NT...I'm Bored With Life

I'm bored too... I won the lottery at 18... I had 2 cars, a 750BMW and a lifted F250 also have a Ducati. Bought a house which I rent out to 9 immigrantsand get a steady 5400 a month, also a duplex which I rent out to students and get roughly 4000... Have 3 girlfriends and a dog, finished college but went backto get the premed requisites... Live on a beachfront apartment, but occasionally stay at my parent's house to use the pool/jacuzzi and basketball court.Got a job but quit because I just want to party and get drunk all the time... Have no kids but I send money to a kid in Africa through world vision andoccasional date a Milf just to go to Chuck e cheese and watch a Disney movie in 3d... I got tried of booze so I did it all but never became addicted. I gotsober, so I trained for a marathon and completed a 26k. Next, I decided to sell the cars and used that money to travel the world, for a year I went everywhere.Came home to on fourth of july and one of the tenants burned the house down with some illegal fireworks... so I collected the insurance money and sold theduplex too... During the last two months I built a mansion on the same lot (location is key and the neighbor's houses were in the 6-900,000 range in thisrecession). I recently moved in but all my girlfriends dumped me and got new boyfriends, I still bone em' but I feel empty. I decided to continue with thepremed but I don't have the motivation anymore. All I have is my bike, my dog & My crib and like 100k in the bank... I'm 23...I'm bored mightjust end it all : (


Originally Posted by TXCaddyKing

Looking at that pic of you on the bike, you might want to get a weight set or P90X.

I couldn't tell if that was your leg or the kickstand.
Man why so much hate towards the young brother? A lot of y'all are talking down like you wouldn't stunt if you were in his positions. So damnhypocrites.

But yeah thousandaire you my dude and all, but life isn't always about material possessions my man.
Originally Posted by aubstuh86

he thinks hes doing it just cuz he got some designer brand name frames and some ugly %%@ salvation army minks.

@%@#@ u live in detroit. DETROIT.

step ur life game up and quit fronting on the internet u e-baller.

Originally Posted by FungusFoot85

I'm bored too... I won the lottery at 18... I had 2 cars, a 750BMW and a lifted F250 also have a Ducati. Bought a house which I rent out to 9 immigrants and get a steady 5400 a month, also a duplex which I rent out to students and get roughly 4000... Have 3 girlfriends and a dog, finished college but went back to get the premed requisites... Live on a beachfront apartment, but occasionally stay at my parent's house to use the pool/jacuzzi and basketball court. Got a job but quit because I just want to party and get drunk all the time... Have no kids but I send money to a kid in Africa through world vision and occasional date a Milf just to go to Chuck e cheese and watch a Disney movie in 3d... I got tried of booze so I did it all but never became addicted. I got sober, so I trained for a marathon and completed a 26k. Next, I decided to sell the cars and used that money to travel the world, for a year I went everywhere. Came home to on fourth of july and one of the tenants burned the house down with some illegal fireworks... so I collected the insurance money and sold the duplex too... During the last two months I built a mansion on the same lot (location is key and the neighbor's houses were in the 6-900,000 range in this recession). I recently moved in but all my girlfriends dumped me and got new boyfriends, I still bone em' but I feel empty. I decided to continue with the premed but I don't have the motivation anymore. All I have is my bike, my dog & My crib and like 100k in the bank... I'm 23...I'm bored might just end it all : (

RIP and if you wanna give away more bread, PM me for my paypal info, my 545 could use some M bumpers
Fam if you still live in Detroit you lost.

Wasting all that money when you should've moved out ya moms house and gone to a better climate like Cali, NYC, Fl, etc.
Originally Posted by Elpablo21

Originally Posted by Guerrilla Warfare

Korean Dave wrote:
whoopty freaken doo...

I neva thought sumbody would type dis
most of us never thought someone would type half the +$$@ you do

hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha I figure son been on the board forever and no one questions it....the funniest is when he says "dey is wacking daprices" gets me every time
Guerilla warfare is the man
Man next thing you know homeboy is gonna say he conquered NT at the age of 24. . . Stop feeding the beast with post let this die

Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Originally Posted by Dead Stokc

Thread would've been totally different if it was Ben's.

So true.
No it wouldn't. No one gives a +%*+ about Ben Baller no more. Maybe the "OGs" do but the new cats don't. They sense blood in thewater and they coming for your neck.

Mooly/Thousandaire, why do you continue to floss even after you almost got murked in a dilapidated house after being set up by a broad who was attracted to theflossing?
You thought u was doin it...NAW

but if really bored with cop a Lambo that will definitely bring some excitement in ya life
so, what do you think that will satisfy your life at such a young age? Since you have everything already?
Wait, maybe you need to become a dad. That will guarantee you a busy life.
You Just Living For The Wrong Reasons I Felt The Same Way When I Was 19 I'm 22 Right Now I Gotta Get Me A Mansion In Atl And A Taxable Income Life Is WhatU Make It Though Travel Network U Think U Done It All Till U Around People Thats Copping and Crashing Cars Giving Girls 50 K To Blow I'm Trying To ComeThru The Hood In A Lambo
yall are hatin on this dude hard, if of course it's really him and his stuff in those pictures
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