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noblekane noblekane someone got Fight Forever early and has been posting on twitter.

Not surprising but Jamie Hayter bae and Toni Storm bae not on the base roster.

Evil Uno seemingly not making the roster while he promo'd the hell outta the game is foul.

Hopefully he's an unlockable.
noblekane noblekane someone got Fight Forever early and has been posting on twitter.

Not surprising but Jamie Hayter bae and Toni Storm bae not on the base roster.

Evil Uno seemingly not making the roster while he promo'd the hell outta the game is foul.

Hopefully he's an unlockable.

What has been that person’s thoughts on it?

Or is he an AEW-ite and is saying it’s better than any Mario/zelda/GTA/God of War game ever?
noblekane noblekane someone got Fight Forever early and has been posting on twitter.

Not surprising but Jamie Hayter bae and Toni Storm bae not on the base roster.

Evil Uno seemingly not making the roster while he promo'd the hell outta the game is foul.

Hopefully he's an unlockable.

Can you link us to the account?
Since The Iron Sheik died recently, here are the three significant things with him that triggered my memory lately:

1. He lost the title to Hulk Hogan in 1984 that impacted wrestling history forever with Hogan being the apex star at the peak of the business' popularity while he was the champion for 4 years between 1984 to 1988.

2. I'll always remember him getting caught riding in a car with Hacksaw Jim Duggan when they were both in possession of beer, weed and cocaine in the midst of their on-camera feud in the '80s. That will always be hilarious with the dynamics of them hating each other on TV but on friendly terms in the real world due to their affinity for drugs and alcohol. 😆

3. When he came back to WWF in 1991 with a repackaged gimmick as Col. Mustafa, an Iraqi. That one will always be a trip because he was Iranian but had to play an Iraqi military figure on TV. I wonder if that assigned Iraqi gimmick affected him emotionally because his native Iran and Iraq had a bloody war with each other in the '80s that lasted nearly 8 years.
We all know he hates CM Phil so here is his attempt in doing this from 10+ years ago.

It's hilarious to me, because Phil very specifically asked to work with him there at a time when Ambrose desperately needed the rub. Hell, it's how I first found out about Ambrose that early.
It's hilarious to me, because Phil very specifically asked to work with him there at a time when Ambrose desperately needed the rub. Hell, it's how I first found out about Ambrose that early.
Brother $horttdoginthehouse I know we both agree that the greatest wrestler of all times and space is Manscout, but there's a guy that I saw over the weekend that just might be able to take up the Manscout legacy and carry it..And that man's name is Dan The Dad..Check out his work and let me know your thoughts..
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