NT: The People v OJ / 30 for 30: OJ

On the ID channel I just caught some of the special 2hr O.J. Simpson Case: The Real Story or the title was something like that.

This case was out of control :lol: Now I can't wait until they bring the racists to testify and the lies are exposed.

That this case got so big they had cameramen show up at Marcia's house the day the jury came back with a verdict and her reaction :rofl: That needs to be in the show.

Can't wait for the closing statements as well.
On the ID channel I just caught some of the special 2hr O.J. Simpson Case: The Real Story or the title was something like that.

This case was out of control
Now I can't wait until they bring the racists to testify and the lies are exposed.

That this case got so big they had cameramen show up at Marcia's house the day the jury came back with a verdict and her reaction
That needs to be in the show.

Can't wait for the closing statements as well.
The press visited Marcia's house BEFORE the verdict.  "Get the f---, outta here you f------ a------", she says. 

They had just heard the Mark Fuhrman tapes where he used the N-word like 40 times and talked about beating up blacks while on the job.

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The best part "Can I hit him?" and the guy she's with is like "No." She was pissed, sucking her teeth, ready to let off more f-bombs as she got in the car :lol:

It would've been too much if she assaulted a cameraman during all of this.
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I was too young to be interested or know the details of the case back then I had no idea he had a disguise with makeup and cash ready in the whip!? :wow: i mean gooooood damn lmao :smh: Johnny really worked magic I guess

But he didnt do it right? :smh:

Cochran may be the GOAT defense lawyers
The more I'm watching this show, the more I'm wanting Aaron Hernandez to give them the green light lol
Dont know why LAPD never brought him in for questioning. I wonder what he was doing that evening the night of the murder.

Maybe OJ's son had a part in it, but Im convinced OJ did it.
On the ID channel I just caught some of the special 2hr O.J. Simpson Case: The Real Story or the title was something like that.

This case was out of control :lol: Now I can't wait until they bring the racists to testify and the lies are exposed.

That this case got so big they had cameramen show up at Marcia's house the day the jury came back with a verdict and her reaction :rofl: That needs to be in the show.

Can't wait for the closing statements as well.

caught the end and they showed some stats on it. just remember it said 150M ppl in the US tuned in to watch the verdict and over a billion in merchandise sales
Dont know why LAPD never brought him in for questioning. I wonder what he was doing that evening the night of the murder.

Maybe OJ's son had a part in it, but Im convinced OJ did it.
Oj son was in love with Nicole and she flaked on him that night and that made him snap...
It just looked like whoever did it was emotional. All the times they were stabbed :x. Sometimes I think he hired somebody but if a professional did it I don't think it woulda been that messy.

And all the stuff I've read in this thread sounds like OJ was weird/crazy as hell. Watching her get pipe from other dudes, the 911 calls she made, him grabbing her thang saying "this belongs to me". Dude was out there.
Dont know why LAPD never brought him in for questioning. I wonder what he was doing that evening the night of the murder.

Maybe OJ's son had a part in it, but Im convinced OJ did it.

Oj son was in love with Nicole and she flaked on him that night and that made him snap...

Nicole was just one contributor to his craziness. That guy suffered from Jekyll and Hyde syndrome. He was taking meds for it. He had a history of violence. Dude pulled a knife on his girlfriend, and a school teacher.

Juice junior was crazy.

That fruit didnt fall far from the tree.
If that's true oj a damn fool. Son or no son I'm not sittin down for a L. I'm turning his *** in.
I mean yea but I don't think OJ actually thought they would charge him with it, and go the extra mile they did to prove it
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I was too young to be interested or know the details of the case back then I had no idea he had a disguise with makeup and cash ready in the whip!? :wow: i mean gooooood damn lmao :smh: Johnny really worked magic I guess

But he didnt do it right? :smh:

Cochran may be the GOAT defense lawyers
That doesn't imply guilt. That just means he didn't want to be arrested and wanted to go undetected to some foreign country.

He really couldn't deal with being the main suspect.

Think about it like this though. If he did it and was smart enough to take a flight to another city just so he could be that far away when he was notified why not just disappear in to Canada and then on to some non-extradition country?

Things seesaw from being that dumb to smart.
If that's true oj a damn fool. Son or no son I'm not sittin down for a L. I'm turning his *** in.

OJ was just protecting his crazy kid. Thats why OJ kept saying "it wasnt me" but he wasnt about to rat out his crazy son :lol:. If his son was gonna get caught it was through law enforcement and his own doing.

Honestly like someone else said here OJ might of probably showed up after the fact and his son calling him on what he did "bad".

Even if OJ had hired someone i dont think that hitman would of went out his way to stab someone 20+ times. You see how he damn near decapitated Nicole then stabbed up Goldman even when he was already dead. Thats some scary stuff. I def think that was OJs son who could be capable of doing that.

Story is crazy man :lol:
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