NT is fascinated w/ wealth and its attainment so...Who are the REAL ballers on NT?

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Originally Posted by jordan23collecta

Originally Posted by kicksfiend

Originally Posted by jordan23collecta

You, Myself, and Kicks are all in the same boat.  Im 21 years old myself, in college, graduating next year all debt free because of the way I invest.  I just came into some money recently and am in the middle of debating what kind of car to get.  I have been driving the same car since I was 16, and its now 12 years old.  I was looking at getting an 07-08 BMW 750Li but at the end of the day I dont think I will get one.  Im the type of guy that will let the next man push the Rarri or Bentley, but overall I have more MONEY than them and could probably retire 15 years before they do. 

Low-Key balling is the name of my game.  I am the guy that has the money to spend, but until I make enough money to where I dont HAVE to work for a paycheck, I WANT to work for the sake of keeping busy, I just dont see myself buying a car of that magnitude or foolishly spending on things that lose value instead of gain value.

edit**  Not to throw out numbers..but Kicks has the right idea.  He has turned 5k into 100k since Sept. 08.  I have recently started trading in the market, and since April of 2009, I have turned $2300 into just under $25k (and its looking to skyrocket on some picks I am waiting on now)..I dont look to take that money out until I look to buy a house/condo/townhome in the near future.  I hope to be a hundred thousandaire by this time next year and a millionaire by 25 (liquid).  not bad considering I started less than a year ago



This man has the right idea. We're talking about BUILDING WEALTH. Not SHOWING OFF. The way I see it, Lulu from Paid in Full had the right idea. Stack your money and put it into things that will make you more money in the future. If you do it right, there WILL be time where you can cop that new Ferrari and put miles on it without a care. However, you gotta wait for that time or it'll never will come. If you make 300k a year, but every year you spend 250k, in 10 years you'll only have 500k saved up. That's not building wealth. I rather make 300k a year, spend no more than 100 and in 10 years have 2 mil saved up. THAT's building wealth

Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

oh and for every1 D-riding these investment cats.

5k into 100?

how about flippin $750 into over 300k in 1 year.

there are ways to make money any way. youre not better than anyone just cause you go to college and can invest. and just cause you'd rather live a normal life with money in the bank compared to someone who spends their money on jewelry and cars, doesnt make you smarter either.
some people like to have fun in life. if going to college for 10 years is whats good to you, then more power to you, but that doesnt make you better.

First of all nobody is d-riding anybody. Most of the people in here who are talking about investments DO invest. We're not d-riding, we're just talking about using a common interest to achieve a common goal. Check the Stock Market thread if you don't believe me, the user names are the same.

Second, 5k into 100 or 750 into 300k. This isn't a competition. Money is money. What you got in your bank don't affect me. If you turned 750 into 300k then congrats, just keep making it. I wasn't trying to show off, I was just introducing situation and then giving my views. Turning 750 into 300k is great but I rather have what I did any day of the week. When I'm applying for a prop trading position and they look at my experience, that will help me out more than a college degree from Harvard will. Also, what people don't understand is with trading, returns are scalable. Meaning the more money I have, the more I make. 10% return off $10,000 is $1000 but 10% return off $50,000 is $5,000. The more I stack, the more I make. I don't know what business you're in, but I don't think it's as simple to scale your returns as it is with trading.

Third, no one said they were better than anyone else either. When I mentioned college, it was because I was trying to say that most people who go to college BLEED money. Some end up graduating in huge amounts of debt. My goal was to graduate WITH money and I'm on my way to doing so. No one was trying to say they were better than you for going to college. Also 10 years in college? Where they do that at? As for thinking I'm better cause I trade, I didn't mean it like that at all. However after thinking about it, it's not a bad job to have. I spend my days on TOS and various websites, watching Bloomberg, smoking weed (shipped straight from Cali) and basically chilling. I have no clients, no places to be, no bosses, and no one to complain when I decide to take the rest of the day off to chill with a shorty. I won't say I'm better than you cause I trade but I certainly don't think I'm worse off.

Don't feel insulted but it IS smarter to save your money than spend it. There's NO WAY you'll prove to me otherwise. Also, wanting to live a normal life and just stack money does not mean I'm not having fun or enjoying life. Having fun in life shouldn't equate to what car you drive or what jewelery you have. If it does, you're doing something wrong.

