NT Confessions 2009

Originally Posted by raptors29

Originally Posted by TrillipinoTrapstar

Originally Posted by CrAzYFLiPxNyC

- I'm 19 and I have never had a girlfriend. I was close twice in the past but my immaturity messed it up for me (Mutual feelings but I didn't know how to act). Now that I'm older I'm just more picky about who I tend to pursue and when I finally do find someone, I usually get deaded for falling too hard too quickly so I get put in that friend zone with the quickness.

- Currently at the fork in my life where I don't know if I should continue being the good guy or change it up after college.

- I think I found my wonderwall..

- Scared to death about this summer and the school year following it. They hold extreme importance in various aspects of my life and it could either turn out very good or very badly.
I pretty much feel the same way with the 4th confession. I'm going to summer school at the University Of Central Arkansas to take an Investments course as a prequisite to my other finance courses this fall. I'm taking 18 hours in the fall. I recently added a finance concentration to my Accounting major a month ago by contacting the head of the school of business and following up the necessary paperwork at the Registrar's office. So far I'm finishing up what's left for my accounting requirements and what should I take for my finance concentration. I'm trying to get at least 150 hours before I graduate, so I should be able to walk in time for May next year.
One of teammates just signed with Central Arkansas. He said he loved it in Conway.

Going to Conway for the entire month of June. Got my brother and a lot of my hs folks that go there. I'm currently enrolled at Christian BrothersUniversity in Memphis, TN finishing up my junior year. I'm trying to get at least over a 3.25 after I'm done, and get 150 hours before I sit for theCPA exam.
Originally Posted by JayHood23

Originally Posted by Ninjasonik

I've killed one person in my life.

Me and my girl broke up recently because some girl told her we had sex, I denied it knowning damn well it was true. Im getting her back though..

I feel like I could be doing more with my life other than partying, school and finishing hw in the am.

Sometimes I just wanna get up and go away to my boys crib in Washington, but I know I cant handle leaving NY.

I think I'm a sucker for love, nuh-uh sucker for love.

I took home 2 girls @ the nas concert last night who were basically @%!!+%+% out to the whole audiorium and smashed both. smh

They're still here on my couch
That's one confession that I hope you ONLY tell people on the internet for e-hood stripes

ummm....no. It was self defense, I didn't even go to court.
Originally Posted by Ninjasonik

Originally Posted by JayHood23

Ninjasonik wrote:

I've killed one person in my life.

Me and my girl broke up recently because some girl told her we had sex, I denied it knowning damn well it was true. Im getting her back though..

I feel like I could be doing more with my life other than partying, school and finishing hw in the am.

Sometimes I just wanna get up and go away to my boys crib in Washington, but I know I cant handle leaving NY.

I think I'm a sucker for love, nuh-uh sucker for love.

I took home 2 girls @ the nas concert last night who were basically @%!!+%+% out to the whole audiorium and smashed both. smh

They're still here on my couch
That's one confession that I hope you ONLY tell people on the internet for e-hood stripes

ummm....no. It was self defense, I didn't even go to court.


How did you off him?
Well while he was trying to slit my throat, I got a hold of his head and had him in a reverse headlock and squeezed real tight and next thing you know his necksnaps.

This all happened in Brasil
Originally Posted by Ninjasonik

Well while he was trying to slit my throat, I got a hold of his head and had him in a reverse headlock and squeezed real tight and next thing you know his neck snaps.

This all happened in Brasil
So did you call the police or did you just leave his lifeless body there?

-I'm a Lil' Wayne junkie
Originally Posted by JayHood23

Originally Posted by Ninjasonik

Well while he was trying to slit my throat, I got a hold of his head and had him in a reverse headlock and squeezed real tight and next thing you know his neck snaps.

This all happened in Brasil
So did you call the police or did you just leave his lifeless body there?

Dude, this happened in public, there were about 10 witnesses. Of course the police came. If you had a 6 inch blade about to plunge into your neck, I'mpretty sure anyone would do the same thing
Originally Posted by Ninjasonik

Originally Posted by JayHood23

Originally Posted by Ninjasonik

Well while he was trying to slit my throat, I got a hold of his head and had him in a reverse headlock and squeezed real tight and next thing you know his neck snaps.

This all happened in Brasil
So did you call the police or did you just leave his lifeless body there?

Dude, this happened in public, there were about 10 witnesses. Of course the police came. If you had a 6 inch blade about to plunge into your neck, I'm pretty sure anyone would do the same thing
Touchy, apparently it bothers you still, you acting like I was standing there watching it happen sippin on coconut juice like
Originally Posted by JayHood23

Originally Posted by Ninjasonik

Originally Posted by JayHood23

Originally Posted by Ninjasonik

Well while he was trying to slit my throat, I got a hold of his head and had him in a reverse headlock and squeezed real tight and next thing you know his neck snaps.

This all happened in Brasil
So did you call the police or did you just leave his lifeless body there?

