NT, Who were the greatest and worst Presidents?

wow, a lotta dudes in here really think they know what they're talking about
Bush was terrible, no denying that. He crippled the United States, set the country back many years. Hoover was terrible to. Dude who Said FDR was worst needsto smack himself. Reegan was crap, War on Drugs, Almost started another Cold War, among other things.
Originally Posted by chris boshs neck

Bush was terrible, no denying that. He crippled the United States, set the country back many years. Hoover was terrible to. Dude who Said FDR was worst needs to smack himself. Reegan was crap, War on Drugs, Almost started another Cold War, among other things.
Im going to put it like this. The best men elected president, never got to serve the full extent of their terms/ terms. And the presidents withthe most progressed ideas were not allowed to accomplish their goals.
FDR is by far the best and Hoover will definitely be the worst in this case. In this scenario Hoover started the Great Depression, and FDR fixed it by enteringthe War creating thousands of more jobs for the country.
Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

in the gif before he is shot..is he sleeping in the car? his head is down.
There were two shots. IIRC the first shot hit him in the throat then the second shot was a mercury bullet that hit him in the head. You only seethe second shot in that gif.
Originally Posted by IncredibleEv

Originally Posted by Swish 22

Lincoln is by far the worst president in our history. The right to secession is the most important right we have as individuals. We are granted our freedom by America's laws, but the act of secession is the practice of that freedom that is no longer available to us thanks to Lincoln. Great emancipator? Hardly. Pure economic decision. Andrew Johnson as a VP? That's the great political genius at work (sarcasm). Too many myths about this clown to continue, but he is the worst thing to ever happen to this country.
ditto... Especially the bolded.. You libertarians make me laugh sometimes.. Yeah because what we need as a country is the ability for states tocome and go as they please.. And you guys are supposed to love America?

:Libertarians = Over Glorified Conservatives = Double Over Glorified Republicans.
Originally Posted by CaliKix88

The greatest:

This guy was a straight up G. His life story could be action blockbuster and he's the only president to ever take us out of a deficit.

I don't know all the theories, but the one i've believed the most is the one that his wifed killed him. I need to read more on it, so far I startedwith the JFK biography.
Originally Posted by 13saldana13

I don't know all the theories, but the one i've believed the most is the one that his wifed killed him. I need to read more on it, so far I started with the JFK biography.

wow I have NEVER heard that one.. And don't believe it either..

"His head was so beautiful. I tried to hold the top of his head down, maybe I could keep it in... but I knew he was dead." "History!... Everybody kept saying to me to put a cold towel around my head and wipe the blood off... later, I saw myself in themirror; my whole face spattered with blood and hair... I wiped it off with Kleenex... History! ... I thought, no one really wants me there. Then one secondlater I thought, why did I wash the blood off? I should have left it there, let them see what they've done... IfI'd just had the blood and caked hair when they took the picture ... Then later I said to Bobby - what's the line between history and drama? I shouldhave kept the blood on." - Jackie O
Because government can do never little to create wealth and prosperity but because it can do an awful lot to diminish both, my ideal president from a domesticstandard point is someone who removes barriers and threats to prosperity that government creates.

Even more importantly, out president is our Commander and Chief, his first responsibility or at least what should be his first responsibility to be our chiefmilitary officer and diplomat.

Even those Ronald Reagan was the best when taking into account both factors. He fundamentally changed our economic policy, especially our energy policy, fromone that all but accepted decline to one that assumed that grown was in our future. He supported the Fed's actions against inflation, he cut taxes thatstifled growth, he incentivized modernization and a private sector capital build up that created jobs, increased the real wages of workers and made the priceof goods fall. His decision to remove gasoline price controls made gasoline cheaper and plentiful again, after years of unneeded rationing. In short, heremoved the barriers that caused the Malaise of the 1970's and that is as good a job that a president can do in terms of his domestic policies and theireffect on the economy.

Second, he was the firs Cold War President who was not resigned to the conventional wisdom that the Soviet Union was here to stay. He pushed back and pushpressure on the USSR and its client states. Remember that the East German Dictator had, in the Early 1980's planned to upgrade the Berlin Wall and theEast-West German Wall with electronic sensors and call it "Der Mauer 2,000," The Wall of 2,000. If it were not for Ronald Reagan, the Soviet Unionand it allies would still be here, as had been assumed by all Beltway experts when he was elected in 1980.

He was not a perfect President, despite his soaring rhetoric about freedom for both the citizens of the Eastern Europe and for American Citizens, in theconduct of their economic affairs, his thirst for liberty banished when it came to the issue of what people would be allowed to put into their own bodies. Hiswar on drugs was not only contrary to his ideals about freedom but also destructive and disproportionately targeted towards blacks.

While his short comings are lamentable they are not as bad as FDR's policies which ensured that for the entire decade of the 1930's unemployment wasnever below 10% and was typically close to 15% not to mention his approval of interning thousands of Japanese Americans. Reagan's misjudgment on DrugPolicy is not worse than Jackson implicit endorsement of ethnic cleansing of Native Americans nor is it worse than Lincoln's disregard for rule of law.

No president is perfect but Ronald Regan stands as the least bad among them.
Originally Posted by Laced Up Jordans

During Clintons era, the US was prospering on a crazy scale and was in a economic boom
If you give one iota of credit to Clinton for the economy in the mid to late '90s, then you're an idiot. The tech and dotcom industrybecame profitable on his watch and he reaped the benefits. At the same time, he ignored national security, weakened (oh, excuse me, "streamlined")the military, and his complete ignorance led to serious lapses in national security that rose up very early in the Bush presidency. The consequences of whichwere unavoidable by whoever was in office in 2001. Then the country fell into recession thanks to the dotcom bust and was compounded by the economic toll ofterrorist attacks. Clinton benefited from entering office just after a major recession, and running into one of the biggest booms in history, and managing toget out of office just as it came crashing down.
JFK could have done many things, but his assassination made him a martyr. Of course he's gonna be ranked with the greats because he was a young andhandsome President who was killed before anything major could be done.