   Everything this man said is on point


I feel like you have a chip on your shoulder to prove everyone wrong in this thread.  Why cant you just give the people props for turning a little amount of money into a larger amount of money?  Thank you for sharing though.  The investing guys that have posted (myself, Kicks, Chris Bosh's Neck) all do the same thing and do decent at it (for our world).  We all happen to be in the same situation and all 3 of us know what its like to make that first 25k in order to officially day trade, and make even more money. We gave the other information like our age, what we do, and that we are college students to give people an understanding of how WE get money, not neccesarily how everyone else should get money.  And, we never said 'This is the only way to get money' .. isnt this a thread about what people do?  if not, direct me in the right thread...

all i did was come in here cause dude was talkin bout cheap cars. i got proved wrong on something i thought i was always on the up and up about. i took the L on that. if anything this thread has helped me out cause instead of my next car purchace being a 07 S550, im shootin for a 03 360 spyder.
but after that fact and cats talkin bout building "wealth" and you said "foolishly spending on things that lose value instead of gain value."
i took offense to that. just cause you want your money to stack doesnt mean that its foolish to blow money. some people have different things goin on.

its funny cause i deal with people like you everyday, invested all their lives, made alot of money by the time they're 35 and now think they're some kind of elite. their stories mirror yours.
they think they're wealthy cause they have 2mil in stocks and a house and decent car. wealthy is when (like i said earlier) is when you buy houses cash.
"but hbw you fat fool, no one does that! you have to be stupid to do that" but when your wealthy you skip things that "rich" people think about like "Interest rates" and "lease terms".
hell your favorite rapper lil wayne said it perfectly "we dont gotta worry cause everything is ours"
thats "wealth"
drake said "i dont have to buy it, everything is free cause the club owner supply it"
thats "rich"
dont get the 2 messed up.

but thats just me.

no offense tho.
what sucks is, i have the mentality to Save, and be quiet rich...but i aint got no money.

its like i know the rules from "soakin up game," have my S!!! together etc. i just dont have the money...one day.lol
my dad's got his wall street game on, and I completely agree, you're not a baller until you're smart with your money. I (family) have a 1.5 mill house and a 2 mill beach house, but you won't ever see him dropping cash for fun, he's got me my bro and sis college cash all saved up in our names (to save on taxes) and took almost a year before he bought an audi a4. Dude was rocking a mini van to wall street for a couple years. I won't see any of that cash and gotta work for my money. Yea I got it easier then most but there is no way im living off of him.
Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

Originally Posted by finnns2003

at HBW knocking investors. Straight ignorance.

Good to see bright, young investors in here... None of my friends can relate to me.
im not and wasnt knockin no one... but i hate that cats was typing like people who live a "flossy lifestyle" are stupid and will fail at life.
thats why i said what i said. it was in general and at no one specifically.

Balance. Everything in balance.

"One must know the fundamentals, to reveal the essence." - Iwao Hazuki
Originally Posted by kicksfiend

thadangerousmind said:
I need to get up on this day trading thing.

25k buy in.

yea word. i'll wait till i graduate college next year and earn an income before I get into this. People in here talkin about going from 3 figures to 6
thats fantastic. Investing is now number 1 in my things to do after i graduate list
Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

Originally Posted by finnns2003

at HBW knocking investors. Straight ignorance.

Good to see bright, young investors in here... None of my friends can relate to me.
im not and wasnt knockin no one... but i hate that cats was typing like people who live a "flossy lifestyle" are stupid and will fail at life.
thats why i said what i said. it was in general and at no one specifically.

This guy
No one said you would fail at life. We just said "balling" and building wealth ain't the same. As Jae Millz once said: "I won't stop till my grandkids' grandkids' are sitting on dollars". Spending my money on a S500 as soon as I get a little bit of bread don't help that goal.

Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

"The way I see it, Lulu from Paid in Full had the right idea."
i guess you forgot he got shot you investment cats have fun "building" wealth. just dont drink and drive or mess with shady people. lol. yeah you can retire in 15 years, if you live that long.
and how i make my money? if i bought a product for 44.30 (actual price) and it sells for 250 (actual price again) thats almost 400% profit. better than crack.
i got banned talking about my business so im not going to be specific.
and im a ISO expert. cant be specific on that either.

Guess I gotta make sure I don't get shot.

