NT My life has finally hit rock bottom Vol. Assed Out

I appreciate all the support fellaz, I greatly do. Great advice from you guys.

I don't currently own anything of value, I sold almost everything in the past 2 years. 

To add a little more insight. On how my problem started

Basically it started with personal loans, I got in debt with them and was paying them off, then boom I totaled my car [COLOR=#red](not my fault)[/COLOR]. So I didn't have the money to purchase a decent cash car so I had to drop $2k on a down payment, more so [COLOR=#red]I let my mom persuade me[/COLOR] to finance a car KNOWING that I shouldn't, and should of bought a cheap cash car, I did it anyway thinking I would be able to pay it off once I got a accident settlement, so along with a new/used car came a $240 a month insurance payment. So as time went buy [COLOR=#red]my lawyer bs'd me[/COLOR] and[COLOR=#red] I only got $10,000 for a settlement [/COLOR]even though I was injured and all which left me with $1800 after paying all the fee's and medical bills. Fast forward a few months I get hit with my first charge. Now living in debt and owing alot of folks I sit here trying to make my next move.

I don't associate with bad people, truly I don't have any associates other than guys I play basketball with, just a few close friends who are out of state military heads that I only see from time to time. [COLOR=#red]Like I said my family raised me to spend money and didn't teach me the value of a dollar and[/COLOR] what it means to save and the importance of it, not to save just to make a big purchase. It's a lesson I've been slowly learning the past 2 years/ while unwillingly digging myself into a deep hole. I let so much oppurtunity for me to better myself slip by in the past it sickens me to think about it, I know I can't live in regret but only use it as knowledge to make better decisions in the future.

I have a GF, but she's not a reason for my problems.

I try to stay humble

I'm just going to take in the advice given by you guys and see what my best route will be.

Stop focusing on whose fault it is. Look at how much you are deflecting your problems on other people. It doesn't matter who is to blame, its YOUR problem. Blaming other people won't fix it for you, it doesn't save you face, it doesn't get bills paid faster. You are the one who has to fix it, and you are the one who is to blame for most of these, even if indirectly.

Stop blaming your parents for "not teaching you the value of a dollar." Homeless kids grow up to get jobs and don't blame their parents. Did you parents teach you to buy gold, shoes and useless cars? You are a grown man and you should know better. Hell, if you graduated college, you should at least know the "value of a dollar." You live at home, so chance are that you are living rent free or cheaper then getting your own place. If you really wanted to be taught "the value of a dollar" they should have kicked you out when you were 18. That way you would have had to pay rent instead of buying gold and cars.

You can't afford your kid. Whose fault is that? You shouldn't have had a kid that young if you couldn't afford it. Condoms are less then 5 dollars.

Okay, enough preaching. What do you do now?

Budget yourself. Cut out every single "want" in your budget and cut it out. You say you haven't taken care of your son financially in 2 months. I bet you bought yourself something in those two months. Bought a t-shirt at Ross? Bought some Js? Bought a video game? Every time you do this, tell yourself it takes food out of your child's mouth. Literally. Not spending that much? There are still ways to save money. Stop buying soda, refill a water bottle. Don't buy lunch, pack your food. Carpool to work. Get all your crap and sell what you can on Craigslist. Cancel your netflix, stop buying phone apps. You might not do these exact things but you know what I mean.

Pay off one card at a time, preferably one with the most APR. There is no point paying the minimum on 3 cards, you won't get anywhere. Pay off the one with the highest APR and move on to the next one.

Once you have done that, fix your resume. After you have squeezed out every penny from your current job, any promotion or new job you get, it will feel like free money. Put that towards bills.

Ask older or more experienced people you trust for financial advice. Cahnces are they have been there and know a way out.

I didn't go to all this trouble to hate on you or make you feel bad. I want you to know that you aren't a kid anymore and you can fix this. You seem like its out of control, so take control. You can start now and be out of debt by the time you are 30. Good luck and God Bless.
It starts with your attitude...willpower...your burning desire to succeed. I often wondered if certain people were just born with these traits or if they were something one could develop.

I often had trouble relating to friends/girls who came from households with two parents or a decent/middle class social status. I was never envious of these people, but when I would go to their houses I would see their parents struggling to have the children contribute anything to the everyday routine....they had dishwashers and still couldn't/wouldn't do the dishes.

I didn't have a dishwasher until I was a sophomore in college and by that time I had become so accustomed to washing my dishes by hand, that I never even used it.

I grew up never knowing my father and having a mother who worked two jobs to raise 3 kids. I spent my free time helping her paint houses/do lawnwork/working every Summer with a local carpenter doing roofing/drywall/plumbing etc. I never thought twice about it or felt like my life was unfair...it just was, well normal to me, because that is all I knew and I made the most of it. I was really good at sports, especially baseball....I used to walk to my school games and no one from my family was ever there, but I understood what was more important. I think not having anyone come or anything to prove to anyone forced me to quit spending time on things like that and focus on working/making money. My brother died when I was 17 and a Senior in High School. I remember going to the mall and buying a pair of Black/Black AF I mids from Footaction with a gift card he got me for my birthday.....that same day on the way back was when I found out he was dead, how ironic...still have those shoes brand new with the receipt. Almost 10 years ago.

That event changed my life and really allowed me to start living to the max....it was too late to start playing baseball again and seize the things I used to enjoy, but it allowed me to completely change my outlook on life.

You will find yourself in terrible situations at times....whether it be from bad luck, bad decisions, bad timing...whatever, but at a certain point it is not important how you got there, but how you will get to where you want to go. Best wishes.
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