NT do you discriminate?

Originally Posted by A Hunnid

Solaga wrote:
I only discriminate on these so called wanksta's like Lil Gayne, can't stand that dude. If any of you got a problem with that then deal with it, other than that I somehow discriminate on some races when I fee like they deserve it am been discriminated isn't anyone have been, but we all do sometime so there it is. Is this consider as a sin?

How does one deserve to get discriminated against?

Well does Racial Profiling counts?
I dont think this world would be a better place if there was no discrimination, people will have to keep things to themselves and its good to hear what othershave to say about other race.
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

You were hating on skinny dudes

Can't lie though, I hated it when I was skinny. I was 6'4" and 130-140 lbs and I couldn't do anything to put on weight. My job in highschool was hauling concrete and lumber (pause) plus I did a lot of weight lifting. That only got me up to 165lbs by the time I was 18. My whole goal was to get to 200lbs and I was finally able to do it by the time I was 23, now I'm 6'3.5" (2 slipped vertebrae ftl) and 215lbs. I guess the whole point of this oh so cool story is that I don't like skinny guys either, they tend to be annoying. Put a got damn shirt on no one wants to see your ribs.


good story
Nah, I can't think of a reason for someone to deserve discrimination. (Well except for fat chicks

I've been stretched out by cops numerous of times due to racial profiling. Doesn't mean I deserved it...

Now on the flip side, if I prejudge some dude as a "nerdy white boy" and see him as sweet, and I run his pockets... It was undeserved...

At the end of the day, discrimination can only lead to negativity unless the one discriminated against takes the discriminator to church and it becomesenlightenment.
Yeah I do but I try not to
I work at a ice cream store and I hate it when overweight people come in constantly and get the largest size and like 7 brownies but I always keep my thoughtsin my head unlike others
I won't lie, I discriminate against people who tend to act "ghetto" or "hood".
Whenever I am forced to interact with these types of individuals I am very aloof and act like they are beneath me.
I try not to, but some things that certain people do really annoy me. I'm trying my best to stop though.
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Everyone does, but what matters is that you recognize that you do and work to eliminate it. With that said my list is way too long
I agree, every time I catch it, I stop myself.
I cant front
I discriminate but usually its pertaining to food

For instance:
If I go to a Pizza shop I wat to see Italians serving me my Pizza
In BK damn near every Pizza shop is operated by Mexicans (But usually still owned by Italians)
Can I please walk into a Pizzeria and see Vinny behind the counter plz?
I wouldn't want to walk into a Mexican food shop to see Mario serving me Quesadillas

Same for my school when they try to cook "West Indian" food and just throw Jerk on it
Or cook cook a "curry" dish that resembles nothing close to curry

For the most part I don't discriminate on more serious subjects but I like my food authentically prepared by ppl that have some sort of connection to theorigins of a food

Petty I know
yep. against darkskinned women and fat women, old people (sue me #@#++). i dont give a @*%+ either.

hell we all discriminate
Originally Posted by LongRange3Ball

we all do it without noticing it.

Exactly. I'm not saying race wise, but if someone makes a mistake in the past you're more likely to no trust them because of that action.
I've been wanting to make a thread asking why certain nationalities seem to have a knack for treating African Americans with such inferiority?
i think i have some preconceieved notions about folks, but thats more in my head kind of thing. I try not to, or do my best not to allow it to affect myactions.
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