You don't know me (understandable) but I've been "messing with shady" people all my life. Where I grew up, people never saw money like this legit so I'm living the dream to them.

To be honest, I actually got court tomorrow morning for 3 felony charges (basically the same bs Lloyd Banks just got hit with in Canada). It's cool though, the case is weak and my lawyer's a former DA. He told me straight up, we not taking nothing under a violation even if we gotta take it to trial. Most of the other lawyers I spoke with would've rather had me cop out to a misdemeanor with 3-5 years probation (and force me to quit smoking
), this dude WANTS to go to trial. Not something you see from a lot of criminal defense lawyers.

Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

all i did was come in here cause dude was talkin bout cheap cars. i got proved wrong on something i thought i was always on the up and up about. i took the L on that. if anything this thread has helped me out cause instead of my next car purchace being a 07 S550, im shootin for a 03 360 spyder.
but after that fact and cats talkin bout building "wealth" and you said "foolishly spending on things that lose value instead of gain value."
i took offense to that. just cause you want your money to stack doesnt mean that its foolish to blow money. some people have different things goin on.

its funny cause i deal with people like you everyday, invested all their lives, made alot of money by the time they're 35 and now think they're some kind of elite. their stories mirror yours.
they think they're wealthy cause they have 2mil in stocks and a house and decent car. wealthy is when (like i said earlier) is when you buy houses cash.
"but hbw you fat fool, no one does that! you have to be stupid to do that" but when your wealthy you skip things that "rich" people think about like "Interest rates" and "lease terms".
hell your favorite rapper lil wayne said it perfectly "we dont gotta worry cause everything is ours"
thats "wealth"
drake said "i dont have to buy it, everything is free cause the club owner supply it"
thats "rich"
dont get the 2 messed up.

but thats just me.

no offense tho.

Again, there is NO WAY you will convince me spending money is better than saving money. Think about what you're saying. You're putting your hard earned money in something that won't make more money. Don't get me wrong, I like nice things too but you can only have nice things once the time is right. Also, buying a house cash is not balling. Say you were gonna spend 500,000 on a house with the mortgage rate around 4-5%. I'd take the mortgage and put that 500k into an investment that would pay the mortgage. Anything over 5% return net would do the trick. THAT's balling. Although that's a simplified explanation but it's valid. I think the biggest problem you have (and don't get me wrong, I'm not insulting you) is that you're mistaking being ON THE WAY to being wealthy for BEING wealthy. They're not the same. Once you have money stacked up you can forget about interest rates and lease terms but right now, you NEED to be on top of those things. Those things will cause you to spend unnecessarily and you're going to find yourself with less money than you planned on having. I'm saying this as a warning because if you're really getting it like you say, you need to understand that nothing is guaranteed. That return on investment you spoke of, sounds like a terrible market inefficiency. Market inefficiencies get filled. You're one of the reason's why the inefficiencies getting filled because people who attempt to profit off it bring the prices closer, closing the inefficiency. You can't rely on that type of business forever. You don't want to drive a 360 right now and then a camry in 10 years cause you messed up you money. I'm not trying to knock you but it's clear you need to be smarter about your money. Don't mistake being sensible for elitism, it's not the same. IMO being wealthy is having assets that provide a constant cashflow. Jay Z said it when he said "even if I fall, I land in a bunch of money". Even if he messed up, he got steams of income that will help him out. If you're making money by just OWNING things, you're wealthy. If you're losing money because of the things you own, how is that helping you?

BTW, club owners give Drake free drinks because all the girls wanna be in the club he's in. The club owner net net makes a profit off giving Drake free bottles. THAT's being smart with your money.
Originally Posted by kicksfiend

Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

Originally Posted by finnns2003

at HBW knocking investors. Straight ignorance.

Good to see bright, young investors in here... None of my friends can relate to me.
im not and wasnt knockin no one... but i hate that cats was typing like people who live a "flossy lifestyle" are stupid and will fail at life.
thats why i said what i said. it was in general and at no one specifically.

This guy
No one said you would fail at life. We just said "balling" and building wealth ain't the same. As Jae Millz once said: "I won't stop till my grandkids' grandkids' are sitting on dollars". Spending my money on a S500 as soon as I get a little bit of bread don't help that goal.

Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

"The way I see it, Lulu from Paid in Full had the right idea."
i guess you forgot he got shot you investment cats have fun "building" wealth. just dont drink and drive or mess with shady people. lol. yeah you can retire in 15 years, if you live that long.
and how i make my money? if i bought a product for 44.30 (actual price) and it sells for 250 (actual price again) thats almost 400% profit. better than crack.
i got banned talking about my business so im not going to be specific.
and im a ISO expert. cant be specific on that either.

Guess I gotta make sure I don't get shot.

You don't know me (understandable) but I've been "messing with shady" people all my life. Where I grew up, people never saw money like this legit so I'm living the dream to them.

To be honest, I actually got court tomorrow morning for 3 felony charges (basically the same bs Lloyd Banks just got hit with in Canada). It's cool though, the case is weak and my lawyer's a former DA. He told me straight up, we not taking nothing under a violation even if we gotta take it to trial. Most of the other lawyers I spoke with would've rather had me cop out to a misdemeanor with 3-5 years probation (and force me to quit smoking
), this dude WANTS to go to trial. Not something you see from a lot of criminal defense lawyers.

Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

all i did was come in here cause dude was talkin bout cheap cars. i got proved wrong on something i thought i was always on the up and up about. i took the L on that. if anything this thread has helped me out cause instead of my next car purchace being a 07 S550, im shootin for a 03 360 spyder.
but after that fact and cats talkin bout building "wealth" and you said "foolishly spending on things that lose value instead of gain value."
i took offense to that. just cause you want your money to stack doesnt mean that its foolish to blow money. some people have different things goin on.

its funny cause i deal with people like you everyday, invested all their lives, made alot of money by the time they're 35 and now think they're some kind of elite. their stories mirror yours.
they think they're wealthy cause they have 2mil in stocks and a house and decent car. wealthy is when (like i said earlier) is when you buy houses cash.
"but hbw you fat fool, no one does that! you have to be stupid to do that" but when your wealthy you skip things that "rich" people think about like "Interest rates" and "lease terms".
hell your favorite rapper lil wayne said it perfectly "we dont gotta worry cause everything is ours"
thats "wealth"
drake said "i dont have to buy it, everything is free cause the club owner supply it"
thats "rich"
dont get the 2 messed up.

but thats just me.

no offense tho.

Again, there is NO WAY you will convince me spending money is better than saving money. Think about what you're saying. You're putting your hard earned money in something that won't make more money. Don't get me wrong, I like nice things too but you can only have nice things once the time is right. Also, buying a house cash is not balling. Say you were gonna spend 500,000 on a house with the mortgage rate around 4-5%. I'd take the mortgage and put that 500k into an investment that would pay the mortgage. Anything over 5% return net would do the trick. THAT's balling. Although that's a simplified explanation but it's valid. I think the biggest problem you have (and don't get me wrong, I'm not insulting you) is that you're mistaking being ON THE WAY to being wealthy for BEING wealthy. They're not the same. Once you have money stacked up you can forget about interest rates and lease terms but right now, you NEED to be on top of those things. Those things will cause you to spend unnecessarily and you're going to find yourself with less money than you planned on having. I'm saying this as a warning because if you're really getting it like you say, you need to understand that nothing is guaranteed. That return on investment you spoke of, sounds like a terrible market inefficiency. Market inefficiencies get filled. You're one of the reason's why the inefficiencies getting filled because people who attempt to profit off it bring the prices closer, closing the inefficiency. You can't rely on that type of business forever. You don't want to drive a 360 right now and then a camry in 10 years cause you messed up you money. I'm not trying to knock you but it's clear you need to be smarter about your money. Don't mistake being sensible for elitism, it's not the same. IMO being wealthy is having assets that provide a constant cashflow. Jay Z said it when he said "even if I fall, I land in a bunch of money". Even if he messed up, he got steams of income that will help him out. If you're making money by just OWNING things, you're wealthy. If you're losing money because of the things you own, how is that helping you?

