Offical 2009-10 NBA Season Thread

we were still up at the beg. of the 4th too i believe.

these are the same ole knicks that we saw when they first started the season. when they actually play some defense, effort, and drive to the hoop, look whathappened. 4 game winning streak. i thought these guys caught the message, but i guess not
no one should be making the ASG besides DWILL for those who havent made it yet. its just that hes in utah and doesnt get the pubilicity as much. smh at brookshaving more votes than him
I come home, log back on only to see JA try to tell all of us that Dallas is good.

And no one agrees with him. Makes it even better.

Barkley sayin he hopes Lebron wasn't watchin had me dyin a minute ago.

And uhhhhh, did that hurt Blazer fans at all when Kenny Smith said Lamarcus was a little more talented Channing Frye???
Gosh damn that hurt even me.
[h2]Colangelo plans Hall voting changes[/h2]
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By Ric Bucher
ESPN The Magazine

The James Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame induction process has long been one of the most secretive and exclusive of all the major sports shrines. Jerry Colangelo, Naismith's newly elected chairman of the board, is looking to change that. His plan includes having both fans and the media involved in the selection process.

"Nothing is etched in concrete at this point," Colangelo said. "I have to get my board to agree with me. I just believe it's the right thing to do and when you believe that and you're passionate about it, you usually can get something done."

Colangelo is taking the same aggressive approach as Hall chairman that he did as director of USA Basketball, which he helped return to global dominance after nearly a decade of disappointing results. In fact, he is hoping to utilize his authority in both camps by having the current squad play in Madison Square Garden next fall before leaving for the World Championships in Istanbul, Turkey, as part of a multi-day celebration of the Hall, the original 1990 Dream Team and the current squad, which has been dubbed the Redeem Team.

To accommodate the Redeem Team's schedule, the 2010 induction ceremony would be pushed up from its traditional September date to mid-August, with an eye toward making the change permanent.

The first order of business, though, is to restructure the board itself, breaking it into executive and working branches. As of now, Colangelo said, the 40-some member board is too "cumbersome" to get anything accomplished.

Next up would be to look at individuals who are not in the Hall and whose eligibility to gain entrance has expired. ABA stars Artis Gilmore and Mel Daniels were among the names he mentioned, but he added, "There are no shortage of individuals to reconsider. And here's the kicker: I want the media to be involved and the fans to participate."

Colangelo also said he would look to make both parties part of the annual selection. That would bring the Naismith Hall of Fame process more in line with the NFL and Baseball Halls of Fame, who utilize long-standing members of the media in their selection processes and make the voting results public.
You really are a tool most of the time, CP.

You need to give your brother back his laptop, I can only handle your nonsense for only so long, and only in the daytime.
fans for a HOF vote? HELL @#$$!+! NO

and i never been a Lamarcus fan, i dont care how bad Thomas looks for the bulls i dont want that soft bum Aldrige near my team
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

You really are a tool most of the time, CP.

You need to give your brother back his laptop, I can only handle your nonsense for only so long, and only in the daytime.

I'm sure he'll get it tomorrow, don't worry. And I wasn't bein a tool, speakin from the heart brother. I said it in the offseason thread, Isay it now, it's a 3 team race, and then LeBron. Denver on an outside flier. I thought it would be San Antonio, but they don't look good at all rightnow.
Kenny and Charles were dying laughing at Paul Pierce's "injury" in the top dramatic/comeback moments from the decade.
You can argue D-Will vs. CP3 all you want

but his beard game is at a 1st team all-NBA level
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Kenny and Charles were dying laughing at Paul Pierce's "injury" in the top dramatic/comeback moments from the decade.

that had me dying

and chuck not getting this fools any gifts
Originally Posted by CP1708

And uhhhhh, did that hurt Blazer fans at all when Kenny Smith said Lamarcus was a little more talented Channing Frye???
Gosh damn that hurt even me.
Son said it in such a matter of fact way I was dying
Why Nash don't shoot more?

He's 50, 40, 90 super special dude, he scored 8 points in 45 seconds last night, but only had 8 points in the first 46 minutes of the game.

So, why don't he shoot more?

Bayless was on fire last night, wonder if he gets to play now. Back to the bench for Andre, I'm sure that'll make him happy. Not to mention Royprobably wants Bayless traded now.

I ain't even notice the Knicks shot 577 3's last night til Mike posted. Damn. It's all part of the plan I'm sure.

JA, you'll be happy to know that 4 minutes after you posted last night, my brother showed up and picked up his computer.
MILWAUKEE -- Bucks rookie Brandon Jennings has been fined $7,500 for posting a message on his Twitter account after Milwaukee's 108-101 double overtime win over Portland last weekend.

Jennings was fined for the timing of his post, not the content when he tweeted: "Back to 500. Yess!!! "500" means where doing good. Way to Play Hard Guys."

The fine was announced Friday before the Bucks played at Cleveland.

According to the NBA's social media policy, players cannot tweet during game time, defined as beginning 45 minutes before the game starts and ending after players have finished talking to the media following the game.

The message has been removed from Jennings' account.
Good lord.

45 minutes AFTER a game? That really a big deal? NBA must be hard up for some cash.
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