NT, Who were the greatest and worst Presidents?

There was a reason why Teddy served 4 terms. - GOAT.

Worst pres.... G-dub, maybe, but he was used as a pawn during his terms, and alot of issues were left over from the Clinton era.
Obama best president

W. Bush, Nixon, Millard Fillmore, Harding, Hoover, John Adams = WORST.
Originally Posted by Sighfur

There was a reason why Teddy served 4 terms. - GOAT.

Worst pres.... G-dub, maybe, but he was used as a pawn during his terms, and alot of issues were left over from the Clinton era.

Come again.
Originally Posted by Sighfur

There was a reason why Teddy served 4 terms. - GOAT.

Worst pres.... G-dub, maybe, but he was used as a pawn during his terms, and alot of issues were left over from the Clinton era.
That was FDR not Teddy you vacuous thick
Anybody who posts Clinton is ******ed. He didn't do much. He was just LUCKY enough to be around during the tech and dotcom boom. If anything dude should beostracized for signing the NAFTA which will hurt and has hurt regular blue collar American workers. Did I forget that he's the one who approvedoutsourcing? Nah I didn't Not to mention expanding CRA which helped cause the subprime crash.

Dude is the most over-hyped president in history.
just came in to say if your like 15-18 years old callin gwb the worst kill yourself you have no idea how hard it is to run a country neither do i but give theman a break, yeah he put us in debt yeah he sent 1000's of friends & family members overseas but at least he didnt back down
Worst: Buchanan, William Henry Harrison (just for being dumb not wearing a jacket at his Inauguration and dying of Pneumonia 3 months later, btw his speech was1hr and 45minutes long), Hoover, GWBush

Best: Washington, Lincoln & FDR
Originally Posted by Biggie62

Nah I didn't Not to mention expanding CRA which helped cause the subprime crash.
did you know that often times black people were forced into subprime loans when they could have paid regular interests. But the mortgage brokersforced them into it because one it gave them more money and 2 they didn't care if the extra $110K more subprime loans on avg added to the life of the loancaused a default because they traded it to others through derivatives, often times even bet on it to fail.. They had no incentive to give the best loan theycould because immediately after the loan was signed it was passed on to someone else. And even if they couldn't afford a regular loan they could come backand get a subprime loan without objection.. That is not Clinton's fault that is the banks fault.

Also due to regulations on the CRA loans written under the CRA were four to five times less likely to forecluse than loans written by institutions not underthe CRA.

And before you say ACORN, loans acquired with the help of ACORN had a foreclusure rate of less than 1/3 of 1%.
Originally Posted by IMASOLEMAN18

but at least he didnt back down

that was the problem.. When people told him he was wrong he didn't back down.. When people told him Iraq doesn't have WMDs he didn't back down..When he was told torture was illegal he didn't back down. When people told him the financial institution was going to hell in a hand basket he didn'tback down...When he was told illegal wiretaps are highly illegal, he didn't back down... Get the picture..
DtotheD wrote:
worst president will be obama.......maybe

Come on dude... That is ridiculous... And before any wants to quote myliberal bias.. He will be no where near the best president either.. He's in the C range and between you and me there are a lot of F presidents out of the44..

And also half the debate in this country is waged by absolute lunatics.. The type of decorum he is getting is back when White Southern Democrats tried to keepblack elected congressman from taking their seat during Reconstruction.
Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

LBJ>You. Peace Corps , oh nice but Johnson's great society FTW

Extending the dependence of Blacks on the government is not something to be proud of.

Best 20th Century: Reagan
Worst 20th Century: Wilson, FDR, Hoover, Nixon and Carter were all equally terrible.

Best 19th Century: Jefferson
Worst 19th Centrury: Not really sure.
Originally Posted by Los Yankees

ShaunHillFTW49 wrote:

LBJ>You. Peace Corps , oh nice but Johnson's great society FTW

Extending the dependence of Blacks on the government is not something to be proud of.

Best 20th Century: Reagan
Worst 20th Century: Wilson, FDR, Hoover, Nixon and Carter were all equally terrible.

Best 19th Century: Jefferson
Worst 19th Centrury: Not really sure.

Why Reagan? I know he's ranked very favorably but I want to hear your take, because he was rumored to be a racist.
I don't think NT would know since you guys weren't even born yet (me neither
) when the first 35 served as presidents. Most are just basing off of what was learned through history, and we know how biased that can be.
Best: Reagan he's the president we need now
Worst: Hoover, If Obama becomes a shell of what he was, we're screwed
Originally Posted by Air Bonilla 23

Originally Posted by Los Yankees

ShaunHillFTW49 wrote:

LBJ>You. Peace Corps , oh nice but Johnson's great society FTW

Extending the dependence of Blacks on the government is not something to be proud of.

Best 20th Century: Reagan
Worst 20th Century: Wilson, FDR, Hoover, Nixon and Carter were all equally terrible.

Best 19th Century: Jefferson
Worst 19th Centrury: Not really sure.

Why Reagan? I know he's ranked very favorably but I want to hear your take, because he was rumored to be a racist.

Any Republican is going to painted a racist just because they are Republican, that wont change. If Reagan was such a racist his tax cuts wouldnt have generatedan expansion on Black owned businesses in his eight years, a sharp decrease in Black unemployment, and a rise in annual income. Now, people woh are blindlyloyal to a particular party will blame Reagan for massive spending and incresae in the federal deficit, but fail to mention that the Democratic Partycontrolled both house. Reagan presented 8 annual budgets to Congress and 7 of the 8 were over spent by Democratic majority congress. Now, if Reagan was to vetoany proposed spending by Congress, then Congress would just overrule his veto and why would the president waste time and tax payer money knowing he would justbe overruled if sent back to Congress. It has been proven by numerous economists on both sides that if Congress didnt overspend his budgets he would have lefta surplus at the end of his presidency.
Originally Posted by Los Yankees

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

LBJ>You. Peace Corps , oh nice but Johnson's great society FTW

Extending the dependence of Blacks on the government is not something to be proud of.

Best 20th Century: Reagan
Worst 20th Century: Wilson, FDR, Hoover, Nixon and Carter were all equally terrible.

Best 19th Century: Jefferson
Worst 19th Centrury: Not really sure.

Yes, only blacks use government programs.
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