BTW, club owners give Drake free drinks because all the girls wanna be in the club he's in. The club owner net net makes a profit off giving Drake free bottles. THAT's being smart with your money.
its all good bro. all i know is if you wanna go the pro route, thats all good. ima go the other way, make money and blow it right away on frivolous things.
my uncle died at 32 after a VERY successful career in commodity trading in a car crash. stacked money blah blah blah good investments. never had fun.
you'll never see my point of view so we can dead this convo.
"I'd rather die enormous than live dormant" jay z said that too.
aside from that... youre trippin.
if obama passes this bill or whatever you may need to find new line of work if i read it right.
my business will never die. everyone will always need phones, computers and clothing items.
and isnt getting a 5% return on 500k and paying 5% interest equal out to the same number?
i cant think nor care to cause im high.
but regardless if i was driving a 1999 ford taurus in 10 years, i still had a better life that _____.
and isnt the the point of it all?

and i really wasnt talkin to you on the cool bro.

Thunder: iso is an acronym i use to not blow up my spot. theres another one thats more widely used.

The basic principle we were getting at was you can't foolishly spend your money when you get it if your goal is to become wealthy. Instead you 'attacked' the way we were getting money by saying 'look at all the riders if the investment guys' lol

Both of you guys are right.

It's smart to invest your money (stocks/businesses/real estate) to make you more money. It's also smart to enjoy your money, because you could get hit by a car tomorrow walking to the store.

I'm not into trading stocks, but have my own company (and hopefully 2 more projects by the end of the year). I'd feel more certain in my companies success long-term than trading stocks long-term. Maybe that's why Champion has the confidence to spend a little frivolously.

I'm more satisfied with financial freedom than any item... Money equals freedom to me. So I'm with Kicks on this one. I'm aiming for a few million before I make any huge purchases. Until then, I'm living lowkey.
'Dey Know Yayo' is some University student who appears to be a millionare. He hasn't posted here in months though.

Seriously though, I'm not going to lie and say that I dont care about money but I think that Westerners are too obsessed with money. You look at people in developing countries and they are generally less stressed out and more happy than their Western counter-parts because they appreciate every little thing that they have. On the other hand, you look at Westerners and many of them do not appreciate what they have and strive for more material wealth. I admire those who push themselves to earn more money but it becomes extremely problematic when doing so comes at the expense of personal happiness.
Originally Posted by cor23ey

Both of you guys are right.

It's smart to invest your money (stocks/businesses/real estate) to make you more money. It's also smart to enjoy your money, because you could get hit by a car tomorrow walking to the store.

I'm not into trading stocks, but have my own company (and hopefully 2 more projects by the end of the year). I'd feel more certain in my companies success long-term than trading stocks long-term. Maybe that's why Champion has the confidence to spend a little frivolously.

I'm more satisfied with financial freedom than any item... Money equals freedom to me. So I'm with Kicks on this one. I'm aiming for a few million before I make any huge purchases. Until then, I'm living lowkey.

Yes,  Im sure people DO have it like that....but as far as kicks and myself are concerned, you cant spend a whole lot of money unless you are bringing in a whole lot of money.  Im trying to become wealthy, not rich...wealthy dont go broke


Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

Originally Posted by kicksfiend

Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

Originally Posted by finnns2003

at HBW knocking investors. Straight ignorance.

Good to see bright, young investors in here... None of my friends can relate to me.
im not and wasnt knockin no one... but i hate that cats was typing like people who live a "flossy lifestyle" are stupid and will fail at life.
thats why i said what i said. it was in general and at no one specifically.

This guy
No one said you would fail at life. We just said "balling" and building wealth ain't the same. As Jae Millz once said: "I won't stop till my grandkids' grandkids' are sitting on dollars". Spending my money on a S500 as soon as I get a little bit of bread don't help that goal.

Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

"The way I see it, Lulu from Paid in Full had the right idea."
i guess you forgot he got shot you investment cats have fun "building" wealth. just dont drink and drive or mess with shady people. lol. yeah you can retire in 15 years, if you live that long.
and how i make my money? if i bought a product for 44.30 (actual price) and it sells for 250 (actual price again) thats almost 400% profit. better than crack.
i got banned talking about my business so im not going to be specific.
and im a ISO expert. cant be specific on that either.

Guess I gotta make sure I don't get shot.

You don't know me (understandable) but I've been "messing with shady" people all my life. Where I grew up, people never saw money like this legit so I'm living the dream to them.