Dude, this happened in public, there were about 10 witnesses. Of course the police came. If you had a 6 inch blade about to plunge into your neck, I'm pretty sure anyone would do the same thing
Touchy, apparently it bothers you still, you acting like I was standing there watching it happen sippin on coconut juice like

do you expect some1 who had to take some1 else's life to save their own to not be touchy about it?
I'm a "germaphobe"

People were laughing at me at work because pre-Swine FLU epidemic I had Germ-X on deck and would not shake hands with people, only the McDonalds double-quarterpounder fist bump if I don't know your personal hygiene.

I don't touch other peoples keyboards at work and spray mine down just in case someone used it overnight.

I also have a mental list of people who I've seen in the restroom that have pissed/been in a stall and not washed their hands before leaving
Originally Posted by JayHood23

If they were trying to take your life first what would it matter?
depends on the person and circumstances (cant say i know from experience) but regardless its some1's life and im sure its not somethhing to beproud of if its a "confession"
i just quit smoking cigarettes

i don't know if i'm a graduate from hs
i don't really feel like going to my prom, but i'm a probably still go anyway
i feel like i have mad game..but i don't use any of it
sometimes i'm either too quiet or too hyper, never an medium
Originally Posted by NJstress03

Originally Posted by JayHood23

If they were trying to take your life first what would it matter?
depends on the person and circumstances (cant say i know from experience) but regardless its some1's life and im sure its not somethhing to be proud of if its a "confession"

-i typed up a response basically supportin Jayhood cause the answers from the dude were so vague and lead to more questions and i gu.......which is why ishould delete the above again cause i have a hard time gettin my points across effectively through writing

- I wish i was a better writter for the above reason
- i really should get on my alternate name but....ehhh
yea ima hop on another name...NTers be on that snitchin thing.
jthagreat wrote:
NJstress03 wrote:
JayHood23 wrote:
If they were trying to take your life first what would it matter?
depends on the person and circumstances (cant say i know from experience) but regardless its some1's life and im sure its not somethhing to be proud of if its a "confession"

-i typed up a response basically supportin Jayhood cause the answers from the dude were so vague and lead to more questions and i gu.......which is why i should delete the above again cause i have a hard time gettin my points across effectively through writing

- I wish i was a better writter for the above reason
- i really should get on my alternate name but....ehhh
yea ima hop on another name...NTers be on that snitchin thing.

just type as you would verbally say it, then proof read it to make sure it makes sense. that's what i do....
Originally Posted by Ninjasonik

I've killed one person in my life.

Me and my girl broke up recently because some girl told her we had sex, I denied it knowning damn well it was true. Im getting her back though..

I feel like I could be doing more with my life other than partying, school and finishing hw in the am.

Sometimes I just wanna get up and go away to my boys crib in Washington, but I know I cant handle leaving NY.

I think I'm a sucker for love, nuh-uh sucker for love.

I took home 2 girls @ the nas concert last night who were basically @%!!+%+% out to the whole audiorium and smashed both. smh

They're still here on my couch

Forget all that murder talk pm me some picks of the girls
Originally Posted by NJstress03

Originally Posted by JayHood23

If they were trying to take your life first what would it matter?
depends on the person and circumstances (cant say i know from experience) but regardless its some1's life and im sure its not somethhing to be proud of if its a "confession"
I ain't even finna front...

Spoiler [+]
I really do hope for situations like that. I want to cleanse the evil out of me by doing something REALLY bad once and for all, if that makes sense. It's hard being a better person than you feel you are suppossed to be. I feel like Spawn, only not magical or fantastic, just human. I need a reason to justifiably kill a man so that I can unleash this built up @@@@ inside of me. I scare myself. I've been like this since middle school, but my family doesn't fully understand. They think I'm just strange... troubled. I was born troubled. This is something else. I have something raging inside of me that doesn't intend to do ANY good whatsoever. So I smile and laugh
. I'm the funniest potential nutcase you've never met. I want to let it out, under the right circumstances, so that I don't let it out under the wrong ones. So I talk BIG @@@@ on records. I come up with the most creative ways to harm people, if I do say so myself. I've written my thoughts down and "murdered" them. I'll set the paper on fire, stab it, punch it...whatever. My right hand is still sore from fighting a wall 4 days ago. My left hand will never be the same. It's been feeling like I broke a part of it for a while now. I can't apply pressure to my metacarpal under the pinky. My mind is faux-suicidal daily, but I know that I'd kill another before I'd ever kill myself -- or else I woulda done it by now, right? I'm incredibly moral at times though. for example, I don't sell drugs unless I absolutly have to. I haven't had to in 3 years.Because of this morality, I hope to one day be able to sacrifice my life randomly for another. I'm dying to do it. Its really just a cop out though. I'm tired of being here
. I want to cheat my way into heaven like Constantine.

Aight enough of that... you may never hear me say that @@@@ again.
i sometimes contemplate suicide but I know I have to at least out live my mom.
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