NT Confessions 2009

Originally Posted by shortydoowopp

I'd rather sit at home and watch Lock Up marathons on Saturday nights than go out...
that and To Catch A Predator
Ive been cheating on my girl with her best friend

I used to bust nuts in girls on purspose

I steal from my job at dillards alot.

I ran over a cat last week on purpose
this chick i know and kinda like recently protected her twitter updates
it's really pisses me off because I used to check them religiously
Um, let's see:

I told my dad until he gets his act together, he doesn't exist to me

I'm tired of him blaming others and not taking responsibility for his actions

Although he's been physically present in my life and has provided for me, I've always felt an emotional block between him and I

I've always wished my parents would've just gotten a divorce when I was younger. I'm all for working things out, but at some point you just got tolet go...

I feel bad that my boyfriend feels like I hold back from him sometimes. I'm trying to get him to understand I really make an effort to open up with him andthat I've never felt the need to do that with anyone else. I'm trying. I just need him to be patient.

That's all I can think of right now...I don't really have any juicy secrets.
@ this thread I didn't think it would produce.

Alright well every "confession" I'm about to say I do not regret and I don't feel bad about my actions or feelings.

- I'm pretty sure I'm an misanthrope. That means I hate ppl. Sometimes I want that one Twilight Zone episode where dude wanted all the ppl to leave himand then time stopped except for him to happen to me. Despite this disdain for ppl I still love beautiful women, it's simply a conflict of interest. Iwouldn't mind if I could somehow have women sexually/emotionally and not have them at the same time.

- Over the past 3 years I and each of my close boys have drifted away from each other. Deep down I don't care as much as I should, going along with myprevious statement but this does hinder my social life a bit. I'm not making new friends in my temporary college and I'm not really trying outside ofgetting (()). All my dudes have either not been heard from or have moved on to new friends. I'm hoping in vain that I can get rich or famous so I canbypass the whole making friends process again.

- I am a liar and an admitted one at that(which is something I am truthful about in most situations). I'm like the Benjamin Linus of Brooklyn. It's notreally a problem but just something to get off my chest. I get better at it at what seems to be by the second. It's gotten to the point where my web oflies are so intricate that Sherlock Holmes and a host of fictional geniuses couldn't figure them out. The majority of ppl I come across are unable to tellwhen I am lying. The quote "The best way to keep something hidden is to leave in it plain sight" has been ingrained in my mind and applied to mymanipulation techniques so that when ppl try to call me out on a lie it's revealed that I actually told the truth and in turn makes them look paranoid orout to get me. I lie to test ppl and for fun.

- I'm gaming several(over a dozen in my local area) chicks online and literally have no emotion towards it. The realization of it being good or bad iscompletely relative to me since I'm only seeking my own interests. I'll go in depth with some:

- One of these chicks isn't even attractive like NT would probably flame me for even talking to her(not that I care. She's not a beast but not pretty,average if I had to label her). Now get this the only reason I'm talking to her is cuz she's in a wheel chair. Since I actually want to experiencebanging a chick who can't walk(same goes for deaf, blind, and other girls with certain ailments). Those "Would you hit it" threads with the pspics of girls with no arms or legs don't help either.
Iwouldn't mind anyone pointing me in the direction of the fine chicks in wheelchairs.

- Another chick is fine but pregnant. The only reason I want to smash and won't wait until after the baby is delivered is cuz a long time ago some doctortold my JHS class that you don't need a condom to have sex with a preggo chick and ofcourse I was like
plus there's no way you can get her pregnant while she is pregnant
so now I'm actively welcoming the opportunity to smash preggo chicks

- When I was in my preteens on school vacations and in the summer my cousin who's a year older than me who was like a brother to me I guess use to sleepover at my house. We use to have mad jokes and ofcourse take them to far. So one time when he had finished taking a shower I pretended to get caught pissing onhis pillow(I had my back turned and was like my bad
). It was all jokesfor me, he chuckled but this was an on going war of fake nasty pranks we had going until a fewyears later at a party he tells me he thought I really did pee on his pillow(which was really my goddamn pillow anyway) and that he actually dropped to dropsof piss on my pillow the next day and that I slept on it unknowingly. I took it in stride(probably the stupidest thing he could've told me). A few weekslater I pissed a bit in his juice and watched him drink it. I'm not going to tell him ever.

- I got this fine 1st or 2nd or 3rd cousin(I aint sure) that really can get it. We almsot had one of those moments as young teenagers but then went and clearedup if we were related or not. Thing is I'd still smash if she was down.

- I'm convinced I'm a sociopath I fit the criteria for all of the necessities except for lack of emotion. I don't get angry much but for somereason I have a strong sense of empathy for others. I feel for the guy who just got dumped by his girl at lunch time, the popular girl who really doesn'tlike or fit in with the other popular kids, the lame who everyone picks on(I even reached out to these and others when I was young). Empathy aside if I knew Icould do w/e I want without consequence I'd do w/e I want like it was my birth right. A lot of times I think I was either born to early or born tolate(I'm talking centuries here).