To be honest, I actually got court tomorrow morning for 3 felony charges (basically the same bs Lloyd Banks just got hit with in Canada). It's cool though, the case is weak and my lawyer's a former DA. He told me straight up, we not taking nothing under a violation even if we gotta take it to trial. Most of the other lawyers I spoke with would've rather had me cop out to a misdemeanor with 3-5 years probation (and force me to quit smoking
), this dude WANTS to go to trial. Not something you see from a lot of criminal defense lawyers.

Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

all i did was come in here cause dude was talkin bout cheap cars. i got proved wrong on something i thought i was always on the up and up about. i took the L on that. if anything this thread has helped me out cause instead of my next car purchace being a 07 S550, im shootin for a 03 360 spyder.
but after that fact and cats talkin bout building "wealth" and you said "foolishly spending on things that lose value instead of gain value."
i took offense to that. just cause you want your money to stack doesnt mean that its foolish to blow money. some people have different things goin on.

its funny cause i deal with people like you everyday, invested all their lives, made alot of money by the time they're 35 and now think they're some kind of elite. their stories mirror yours.
they think they're wealthy cause they have 2mil in stocks and a house and decent car. wealthy is when (like i said earlier) is when you buy houses cash.
"but hbw you fat fool, no one does that! you have to be stupid to do that" but when your wealthy you skip things that "rich" people think about like "Interest rates" and "lease terms".
hell your favorite rapper lil wayne said it perfectly "we dont gotta worry cause everything is ours"
thats "wealth"
drake said "i dont have to buy it, everything is free cause the club owner supply it"
thats "rich"
dont get the 2 messed up.

but thats just me.

no offense tho.

Again, there is NO WAY you will convince me spending money is better than saving money. Think about what you're saying. You're putting your hard earned money in something that won't make more money. Don't get me wrong, I like nice things too but you can only have nice things once the time is right. Also, buying a house cash is not balling. Say you were gonna spend 500,000 on a house with the mortgage rate around 4-5%. I'd take the mortgage and put that 500k into an investment that would pay the mortgage. Anything over 5% return net would do the trick. THAT's balling. Although that's a simplified explanation but it's valid. I think the biggest problem you have (and don't get me wrong, I'm not insulting you) is that you're mistaking being ON THE WAY to being wealthy for BEING wealthy. They're not the same. Once you have money stacked up you can forget about interest rates and lease terms but right now, you NEED to be on top of those things. Those things will cause you to spend unnecessarily and you're going to find yourself with less money than you planned on having. I'm saying this as a warning because if you're really getting it like you say, you need to understand that nothing is guaranteed. That return on investment you spoke of, sounds like a terrible market inefficiency. Market inefficiencies get filled. You're one of the reason's why the inefficiencies getting filled because people who attempt to profit off it bring the prices closer, closing the inefficiency. You can't rely on that type of business forever. You don't want to drive a 360 right now and then a camry in 10 years cause you messed up you money. I'm not trying to knock you but it's clear you need to be smarter about your money. Don't mistake being sensible for elitism, it's not the same. IMO being wealthy is having assets that provide a constant cashflow. Jay Z said it when he said "even if I fall, I land in a bunch of money". Even if he messed up, he got steams of income that will help him out. If you're making money by just OWNING things, you're wealthy. If you're losing money because of the things you own, how is that helping you?

BTW, club owners give Drake free drinks because all the girls wanna be in the club he's in. The club owner net net makes a profit off giving Drake free bottles. THAT's being smart with your money.
its all good bro. all i know is if you wanna go the pro route, thats all good. ima go the other way, make money and blow it right away on frivolous things.
my uncle died at 32 after a VERY successful career in commodity trading in a car crash. stacked money blah blah blah good investments. never had fun.
you'll never see my point of view so we can dead this convo.
"I'd rather die enormous than live dormant" jay z said that too.
aside from that... youre trippin.
if obama passes this bill or whatever you may need to find new line of work if i read it right.
my business will never die. everyone will always need phones, computers and clothing items.
and isnt getting a 5% return on 500k and paying 5% interest equal out to the same number?
i cant think nor care to cause im high.
but regardless if i was driving a 1999 ford taurus in 10 years, i still had a better life that _____.
and isnt the the point of it all?

and i really wasnt talkin to you on the cool bro.

Thunder: iso is an acronym i use to not blow up my spot. theres another one thats more widely used.

Would stating wat ISO is really get you banned? really? Is it that scary to say?

And i dont see the point of having a 360 spyda or s550, but to each their own. 

