NT Confessions 2009

- i want to stop runnin thru chicks and find love
- my job is goin amazin and can really get rich off it
-somehow im the top saleman in the bay for a huge comp even tho i spend my workday on nt
-i think im more successful than all my friends
- i wish i could be real with chicks andgive them the world.. but whenever u treat them better than #!*!* they take advantage.. so i treat em how i treat em..
- i think im gonna move to san jose this summer
- i think eatin the cat is sexy
- i wanted to marry this chick 2 nights ago because she gives road head
-i tell my brother hes terrible at basketball but he has a good chance of making it to the league
- i think bout makin things with my ex work cuz shes physically perfect.. but we have no sexual chemistry
- amfrustrated as hell but dont kno y
- im baffled on how a chick ipulled off the myspace "can i hit" thread jus dissappeared after blowin up my phone for days.
- smashed like 30 girls in the last 2 years.. but only one in my 4 years of college
- know one girl that is perfect mentally but physically not whati want.. so i keep her as a late night jump off
- messed up a friendship because i couldnt tell her we shouldonly be friends.. shouldnt have smashed
-i smash chicks in my company cars and then sell them the next day to fleet managers..
- i like watchin chick flicks
- i watch hella porn.. and make videos for my female friends and watch with them
Originally Posted by Lazy B

-My standards in women are high but I refuse to settle even if that means being alone. Have accepted being alone as a real possibility.
agreed. same here.
-I could have had sex with a blond swedish girl last night, but I turned her down because I want my gf back

-I have a good life, but I'm not happy with it.

-I want to leave NYC. I've done all I wanted to do here and its time to move on.

-I have dreams of that day in Brasil at least twice a week

- I lie about alot of things. I think I'm a compulsive liar. I don't know why, but I think its because I have so much to hide that letting it out wouldhurt alot of people.

- I'm probably going to be dead in the next 2 years, but I'm not scared. I'm actually awaiting that day.
Im probably the only guy that jates high school

The girl i like has a boyfriend but she keeps acting like she doesnt

I cant swim so i depend on my friends to go in the 4ft pool during PE

I feel that i get absoluty nervous around girls i ty to get at but i can say anythin to any chick that im not tryna get at
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]My dog sleeps with me and she licks my neck....it feels good[/color]
- I wish I could %##% every girl I see instantly
- My swag shot through the roof this year and I'm afraid I might lose it...I been bagging 10's without effort and everyone likes me.
- Secretly feel good that my ex's know of my successes and those to come, they pretend they're happy but they really feel stupid

- I fear something is wrong with me because I fear nothing
- I'm scheming on my neighbor's wife and I smash women for 3 hours+ HARD and makes sure she hears...I get satisfaction in hearing them argue cause hecan only give her 20mins.
- I have sex with my co-worker in my mind and her Dominican accent gives me erections every morning....I would marry her if we had an relationship
- I play ball for fun and don't care about winning even though I do, but can't grasp the concept of those PLAY HARD (n/h) types that cry at losses inpick up games
Originally Posted by JayHood23

Originally Posted by Cleavland Steamer

Originally Posted by JayHood23

@ some of these confessions

I sniff panties on the sly
You're guilty too huh

When they leave the room to wash ill pick em up and examine them for stains first then proceed to get my BLOODhound on (pun intended)

I'm sick for laughing at myself
dude... you're sick
Originally Posted by hella handsome

Originally Posted by JayHood23

Originally Posted by Cleavland Steamer

Originally Posted by JayHood23

@ some of these confessions

I sniff panties on the sly
You're guilty too huh

When they leave the room to wash ill pick em up and examine them for stains first then proceed to get my BLOODhound on (pun intended)

I'm sick for laughing at myself
dude... you're sick
I can be at times

Another confession.....I'd probably sing "God Must've Spent A Little More Time On You" by N'Sync to Weekend Girl if I knew all the words

@ me
-I don't try at anything, yet always succeed.
-I don't live up to my potential.
-I waste my talents by not trying and being lazy.
-I want to drop one my bestfriends out of my circle. Hes the biggest jerk, ever.

-I want to let go but the D is too good.

-I'm scared that I may never find love.

-I want to get married before i'm 25.
-I own a couple guns...I bust at _s before but I know I don't got the heart to kill
-If a girl gets drunk around me in her house, I steal something 99% of the time
-I think I may have been burnt by this white girl a few weeks ago...but I'm scared to go get tested
-If my pops wouldn't have died, I would be a completely different person.
THOUSANDAIRE I feel u on the last confession... I'd be clean as can be...

and yah, you need to get tested. no shame in that brah
i feel like i'm walking down an escalator. it's like any progress i make, i inadvertently regress to .. i don't even know. i'm going nowhere.

i feel like nothing ever goes my way... from childhood until now. i need a new #+#$% for this black cloud to follow...

i just want to make the world better. i know that's impossible... but it's just the little things. i want people to be happy. the satisfaction i getfrom making another person happy is so much more valuable than anything of monetary worth. it really hurts me that humanity is selfish as opposed to selfless.

sometimes i just want to stop existing. not die.

i think i'm going to be single for a long long... lonnnngggg time... or unless someone who is perfect (for me) shows up
Originally Posted by LittlePeteWrigley

SiMPLY: Mind describing your "perfect"guy? Your reply has piqued my interest...
why is that? because i like to see other people happy?
yea, but also b/c I can relate to the escalator thing, finding someone who's "perfect", and as of late the black cloud/ceasing to exist... noemo.
Originally Posted by LittlePeteWrigley

yea, but also b/c I can relate to the escalator thing, finding someone who's "perfect", and as of late the black cloud/ceasing to exist... no emo.
oh em gee we can cut (each others names into) our wrists and watch the nightmare before christmas.

we can live like jack and sally if you want!

I'm addicted to old r&b and soul and blues......I just sit back and zone out on shhhhh

I can't sleep unless I think about money

I'm smart as hell, but I rather dumb down....the only time I put forth effort in showing it is when I'm debating with my boys

I was about to give this dude mack 10 action when I was in Alabama

I look very mean, but I'm very friendly

I believe in making people day
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

i feel like i'm walking down an escalator. it's like any progress i make, i inadvertently regress to .. i don't even know. i'm going nowhere.

i feel like nothing ever goes my way... from childhood until now. i need a new #+#$% for this black cloud to follow...

i just want to make the world better. i know that's impossible... but it's just the little things. i want people to be happy. the satisfaction i get from making another person happy is so much more valuable than anything of monetary worth. it really hurts me that humanity is selfish as opposed to selfless.

sometimes i just want to stop existing. not die.

i think i'm going to be single for a long long... lonnnngggg time... or unless someone who is perfect (for me) shows up
I thought I was the only one. I go through this every day.
sounds like a plan
I'd still like you to describe your perfect guy though, if you don't mind/ain't too much to ask... no thirst.
^ &sorry Ryda421, but I got at her first.
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