- I rarely get angry but for some reason when I was young I fixed my face to kinda have one of those default angry black men faces
. It helps and hurts, I only smile when laughing but it sure as hell saved mesome trouble back in the 90s in BK.

- I know for a fact I never been the same and permanently changed when my best friend died when I was 11. It's crazy cuz the day of his death I left amessage on his answer machine talking about playing ball and then some N64 and shhh
Plus the way it happened I couldn't even be mad at one specific thing or person. A lot of ppl I've met in the past 10 years will probably tellyou I'm that funny, crazy, wild, fun to be around guy but I know the truth. I was actually a nice person when I was a kid and know I'd bedifferent(possibly for the better) if I didn't experience my best friend's death but I guess there's no helping it.

- My pain is bottomless. I have a high threshold for pain.

- At the end of my last summer job like 3 or 4 years ago my boss left me a note with money that said "Always remember that life is hard work." Thatpissed me off and made me reinforce one of my life long goals of getting everything I want and every goal achieved with the least work possible. The irony thatthat itself will be hard work doesn't go unnoticed
. ObviouslyI'm very optimistic and opportunistic.

- I'm apathetic and a procrastinator. I am puzzled though do I procrastinate because I'm apathetic or am I apathetic because I procrastinate?

- I've taken that "Wish a _ would" policy too far. It's gotten to the point I know I can kill another person for a simple altercation thatcould be resolved just by knocking said person out.

- I've never ate the box in my life and the whole getting mouth filled with blood aint helping. I've gave it a lick, alitte tounge swirl once but neverwent in on it like you other dudes probably have(nothing over a minute). I don't put any pride towards it, it just is what it is

- I've never really had a girlfriend. Just chicks I'd makeout/have sex with over a period of time. They might have liked me for me or w/e but I neverreciprocated. I've never found a girl that I'm attracted to physically and mentally. Maybe I'm not lookinghard enough.

- I've purposely went ATM on a chick who aint really catch on til it was in her mouth

- I probably was too honest in this post but it's NT and I don't care.

Go ahead, judge me
my dad worked for DEA and i smoke weed
I DL music too much
I hang out with lames and am too afraid to change the group ive been with for years....none of them are going anywhere
alright this is a really weird one. when i take a +@@%, if i'm a little constipated i think about playing madden and i'm passing the ball around and itusually works.
- I feel like a need to drink/smoke right now.
- I'm trying to get at this chick who currently has a boyfriend
-i work at job in which i hate dearly

-the girl that i want i seem to cant have

-when i meet my pops for the first time i may kill him

-i ponder death too much and have dreams in which i die crazy deaths

-i feel like the people who teased me in high school are"winning" right now

-i feel like me moving back to new york is my only way to escape besides death

-have a bad temper

-can't stand hip hop right now...too much garbage

-waiting for blueprint 3 to drop.....

-love watching soul plane

-i don't think i want my yeezys after all this hype

-want to take the first spaceship to mars and never return

-almost got killed 5 times

-after all that i feel like im here for a reason

-im 19
Originally Posted by 214TX972

Ive been cheating on my girl with her best friend

I used to bust nuts in girls on purspose

I steal from my job at dillards alot.

I ran over a cat last week on purpose
You are a scumbag
im talkin to a chick that has a bf... and i dont care

-i have to get naked to take a dump... it just feels better

-i wish my parents would get a divorce

-never really had a relationship wit my dad... and i dont think i would be too sad if he died

-a few of my closest homeboys are real lames... nerds, anime geeks, just not wit the "in crowd"... so i might start ditchin em and hangin out wit emless... i gotta worry bout my own rep

there's more later
Originally Posted by Lazy B

-Bout to give up on my hopes for law school. Probably pursue a career in the military.
-Crushing hard over this girl I met this semester. We're friends now. My friend smashed her last year but she is too damn cute and her personality is banging.
-My standards in women are high but I refuse to settle even if that means being alone. Have accepted being alone as a real possibility.
-Scared of graduating next year. Don't know what the world holds for me.
-My brother is a big disappointment and I'm going to tell him that when I get home from school.
-Always wonder what my life would be like had I had more confidence, gone Greek and continued playing basketball.
-Have thought about using hard drugs at one point or another.

