NT, What Beer Do You Drink?

Just picked these up at my local Shop-Rite. Had to ask if they had Sierra Nevada and they scooped it from the backroom

Are any of these pumpkin beers good?
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probably because it's a lager and most of the craft breweries in the US brew ales because it's easier and faster. There are a good amount of Kolsch style ales though, my favorite is Big Sprang from Trillium

Makes sense.


First time trying gose. Should be interesting.
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Was in Mpls last week.

Did a bunch of Surly (Abrasive Ale, Nein, picked up a Pentragram). Also had a 2014 Hunahpu with my cousins. Super dank but starting to lose some flavors so I'll probably drink my remaining '14's in the next few months. 

Two Hearted new label:

Got back to FL and found these gems at TW Millenia:

Never had the Zhukov's. Can't wait to crack it this weekend. 
That Zhukov you will enjoy chopper. It's up there with some of the best stouts I've had.

Three day old DANK from cedar creek to start today.

Zhukov is easily one of the most intense imperial stouts I've ever had.  Thicker than motor oil.

Today was another Sand City can release.  Fade to Jade and Oops! I Hopped My Pants.  Enjoying the fruits of my labor now:

Drinking really nice right now.  Juicy, but you definitely pick up a hint of equinox hops on the finish.  Glad I bought a case.

Any LA NT'ers hit up the Monkish release today?  They did a collab with Other Half called JFK to LAX.  Saw a picture on Instagram of a line of chairs set up overnight.  Limit was one 4-pack per person. 
That Zhukov you will enjoy chopper. It's up there with some of the best stouts I've had.

Three day old DANK from cedar creek to start today.
You weren't lying. This is very good. I might go cop a couple more as I've read they age really well. 
Good stuff all. That dank by cedar creek is easily two months old at the only spot in town where I live. I bought some awhile back. Tough price point considering its age unfortunately. I saw potential but I just can't do the real old stuff. They went 12oz/6 packs right? Never seen anything but the 16 ozers.

Some family in town. Nothing macro about our weekend ahead.


I think we're running a 15 Oktoberfest sampling, 5 pumpkin plus a mix of other stuff. I want to throw in a old vs new ten fidy. And a new vs old FBS. That may put us over the top.

A local brewery released their coffee stout, 2013 gabf gold medal winner. It comes out 2-3 times a year. Consumption today way beyond what I initially wanted lol. Growler to go on the left

Triple play of very very good Pilsner/ lagers. I guess that's my safety net. 9 gabf/wbc medals between these three.

Have a safe one all.
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Yup 12oz 6 packs for cedar creek now. The age does make a difference in taste. I've had cans 2 months old or even older and the difference is night and day.
The gose beers were interesting. Not something I'd drink on a regular basis, but a refreshing alternative for a hot day.

I just half and halfed a Pumking and Warlock. If anything if makes you realize how similar the beers are. Good tho.
Baby J

Am I spoiled or is this just really really really good but so hard for me to call it top 25. More ibu bite than I expected. Felt same with Ht. Different kind of IBU. Both times, this falls off nicely. Creamy/chewiness is surreal. Tough one to rate. I almost want to say that mouthfeel flavor is more what the hype is about than the hops. I've had that bite and aroma before. Never quite this though. Wasted no time Neosole89.
With the 16oz cans now being commonplace, I recommend you guys get the 20oz Yeti tumblers (or the Walmart knock-off, which is what I have). Perfect volume for the 16oz + head. Keeps your beers cold, no "sweating" on the outside....so no coasters needed.

Not for folks who like to see what they drink, but I personally don't care.
I like the concept for when it's really hot out. But generally, I'm always refilling. Not always one to sit on a beer. I will say, I got this generic insulated growler and that thing is perfect. No ice or ice pack or cooler or fridge needed. Beer still cold by round 3&4 as it sits on the table. I see more use out of that than a tumbler.

During a session if you are sitting long enough for it to get hot, you may be sitting on it too long and or it be the wrong style all together. Only stouts should ever get warm or the barley wines. Otherwise, don't session drink a ipa. But I guess the tumbler allows thst. No hate.
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No worries man. I'll throw one in the freezer or something haha.

With those NE style beers, the creamy mouthfeel (almost smoothie-like) is definitely part of what people go crazy for. I enjoyed them but after a while, they all start to taste similar. Need to switch it up a bit haha.

EDIT: UPS guy just delivered these bad boys. Appreciate the extras wallyhopp wallyhopp !

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awesome. The room temp instant drink is the xoco stout. :wink:. Not sure how much u liked or didn't like it. Been sitting on singles for awhile. One left for a special date ahead i guess. Limited access is underrated imho. As well as local exodus ipa, a two or three time Nm ipa challenger winner. Clean Citrus hops for days. Old school west coast vibe ultimately imho. Fun fact. La cumbre has never won this 3-4 multi week fan voting event blind tasting. Yet hype sort of got them going. A gabf gold in ipa doesn't hurt either. Except for this year, I think exodus and scale tipper were the last winners of the challenge combining some 3-5 years back. Mind is sketchy on exact figures. It's been exodus and scale tipper dominating lately though.
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