's been who I thought he was there), but he's improved morale, been a leader, and carried the team on both sides when we needed it. So I think players can change or improve in the right team/system so I won't make permanent decisions on players... but Melo is an improvement over anyone we have at SF right now and he makes our team better for the future, so you take him.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Going 1-1, 2-0, or 0-2, shouldn't change anyone's minds. No one should be sure of something after two games.

If we come out and win a majority of the games against Boston, Miami, OKC, Chicago, @Miami, @Orlando, Indy, San Antonio, @PHX, @LAL, @Portland, and @Utah in the upcoming month, THAT should tell us something about our team and how good we really are.

Regardless, if there's a deal available and it's a reasonable trade without gutting our team, you make it today, tomorrow, at the deadline, or anywhere in between. You get Melo now, you don't wait. That coming from someone who isn't the biggest Melo fan... I think he doesn't do enough things well enough other than scoring, and to me he's overrated as a scorer.

With that said, I wasn't thrilled about the Amare signing initially, thinking he didn't do enough things well enough defensively (and he's been who I thought he was there), but he's improved morale, been a leader, and carried the team on both sides when we needed it. So I think players can change or improve in the right team/system so I won't make permanent decisions on players... but Melo is an improvement over anyone we have at SF right now and he makes our team better for the future, so you take him.

x2. plenty of games with good teams in between now and the deadline to reevaluate them and see what we have
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Going 1-1, 2-0, or 0-2, shouldn't change anyone's minds. No one should be sure of something after two games.

If we come out and win a majority of the games against Boston, Miami, OKC, Chicago, @Miami, @Orlando, Indy, San Antonio, @PHX, @LAL, @Portland, and @Utah in the upcoming month, THAT should tell us something about our team and how good we really are.

Regardless, if there's a deal available and it's a reasonable trade without gutting our team, you make it today, tomorrow, at the deadline, or anywhere in between. You get Melo now, you don't wait. That coming from someone who isn't the biggest Melo fan... I think he doesn't do enough things well enough other than scoring, and to me he's overrated as a scorer.

With that said, I wasn't thrilled about the Amare signing initially, thinking he didn't do enough things well enough defensively (and he's been who I thought he was there), but he's improved morale, been a leader, and carried the team on both sides when we needed it. So I think players can change or improve in the right team/system so I won't make permanent decisions on players... but Melo is an improvement over anyone we have at SF right now and he makes our team better for the future, so you take him.

I was all for the Melo trade when we were supposedly giving up Randolph, Curry, Gallo and Fields...But with all this news about the Nuggets wanting Chandler, I'm second guessing it..I want Carmelo here but Chandler is one of our best perimeter defenders...Stoudemire is always in the paint so him becoming a shot blocker was a simple step..But for a perimeter defender like Carmelo, he's not going to suddenly become a lockdown Kobe type defensive player...Especially not in D'Antoni's system
So what's the general consensus here? Do we make a trade now for Melo and possibly giveup some of this obvious team chemistry? Or wait it out until the end of the season and sign Melo now?
^ Everything Big J said.

In a way, I think it's a good thing we got burned on that T-Mac trade, because I don't see Walsh getting fooled again. And I don't see us being desperate enough to do some dumb *#!@. 
I trust Walsh not to sacrifice the team to get him.

Backwards as it looks, trading for Melo is the cheapest way to get him. It leaves us with the most options to improve and add on to the team.

And I don't get people saying they don't think he's worth the money. The Knicks were born over any salary cap that existed in this league. You can't be OK with giving Bosh and ______ the max, but not Melo. And it's not the mark of death. This is a team built off a plan that's working, not ******ed ideas and bad basketball (Isiah). Our flexibility is gonna come from expiring role players and the MLE. A Knicks team that wins the chip will be way over the salary cap.