There's a lot more to post.
Dont join the Military not for the wrong reasons atleast. I joined things have been crazy ever since. Not a day goes by when I wish i would havestayed in school and lived a normal life. Now im stuck In Iraq 7months 5more to go. Also the possibilty of getting stoplost and going to Afghanistan when Imabout to get out. 2years from now. I joined cuz i was afraid of the life i was living i felt like i was missing out on a lot of things. Dont get me wrong wheni get out the Military it will benefit me in a lot of ways. Just wanted to let u know life in the Military isnt all that great...
Originally Posted by trapmuzik617

-i wish my parents would get a divorce
-never really had a relationship wit my dad... and i dont think i would be too sad if he died
Originally Posted by MissinPieces

-I'm really starting to think my long time friend might be envious of my recent accomplishments
-Being in Iraq for all of 2008 %+*!!# me up in the head ALOT
-My mom never told me she was proud of me until I was on my way to Iraq
-Im slacking in school so bad that it's not even funny
-Out of 5 classes last semester, I only passed 1

-I havent dont a piece of homework this quater and midterms are next week
-Instead of learning from them, I continue making the same mistakes in life
-I havent had a girlfriend in almost 2 years
-My ex's insist on trying to reignite dead flames
-JumpOffs not getting the picture. Thier will never be a "you & me"
-Even though its harmful to your health, I like being a NTLK addict
where in Iraq were u located, what Unit were u In whats your MOS?
Im stuck out here myself been here since OCT 08.
Last friday I was diggin in it from the back and went to change positions and saw some blood on my sheets. She also got blood on my nut hair but it wasn'ta lot.

In 8th grade I had 3 girlfriends consecutively and I have never had one since. I am 21 and its cool with me.

I've never had sex in the dark before.

My little sister is getting fat and I don't know what to do plus I am overseas.
Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by ericberry14

i miss being back home so damn bad...
this city... miami is just not my kind of city... i dislike just about everyone at my school
i aint tryna kick itwit these new folksk... im tryna go back to the folks in high school... those dudes were really like family to me
i think i've gone out less than 15 times this entire school year & it doesnt bother me at all

i feel like i cant relate to people my age anymore...

You're growing up.

but part of me still wants to act all young like everybody else...
part of me wants to be all excited about drinking/smoking (dont do either)
like i just feel out of place when im with these people... like i have nothing in common with them anymore
i dont wanna talk about all the dumb %@+%... i wanna talk about real issues that we have in our society
its just like this is college... its supposed to be at least a few people similar to myself
but there isnt anybody like me at this school

anybody enjoy sports, like talkin about semi important issues, hip-hop music, religion, going out occasionally just to chill with folks... if this is you... hit me up if you in miami

not lookin for females... jes koo dudes to kick it wit... no mo
Trust I know the Feeling and I'm from the 305/954. Alot of Cats down here are really shallow. And all the Females want for the most down hereis what are you going to buy them. I've come to realize that I have really really high standards in a female, which will probably mean I'll be alonefor along while..... Plus I'm emotionally detached or atleast appear to be on account of my ADHD which leads me to get bored of things I have no interestin very qucickly. I worry about the future alot for I have a really high IQ and have been levied high expectations, so I am afraid to fail, for most of myFamily can't stand me as I'm the Only Male and was My Grandfathers Favorite, which they still all resent me for. And I resent them for they never oncelet me forget it nor did they ever let me be a child.... And I have so many oppunities at my feet with only one of them having a future.

But I say **** it. You only have one Chance So Make it count... or something corny like that
a few more.

-I'm very stubborn to change.
-I've been forgetful the past couple of weeks.
-I still haven't gotten a full grasp of accounting concepts, such as financial stements and journal entries. Trial balances are by far the worse problemsto solve!

-I want to get done with school here but at the same time I want to get out of my hometown.
-I'm still desparate for a job this summer. Aside from summer school in June I don't know what job to look for that'll provide me with a flexibleschedule to work around with.
Originally Posted by 10453

-i work at job in which i hate dearly Felt that way until I transferred into another position at the same company

-the girl that i want i seem to cant have Felt that way until I met my current girl/fiance

-when i meet my pops for the first time i may kill him Felt that way until I actually met my pops 3 years ago. Now we cool. I'm 28

-i ponder death too much and have dreams in which i die crazy deaths Had nightmares like that all the time and they stopped suddenly.

-have a bad temper Still dealing with this one

-can't stand hip hop right now...too much garbage Feel the exact same way.....and I'm a hip hop artist. I listen to rock mainly now:smh:

-waiting for blueprint 3 to drop..... Hoping that it does something to address the current state of hip hop

-love watching soul plane
I hated it upon first release but Im glued to the tube every time they show it on BET

-i don't think i want my yeezys after all this hype
I loved the Zen Gray pair but after seeing too many people beasting on them, I've been turned off. Especially because of the campouts, etc.

-want to take the first spaceship to mars and never return I often think there are other civilizations out there far greater than ours.

-almost got killed 5 times
I almost died at ages 12, 17, 21, 23, and recently dodged a bullet at 27

-after all that i feel like im here for a reason

-im 19
Fam, you are me 9 years ago...... I was almost frightened looking at your responses
Originally Posted by Cleavland Steamer

Originally Posted by JayHood23

@ some of these confessions

I sniff panties on the sly
You're guilty too huh

When they leave the room to wash ill pick em up and examine them for stains first then proceed to get my BLOODhound on(pun intended)

I'm sick for laughing at myself
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