NT: The People v OJ / 30 for 30: OJ

Yooo....did dude really have a heart attack during day 1 opening statements in real life?!

Just looked it up...no heart attack but the stress caused him the chest pains for sure.
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Darden should've known better. I couldn't believe a black man tried to make that argument on national tv. He might not believe it but he deserves that hate for coming off like an Uncle Tom. Talking about the n-word is so inflammatory black ppl won't be able to compose themselves :smh: :x

***** please indeed.

:rofl: @ Hodgeman. That actor straight up reminding me of his Boston Legal character with the way he couldn't take it.
Damn. I'm like majority in here. I was like 9 during this, so I remember the chase and the trial but not the details.
Them giving OJ crib the african touch 
When he said he collected WW2 memorabilia I knew that'd be key.

I knew dude was a racist but I had no clue he was out here collecting Nazi medals and attire :x :smh:
"In September 1995, The Los Angeles Times reported that deputy district attorney Lucienne Coleman had claimed that one of her detectives (who had previously worked with Fuhrman in the 1980s) complained to her "that Fuhrman walked around on weekends wearing Nazi paraphernalia." The same declaration also alleged that after a fellow homicide detective, Andy Purdy, married a Jewish woman, Fuhrman painted swastikas on his locker.

Although the Nazi memorabilia claims didn't surface at trial, Simpson's defense attorneys attempted to gain access to them. According to CNN, on March 8, 1995, Judge Ito denied the defense's request to "see papers linked to allegations Fuhrman had Nazi paraphernalia at his desk." In a 1996 interview with San Francisco Gate, Johnnie Cochran stated that Fuhrman was a "collector" of Nazi memorabilia, but he didn't elaborate on how he knew this or whether he'd seen concrete evidence."

:x :smh:
This is who the LAPD hires as a cop :x :smh: :stoneface:

It is good to see homey from Do No Harm getting a gig. Haven't seen him since that got cancelled.
once the tapes of Fuhrman came out it was over for the prosecution. 

Tapes of him planting evidence or something different? I was 3 years old at the time so the show is putting me onto the whole case with a side of learning in high school :lol: .
That "N**** please" had me :rofl:

He is killing this role man. Give him da Emmy right now!
Haven't caught up with the thread yet but I'm watching it on DVR now, had to pause it at the part where JC said "____ PLEASE" :wow: :rofl: literally lost my mind right there, straight put Darden under the arm and gave him a nuggie :lol:

Give Courtney an award right now!
Cochran - "how many black friends do you have"

OJ - "AC! And he's blacker than I am!!"

:rofl: :rofl: I hope all these behind the scene things are actually true and not just exaggerated for TV
"***** Please" I almost died, long live Johnnie Cochran, dude was a genius I'm only 20 minutes in and the series is top 10 status. Oj's team was out there playing Chess on Grandmaster levels
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