NT official Spring Summer Body TRANSFORMATION challenge March 1-June 1

Diet started today and so did my workouts. My birthday is May 1st so is like to use that as a goal

178.5 without food
181.5 with food
Goal 170

Anybody know why my body fluctuates it's weight so easily? I drink TONS of water through the day tho
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When I first posted I weighed 208 stepped on the scale today at 203 don't know if I lost weight cause I keep forgetting if last time I weighed myself I was at 203 or 205 I wanna say I lost lol
If I get down to 180-185 in the next 45 days I'm running an epistane cycle for four weeks before my vacation.

Don't judge me.
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I want bigger muscles. I don't know what response other than that you are looking for.
Well no **** 

A month of just PH wont give you that tough.
People do run 4 weeks.......I mean you get out what you put into it on anything. Most run Epi at least 6 weeks.
Well I guess your right but I just would want more out of it then one month just to look good on vacation lol You could **** around and not even notice a difference 
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weighed in yesterday at 206.5

screw the PHs guys those do more harm than good

real steroids are safer to be honest

im still natty, an i have been training since i was 17 i turn 29 in may

shooting for lean 195 plitt status
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from my IG:

View media item 885427

Pic on the left was taken about 3 weeks ago (Jan 13)....pic of the right was this morning (Jan 31).... what a difference a simple 15mins of HIIT cardio 5 days a week alongside a great diet makes...

leaning up is very easy...it's probably been said, but L-Carnitine is a helpful sup
Im on the flip side.
Need to gain. Any pointers?
Im 5'7" about 125-130 lbs. need to get to 140-145.

I run alot and ball alot so that aint helpin.
Fast metabolism too. Been like this since high school while the homies here gaining beer bellies.
Im on the flip side.
Need to gain. Any pointers?
Im 5'7" about 125-130 lbs. need to get to 140-145.

I run alot and ball alot so that aint helpin.
Fast metabolism too. Been like this since high school while the homies here gaining beer bellies.
EAT and eat A LOT. If you cant do that then invest in a mass gainer or make your own at home. Drink a lot of milk and eat a lot of peanut butter, pasta, rice, **** anything and everything. Get to at least 160, grown men shouldnt weigh under 150 and thats a stretch.
EAT and eat A LOT. If you cant do that then invest in a mass gainer or make your own at home. Drink a lot of milk and eat a lot of peanut butter, pasta, rice, **** anything and everything. Get to at least 160, grown men shouldnt weigh under 150 and thats a stretch.

I aint tryin to get brolic. Just idea weight for my height.
What if a grown man's height was 5'2" should he still shoot for 150?
Im asian if that matters.

Should I stop running and bballing?
One of my coworkers is in med school and his homework one day was to take vitals.
Let him take mine and homie said my resting heart rate is on par or close to a professional athlete.

Maybe should just couch potato it?
I aint tryin to get brolic. Just idea weight for my height.
What if a grown man's height was 5'2" should he still shoot for 150?
Im asian if that matters.

Should I stop running and bballing?
One of my coworkers is in med school and his homework one day was to take vitals.
Let him take mine and homie said my resting heart rate is on par or close to a professional athlete.

Maybe should just couch potato it?
I didn't mean to sound like a **** with that statement. At that height you could have some good mass at 150.

Are you trying to lift at all? Im sure you don't want to just gain weight, Im guessing you want some muscle, and getting brolic is harder then you think lol

If you love balling and running then keep doing those things, your just going to have to put in work in the kitchen to put on some weight.
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I consumed 4500 calories yesterday.

Worked 14 hours so I was just like F it.

First time I've eaten in surplus in two months :smh:
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