Off-duty officer shoots and wounds two men after being assaulted...was he justified?

Originally Posted by SIZE TENS

Originally Posted by AF1 Beast

How are you gon' shoot two people in front of your kids?
How you gonna let 2 people possibly assault your wife and kids?

They already attacked you. You going to wait and see who they attack next?
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Co-sign.. His actions are justified.[/color]
Yes, he was 100% justified.

If the facts of the story are - he was assaulted, the assailants tried to choke him and pull him from his car, hit him over the head with a bottle, etc., hisresponse was 100% justified.

There's something called the continuum of force: the amount of force you are justified to use given the consequences. If someone spits on a cop, the copis not justified in shooting them. But if someone uses deadly force, which hitting an officer over the head with a bottle could be considered, he is more thanjustified.

None of us know the true circumstances of the situation, but common sense would lead you to the conclusion that this off duty police officer, with his wife andkids in tow, did not instigate the situation. He was assaulted, and he responded. I don't wish death upon the assailants, but the world would be a muchbetter place if we just erased them off the planet. How could any of you possibly sympathize with these two fools that got shot? They got what they deserved,plain and simple.
so if someone throws a bottle at me and I pull out a gun, I better not get tried for attempt. murder or manslaughter
There may be some consequences for him having his gun while off duty but the pigs will find a way to justify it
dudes saying he wasn't right are only saying that cuz he's a cop...if he was a reg. citizen w/ a registered gun he would get a
for protecting hisfamily...

at anybody defending this.

Some clown threw a bottle at him, probably some drunk kid just acting reckless at a baseball game, and this cop shoots them in the parking lot? What if hewould have missed? He could have easily hit somebody else. Piss poor judgment from the cop. Not surprised.

I'm all for self defense but this is another case of a po abusing his power.
It's funny how when it's a cop everyone jumps to the defense and it was something that had to be done, but if it was a young black male he would justbe labeled a coward thug who was to scared to use his fist. I don't see how two people getting shot over one hit to his head by one bottle is justifiable.I mean had he shot one person then maybe it's slightly justifiable a very extreme measure to take over a bottle but I guess it's understandable, but heshot two people. This isn't self defense because from what the story gives us him simply firing a warning shot would've done the job. I just don'tsee how a bullet and a bottle are comparable

EDIT:After reading the full story I take back what I said about it not being self defense. It is still an extreme for a situation like that, but was out ofdefense. I still believe it was cowardice and that a trained officer shouldn't have to reach for a gun unless he is being threatened by one or at least aknife. But when you have a gun by your side I guess you don't feel the need to have to defend yourself with your fist and it is much easier just to shootsomeone. Lets just be glad that no one was killed, I think the result makes it justifiable because they tried to hurt him and ended up being hurt but thepossibility of someone dying over something like this is something that has to be looked at

These dudes made a mistake, whether or not they knew he was off-duty.

The officer took the necessary means to protect his family and himself. If this was caused by some previous altercation, then it's their bad for trying tofix it this way. Plus it's safe to assume that if they're attacking people with bottles at a ball-game, they're prob not the most productivemembers of society.

At the end of the day, they used a potentially lethal weapon, and so did the officer. Good for him to protect his fam and himself. Hopefully these fools willbe debilitated to the point to where they can't assault anymore. Keep them off the streets where they can be a harm to themselves and the rest of society.
Damn my whole reply got erased, but basically what I had written was that if they put their hands on him and was trying to hit him over the head with a bottlefrom point blank then he is justified. Kids don't realize that any time you try and assault somebody you are at risk of getting popped if they have a gunand when they use it they are gettin off on self defense. Hopefully dumb kids will see stories like this and realize its no joke to assault someone.
Originally Posted by shortydoowopp

dudes saying he wasn't right are only saying that cuz he's a cop...if he was a reg. citizen w/ a registered gun he would get a
for protecting his family...
Originally Posted by heLiumcLinton

so if someone throws a bottle at me and I pull out a gun, I better not get tried for attempt. murder or manslaughter

if you are a police officer, on or off duty, sure.
Cops are cops 24/7.
just because they've clocked out for the day or they have a "day off" from work, doesn't mean they aren't still law enforcementofficers.

I have more than a few freinds that are cops and they have their guns with them ALL the time. they have special fanny packs

as far as this story goes, dudes messed with the wrong cat, plain and simple. no pity for them.

They picked the wrong dude to mess with, and got what they deserved

Cops aren't trained to shoot people in the foot or the leg, when they shoot, they shoot to kill
I always try to put myself in the situation.....

I'm with my family and two dudes rock me over the head with a bottle?..
you don't know what else they're going to do?.

I'd shoot too
But why couldn't he pull out the gun and call for backup and stadium security and arrest those dudes?
If they started reaching for something like a weapon then it would be justified.

BTW dude wasn't tryna just protect his family. He was trying to execute homeboy. If the other guy was subdued with an arm shot why even shoot other dude inthe head.
Originally Posted by enlightenedespot

But why couldn't he pull out the gun and call for backup and stadium security and arrest those dudes?
If they started reaching for something like a weapon then it would be justified.

BTW dude wasn't tryna just protect his family. He was trying to execute homeboy. If the other guy was subdued with an arm shot why even shoot other dude in the head.
How much time do you think decisions like this take? Do you think he had minutes to decide what to do? Do we know what the others did after hepulled out the piece?

Do you know what order they were shot in?
Originally Posted by JBug88

Originally Posted by heLiumcLinton

so if someone throws a bottle at me and I pull out a gun, I better not get tried for attempt. murder or manslaughter

if you are a police officer, on or off duty, sure.
Cops are cops 24/7.
just because they've clocked out for the day or they have a "day off" from work, doesn't mean they aren't still law enforcement officers.

I have more than a few freinds that are cops and they have their guns with them ALL the time. they have special fanny packs

as far as this story goes, dudes messed with the wrong cat, plain and simple. no pity for them.


A really good friend of mine works in law enforcement. He never carries his hammer on him, but he does keep it in his car at all times.
if you're bold enough to attack anyone, you know GOOD AND DAMN WELL the consequences, and possible outcome.

cause please believe me if i get jumped/assaulted/attacked and its not a fair fight on both sides, you're gonna get smoked. on my momma.

the only reason this is big is cause he was a cop. this happens in the hood all the time guise.
Originally Posted by solefood229

They picked the wrong dude to mess with, and got what they deserved

Cops aren't trained to shoot people in the foot or the leg, when they shoot, they shoot to kill

Is that really the case? I doubt that. Shoot to kill every single time? What if they're just trying to keep them from running or something? Tazer?
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