Bush was a bad president because he crippled the United States status in the world. The Afghanistan War was justified, but the Iraq War wasn't. He shouldhave known, given his family's history, that so many bad connections and conspiracy theories would be tied with his intentions on invading Iraq in thefirst place.

In my opinion, Barack Obama is doing a good job at trying to repair the US image in the world. He knows how much is riding on him, and by being the Presidentwho has traveled to most countries in the least time is showing how hard he is trying to reesatblish the U.S image in the world. It's too early to see howhis policies will affect the nation, but i'm confident that things will work out fine.

Wall of text to the dumb NTers I guess.
Yo first, I didn't read the first five pages. Second, I knew that dude Rex would pop in here

For worst I have Warren G. Harding. Dude said that he wasn't fit for presidency... while he was in office

Best IMO is either Franklin Delano Roosevelt or Theodore Roosevelt.
Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Originally Posted by Laced Up Jordans

During Clintons era, the US was prospering on a crazy scale and was in a economic boom
If you give one iota of credit to Clinton for the economy in the mid to late '90s, then you're an idiot. The tech and dotcom industry became profitable on his watch and he reaped the benefits. At the same time, he ignored national security, weakened (oh, excuse me, "streamlined") the military, and his complete ignorance led to serious lapses in national security that rose up very early in the Bush presidency. The consequences of which were unavoidable by whoever was in office in 2001. Then the country fell into recession thanks to the dotcom bust and was compounded by the economic toll of terrorist attacks. Clinton benefited from entering office just after a major recession, and running into one of the biggest booms in history, and managing to get out of office just as it came crashing down.
I believe you are mistaken by national security aspect. Bush was told when he came in and numerous times up until 9/11 Bin Ladin was planning toattack. He ignored it. If you want to raise the fact Clinton could have killed Bin Ladin at one point in his term, ok.. But I will raise the fact Bush couldhave had Bin Ladin captured after 9/11 while we were at war with specifically him and Al-Qaeda.. But 9/11 is no where near Clinton's fault. We skip betweenthe 80s and 01 for blame of Bin Ladin, the man who trained him whether it was for good or not he had him trained, and the man who brushed off the warnings hegot about Bin Ladin..

So our argument is Clinton gets the blame for things that he had little to do with after his term was over (before you jump in, yes a person who is notcurrently sitting president can have blame for something) Hoover deserved blame for the economy years after he left office, his lack of regulation andintervention caused a stock market crash to turn into a depression that took years to recover. However he has little if anything to get blame for 9/11. Butthings that happened during his presidency he doesn't deserve credit for??
Originally Posted by AKA King Arthur

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by Los Yankees

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

LBJ>You. Peace Corps , oh nice but Johnson's great society FTW

Extending the dependence of Blacks on the government is not something to be proud of.

Best 20th Century: Reagan
Worst 20th Century: Wilson, FDR, Hoover, Nixon and Carter were all equally terrible.

Best 19th Century: Jefferson
Worst 19th Centrury: Not really sure.

Yes, only blacks use government programs.

its beyond clear los has no idea what he is talking about

its one thing to think Regan is the best president...fine

but to say LBJ's war on poverty was bad and its bad because it made "black dependent"

how are you going to say one program made an entire race of people dependant on the government? that's idiotic

furthermore there were way more safety net programs administered during FDR's terms during the great depression......do you believe that that made "whites" dependant on the government too?

that was a stupid thing to say and it falls in line with you thinking Regan is the best president of the 20th century Clinton accomplished 10 times more domestically than Regan could of ever thought of doing. And lets not forget his track record when it comes to foreign policy is lying to the American people. But whatever you have a right to enjoy him (although i take it you are either incredibly stupid or incredibly rich, maybe both)

as to answer the question there was a list done at the end of 2008 that comes out ever 4 years with the presidential cycle that does a very good job of ranking presidents by C-Span ( http://www.c-span.org/PresidentialSurvey/Overall-Ranking.aspx)

anyway as for best ill go with George Washington just because at that time he was able to maintain and set a standard for America that all presidents follow to this day. with out him it can easily be said that America would not be what it is today

as for worst it has to be William Henry Harrison. He served for 3 months or something...i guess its not his fault though cause he died but still


i didn't even see Los put FDR as one of the worst presidents ever

if you love Regan you have no choice to like FDR because without him there would be no America for him to $+$$ up. Not to mention that FDR single handily saved capitalism, got us out of the great depression, and was instrumental in winning WWII. Really what did he not do right? Any scholar you talk to ranks FDR as one of the best presidents ever. Sure some of his new deal programs were out there and he wanted to make the Supreme Court 15 but a lot of his really really progressive stuff never saw the light of day.

every single person making money in the American free market owes FDR of allowing corporate capitalism to stay as our nations system.

my god son.

and you had the audacity to complement that other guy on his history when what he was saying wasent practical at all yet you seem to have no grasp on realityY
You know what, I'm not paid to be a history teacher so I will just refer you to watch these. Learn something. Pay attention. PBS is far from"Right-Wing" propaganda. Actually, everyone should watch these videos.� All of them wont post, so here is the first part.
Originally Posted by SUCKAFREE85

Originally Posted by quik1987

Ive never seen this... hella years late I know.

Got his head busted open. good !#! aim

everytime i see this. especially when i think about jackie's mental state after the second shot..
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