NT Confessions 2009

I am always in need of attention from women, I blame it on my Mother not being around when I was young.

My friends need me ALOT more than I need them.

I would be perfectly content with never getting married.

I would rather dance with myself than with a female at a club, I honestly believe I am a better dancer than them anyway

I know 4 or 5 NTers on here, yet I know for a fact that there are friends of mine that lurk that know who I am.

I have a crush on a few girl NT'ers but they have too much love to give

I honestly believe that some of you guys on here would be my friends in real life.

I reached double digits in partners this year, and I am NOT proud of that.

My middle name is Kyle.

My ex girl's man beat her up, I could care less when she told me in fact I told her I could care less, she called me an +$%. That made me realize why Icould care less.

For some reason when I am friends with a girl she always wants more....As most would assume this isn't a problem at all, that isn't the case.
Originally Posted by Hen Lin 32

Originally Posted by AmberElise04

Oh one more confession...

I think NT is 100x better than JJB.
its been stated before hun.... NT > ***

my cousin and i touch weiners...


I sometimes wonder what life would be like if there was a reset button
compared to many of you i live a good life... Some people in here want to kill themself, hung up over ex's, have health issues, have disfunctionalfamilies, ect.

I have to thank the lord for my blessings. No im not rich im actually poor rather grossing only 43k a yr but i have my health and my brain.

good luck to all of you.
I forgot one...one more wanna-be close minded rapper and/or producer I'm punching them dead in the face.
i feel like everything that was once good in my life is failing apart all around me and theres nothing i can do about it...
I let my homeboy smash a jumpoff in my room yesterday and me an another homeboy were watching in the closet, also he gave the girl a clean shirt of mines toclean herself off
, and he put the used condom on top of my Ipod
Originally Posted by JACKEL56

I let my homeboy smash a jumpoff in my room yesterday and me an another homeboy were watching in the closet, also he gave the girl a clean shirt of mines to clean herself off
, and he put the used condom on top of my Ipod

.... there's just so many things wrong with this one

Originally Posted by TkTheGirl

I forgot one...one more wanna-be close minded rapper and/or producer I'm punching them dead in the face.

Does this mean you wont be buying my new mixtape Traptacular?
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by TkTheGirl

I forgot one...one more wanna-be close minded rapper and/or producer I'm punching them dead in the face.

Does this mean you wont be buying my new mixtape Traptacular?

Pretty much, especially with a name like that.

Traptacular, thats funny...
Originally Posted by TheBachellor

Originally Posted by JACKEL56

I let my homeboy smash a jumpoff in my room yesterday and me an another homeboy were watching in the closet, also he gave the girl a clean shirt of mines to clean herself off
, and he put the used condom on top of my Ipod

.... there's just so many things wrong with this one


I was bored...no rainbow
Originally Posted by JayADiCt92

Originally Posted by Mac A Roni

i got a dog twisted and might've killed lil dude

[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]its funny because 5 min later that boring %@% dog was running around humping everythingand going crazy...but the dudes chick said the dog was outside barking all night and when she let it inside, the dog ran to her bed and passed out for like 6hours[/color]
Originally Posted by JACKEL56

I let my homeboy smash a jumpoff in my room yesterday and me an another homeboy were watching in the closet, also he gave the girl a clean shirt of mines to clean herself off
, and he put the used condom on top of my Ipod

there was so many things wrong with this confession
I cheated on my girl of two years while I was in Frisco this last weekend. Hooked up with a girl at Milk.
Originally Posted by Murkn3m

Originally Posted by NoneOfYours25

I love my girl sooooo much but theres just soo many girls that I wanna smash and that are throwin themselves at me that I just mite cheat on her even tho I know I shouldn't
but you love her huh?

hey dont judge me

I do love her and I can honestly say I care about her, but we've been going thru somethings lately and maybe thats why I'm havin these thoughts, but Iknow if it came down to it I prolly won't end up doing it
Originally Posted by NoneOfYours25

Originally Posted by Murkn3m

Originally Posted by NoneOfYours25

I love my girl sooooo much but theres just soo many girls that I wanna smash and that are throwin themselves at me that I just mite cheat on her even tho I know I shouldn't
but you love her huh?

hey dont judge me

I do love her and I can honestly say I care about her, but we've been going thru somethings lately and maybe thats why I'm havin these thoughts, but I know if it came down to it I prolly won't end up doing it
Then break up with her and sow your wild oats, if you feel the need to sleep with someone else. Cheating is unnecessary.
Real quick

When one of the female NTer's say they have a crush on one the posters here, im always hopin its me lol
Originally Posted by Dakingii

Originally Posted by JACKEL56

I let my homeboy smash a jumpoff in my room yesterday and me an another homeboy were watching in the closet, also he gave the girl a clean shirt of mines to clean herself off
, and he put the used condom on top of my Ipod

there was so many things wrong with this confession
lol like?
Originally Posted by Hen Lin 32

Originally Posted by JACKEL56

Originally Posted by Dakingii

Originally Posted by JACKEL56

I let my homeboy smash a jumpoff in my room yesterday and me an another homeboy were watching in the closet, also he gave the girl a clean shirt of mines to clean herself off
, and he put the used condom on top of my Ipod

there was so many things wrong with this confession
lol like?
lose the shirt, lose the iPod.

fumigate your room.

you were in a closet with another dude with a bonner

shirt has been thrown away, going to throw away the cover/case for the ipod, I did not have a bonner
I now know all the reasons why me and my ex don't work. She wants me back now, but I can't go. It's not out of spite or anything. I wish her thebest. But it just ain't working. I let her breakup with me so that I could be pushed far enough away. During those first few days, EVERY part ofme wanted her back, badly. She proceeded to tear me down, one word at a time; one "I'm just not in love with you" at a time. My dad caught me andkept me from falling. Then he built me back up again in the middle of the night. Good man
. Now that she's done the pushing, now she wants to pull meback in but I'm cool over here. She's been crying and begging all day. I TOLD her she made a mistake letting me go. I was pretty unconditionalabout my love for her and I could have probably been with her till the end. Now, I'm much more me-focused. Everything she told me about myself was true,and I appreciate it. For the first time in my life, I'm single but I don't really feel alone. Just dolo
I care way too much. I'm always willing to put another's happiness before mine.

According to my mom, I'm way too giving.

I found out that my dad has been putting $125/week in my account. It was supposed to be a surprise for my bday, but my mom couldn't hold it in. Thanks dad.

I miss my dog so much. I want to get another one soon.

Sometimes, I feel like my boyfriend and I established a relationship at too young of an age. We both love and care about each other so much, but we have thingsthat we want to accomplish and if there's anytime to do so, it's now. This is the time so be selfish, right? I don't want to be the cause ofanother person looking back and having nothing but regrets.

I feel good right now though, like something good is about to happen. Everything tends to work itself out.
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