Without Melo, we could maybe steal Marc Gasol or Tyson Chandler and look for a backup point in a weaker market than last year's. But Amar'e is a win now player, who attracted another All-NBA player to our team. You take that deal.
I've been a fan of Stat since he came into the league and watching him play defense can be extremely frautrating. But he has improved by leaps and bounds this year. Glad my favorite player is now on my favorite team
melo dopped over 30 points effortlessly. i was watching him live and his body language is off. he was just going through the motions, imagine if he was happy here and tried. some people thrive in new york
If Melo will only sign the extension with NY, then Denver has NO other option than dealing with what we have to offer. IMO, the closer it comes to the deadline, the less we might have to give up.

Now I was very adamant before when we had David Lee and his whole situation
, but I must admit, I was sorely wrong. We can survive without him, but cutting myself some slack, we didn't have the co-captains at the time. Anyway, Fields looks to have a promising career and Chandler fits into the Knick fold so well, there is no doubt that losing him for the sake of Melo would make things a lot more difficult during the game.

This is a tough spot we're in (at least from the outside looking in). Hopefully STAT is on the phone with Melo relaying these kinds of sentiments.
Originally Posted by Steve212

Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

Originally Posted by Steve212

Do you honestly want Melo? Honestly? I rather have OJ Mayo.
get out of this thread

Melo is a ball stopper and a blk hole.  I never liked this guy. 
why he gotta be all that?

But seriously, what are going to do with an undersized 2 in OJ? Chandler has been major for us this season, but he will be shipped to land Melo. Ideally, we can find a way to sign him in the off season if he is traded in a deal for Melo. Will would be great for our bench.

OJ would thrive in our offense. he would be a good 6th man. but we already got wilson.

i want melo but i also think he is a ball stopper. that's the only thing i don't like about him.
So Mayo would thrive in our offense but you bring up that Melo is a ball stopper? 

WHY are people sweating Mayo?  Chandler is finally coming into his own as a complete player and Mayo is sliding further and further into bum status yet our fans want to swap?
Originally Posted by ehh

So Mayo would thrive in our offense but you bring up that Melo is a ball stopper? 

WHY are people sweating Mayo?  Chandler is finally coming into his own as a complete player and Mayo is sliding further and further into bum status yet our fans want to swap?
mayo strength is shooting. that's the only reason i mention mayo would thrive in our offense as a 6th man. spark off bench. mayo is def better than TD and skywalker or williams (since walker dont get burn no more)

you think chandler is a complete player now?
 dude is one of my fav knicks but c'mon son. chandler is not dropping dimes on no one

i'd only trade for mayo if we are guaranteed to get melo in the offseason though. i'd give up randolph and walker. that's it though. i know that wouldn't be enough to get him but that's all i'd give up.

our first priority is melo though. i'm just doing really wishful thinking though so i doubt anything like this would happen


chill will

that would be a solid rotation and you cant even front on that

(not gonna happen though

Originally Posted by Kn0wledgeable

Originally Posted by ehh

So Mayo would thrive in our offense but you bring up that Melo is a ball stopper? 

WHY are people sweating Mayo?  Chandler is finally coming into his own as a complete player and Mayo is sliding further and further into bum status yet our fans want to swap?
mayo strength is shooting. that's the only reason i mention mayo would thrive in our offense as a 6th man. spark off bench. mayo is def better than TD and skywalker or williams (since walker dont get burn no more)

you think chandler is a complete player now?
 dude is one of my fav knicks but c'mon son. chandler is not dropping dimes on no one


He's not a great passer but that's not what I was alluding to - Chandler defends, rebounds, blocks shots and isn't a black hole or have attitude problems.  He fits into our team concept.  I don't know why we would trade that for a gunning sixth man with a questionable attitude.
If we can figure out ways to be under the cap for the off-season, maybe we can get Jamal Crawford back if he doesn't get resigned with the Hawks?...I know he was a fan favorite and he would kill it in D'Antoni's current system...He would be as solid of a scorer off the bench as Chandler is...So even though losing Chandler would crush our bench, getting Jamal next season would solve that offensive bench problem

We need some defenders though..I see D'Antoni got y'all brainwashed that offense makes the world go round
We could have the entire NBA First Team Offense on our squad and still wouldn't win a title if we can't play defense for crap..If we wanna compete for a title within the next 2 or so years, we NEED a Joakim Noah type defender (I hate Joakim but it's just an example)
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