My dude got himself an 03 G35 sedan, which was incredibly sexy some years back. But hes still paying for it, $500 a month. And he later lost the same job/business he had at the time that he bought it, filling it with premium unleaded and few repair costs, just bring this expense UP and UP as the cars value goes down. 

-Not knocking anyone's hustle or intentions, jsut stating my opinion, since i see it all the time. especially in the urban areas...North philly is full of these situations/regrets

Happens all the time. 

I swear I'll be perfectly fine with a Honda Accord or an older Infiniti when I'm "making it". Call me crazy.

AND to the college students, how did you get that first $5,000 or so to invest? I think thats wat gets lost in the shuffle. Some people have money given to them and they can just invest/play/plan with it. Yeah you doubled or maximized your profits. But you were already in the plus with the money you used to get there.
I'm not even press to be a baller anymore...IMO a baller is someone with more than one place, multiple cars and enough money to not have to worry about money if they lost their job today...I'm just tryna be well off or reach a point where I'am satisfied
im not and wasnt knockin no one... but i hate that cats was typing likepeople who live a "flossy lifestyle" are stupid and will fail at life.
thats why i said what i said. it was in general and at no one specifically.

I definitely understand and agree.  I don't know about anybody in this post but you do seem to hear that alot when it comes to money.  If your not pushing a prius dudes wanna act like your money just going to slow up.  If you wanna do it like Warren Buffett cool if you wanna be like Paul Allen and buy a super sub cool too.  I just don't see why you can't ball no matter how your doing it without dudes saying craziness.
Originally Posted by CheGTR

AND to the college students, how did you get that first $5,000 or so to invest? I think thats wat gets lost in the shuffle. Some people have money given to them and they can just invest/play/plan with it. Yeah you doubled or maximized your profits. But you were already in the plus with the money you used to get there.

The only reason I stayed in the city for college was because my parents weren't paying for school so no, I didn't get money given to me. Worked at a law firm on Wall Street making 15 an hour for a while. Also, you'll be surprised by how many Wall Street types smoke weed, sniff yay, take adderall, etc.

Originally Posted by Retro23J

thadangerousmind wrote:

I need to get up on this day trading thing.

TO ALL THE PEOPLE WHO WANT TO GET INTO DAY TRADING, it's a lot harder than we've made it sound. If you have no interest in the financial markets past the desire to make money, you won't make it. Start by checking out investopedia and browsing financial websites. If you're interested, you'll learn what you need to learn by simply wanting your questions answered. If you're not interested you won't know what you're actually doing and you'll lose money. It's as simple as that. The best thing I had when I started was a book on beginner's technical analysis (all beginners T/A books are basically the same) and google.

Check out SeekingAlpha.com, Investopedia.com, Yahoo and Google Finance, Bloomberg.com, and Finviz.com to start.
Originally Posted by kicksfiend

Originally Posted by Retro23J

thadangerousmind wrote:

I need to get up on this day trading thing.

TO ALL THE PEOPLE WHO WANT TO GET INTO DAY TRADING, it's a lot harder than we've made it sound. If you have no interest in the financial markets past the desire to make money, you won't make it. Start by checking out investopedia and browsing financial websites. If you're interested, you'll learn what you need to learn by simply wanting your questions answered. If you're not interested you won't know what you're actually doing and you'll lose money. It's as simple as that. The best thing I had when I started was a book on beginner's technical analysis (all beginners T/A books are basically the same) and google.

Check out SeekingAlpha.com, Investopedia.com, Yahoo and Google Finance, Bloomberg.com, and Finviz.com to start.
Noted. My initial question was about getting started and good sources to read on which you added so
ChampionEdition wrote:
 wealthy is when (like i said earlier) is when you buy houses cash.

Buying a house straight up cash is foolish because it takes away a persons capital, regardless of how wealthy they are.  
For example, lets say I bought a house cash in 2006 for $600,000 cash. Today, that house would be worth $400,000~ which would be a $200,000~ loss.
Now had I put down $100,000, I could have sold or walked away from that POS without having too much invested...all the meanwhile the extra $500,000 could be at work making me more money, instead of losing  $200,000 in equity.

Some of the wealthiest financial heads like Peter Schiff and Jim Cramer do not own ANY real estate, not even their primary residence, yet they could "buy houses cash" if they really wanted to I guess.
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