Originally Posted by TkTheGirl

"In some awful, strange, paradoxical way, atheists tend to take religion more seriously than the practitioners."
I've always thought that
Originally Posted by nYcHipHopHippo

Originally Posted by nnarum

Originally Posted by nYcHipHopHippo

Originally Posted by nnarum

Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

Originally Posted by nnarum

Religion is for those who need some sort of emotional attachment to something. It gives them hope. Why isn't there one right religion? Because they are all wrong.

If you want something to worship? Worship the sun. It gives us heat for warmth, sunlight to produce food and give us the ability to see, and physics as in gravity from rotation around it...
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Beautiful answer[/color]
Oh, and the best part, miracles occur everyday with each sunrise. Daylight = heaven. Nighttime = hell. It's dark, cold, and doesn't help photosynthesis in creation of food.
I totally understand that some people are just unable to have respect toward organized religions. I can see why...

but I really don't understand why people feel like they need to express these views in a way of mockery that they know will offend people. I mean damn it's one thing for you to talk about it among other people who don't believe in religions, and keep the thoughts in your head...but why would u share it on this board when you know it's going to be found as offensive to some.

By the way...I'm not offended because the mocking was executed poorly and I don't really care about religion that much...but it had potential
I'm not preaching... Hence I am not an OP. I posted my thoughts... I didn't know I had to put a spoiler or a DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE EASILY OFFENDED... And good thing I didn't post this in another non-religion titled thread, I could be preaching or trolling...
i don't see the relation in preaching and being an OP but ok

and when did I ever say you were preaching? actually the word preach isn't even found in that entire quote.

all i'm saying is that you should be more respectful to a person's belief system since. I don't think it's difficult for any non-mentally challenged atheist/agnostic to be able to comprehend why religion would be a sensitive issue to discuss for people who do believe in a religion, and that when doing so it's best to do it with respect.
nYc what do you believe in?

God v.s. Satan is on the history channel for those who care.
Christians answer me these two questions:

1. If god is all powerful and is the creator of everything can he create a rock even he can't lift?

2. Greek mythology accepts homosexuality (see Cupid, etc......) and Greek mythology is heavily based on religion is it possible that those who are homosexualare not sinners? Because Jesus preaches love of all mankind. Jesus is the son of god. God created everything. Hence god created men who turned out to behomosexual.
Originally Posted by Essential1

Christians answer me these two questions:

1. If god is all powerful and is the creator of everything can he create a rock even he can't lift?

2. Greek mythology accepts homosexuality (see Cupid, etc......) and Greek mythology is heavily based on religion is it possible that those who are homosexual are not sinners? Because Jesus preaches love of all mankind. Jesus is the son of god. God created everything. Hence god created men who turned out to be homosexual.

1. If an omnipotent, omniscient is capable of creating things from nothing, then it is elementary to think that the creator had to physically lift the rock.God put things into existence and imo, God is not a physical person therefore he is capable of putting things into existence without physically doing it.

2. Greek mythology is not based on religion. Greek mythology is just that...mythology. It may be considered a religion, but in a technical, non-modern way.Homosexuality is a difficult thing. I believe that people can be homosexual and can be Christians...but at the same time, our purpose is to pro-create, andthat is impossible when there are two penises, or two vaginas. God accepts us for who we are but at the same time, if we are going against nature then we needto do some thinking. I'm not saying homosexuality is wrong, but it does not do anything for mankind. God hates the act of adultery as much as homosexualityso don't make God out to be a gay-basher.

...but what do I know?

Also, God created this world in such harmony that evolution and natural selection is possible. The end.
Originally Posted by Essential1

Christians answer me these two questions:

1. If god is all powerful and is the creator of everything can he create a rock even he can't lift?

2. Greek mythology accepts homosexuality (see Cupid, etc......) and Greek mythology is heavily based on religion is it possible that those who are homosexual are not sinners? Because Jesus preaches love of all mankind. Jesus is the son of god. God created everything. Hence god created men who turned out to be homosexual.
1. I don't think thats possible. His powers are unlimited therefore He would be able to go above and beyond any challenge.

2. Yes Jesus preaches love of all mankind and I for one love and care for everyone and so should everyone else. But He also taught us to keep his fathers word.We all fall short of his wishes but the key is to change from who you were and Evolve into a more spiritual person that is close to God. God first created aMale and Female. To procreate which is one of God's wants for us. To procreate. God makes us all in his image. How we let this world shape us is on us. Weeach have our own free will. We make our history. Some of us decide to be parents and some of us don't. By God's law, the act of homosexuality iswrong. Greek mythology like many of religions and even its followers pick and choose what we want to follow. We all fall short but we can still get closer.
People seem to believe that science and religion don't mix; I beg to differ. The more I learn about the massive complexities of life, the more I realizethat there's no way this was not created. Science can be wrong though. A couple of examples: Lamarck's theory of evolution, and the whole "energycannot be created nor destroyed. Many Christians think that the Earth is roughly 6000 years old, and that idea was perpetuated by ignorant preachers.
God never discerned how long the first 7 days were. Since those days never included humans in them, it is doubtful that the days were 24 hour days. I think thereason some people don't believe in Christianity is because of the obvious mistakes some of it's preachers make. Most people realize that the Earth ismore than 6000 years old, and then believe that Christianity cannot possibly be true.
Greek mythology is not based on religion. Greek mythology is just that...mythology. It may be considered a religion, but in a technical, non-modern way

How is Greek mythology not religion? They believed in these gods and worshipped them. That is religion. Only with hindsight can you say it's not religion,and even then it is questionable. It's only because we have SCIENTIFIC answers to questions they had do we not attribute bad weather to Poseidon orlightning from Zeus. Religion has been used in order to put an answer to things we can't understand. It's very possible that one day Christianity couldbe looked on as mythology thousands of years from now.
Originally Posted by Essential1

Christians answer me these two questions:

1. If god is all powerful and is the creator of everything can he create a rock even he can't lift?

2. Greek mythology accepts homosexuality (see Cupid, etc......) and Greek mythology is heavily based on religion is it possible that those who are homosexual are not sinners? Because Jesus preaches love of all mankind. Jesus is the son of god. God created everything. Hence god created men who turned out to be homosexual.
1. No. You're questioning the definition of omnipotence, not God's actual power. God can do anything that is possible, but he can't doanything that is impossible.

2. No. No human being is NOT a sinner, regardless of sexual orientation. I am no better a Christian because i'm straight.

However, i've never met a gay Christian. I've been to tons of retreats, seminars, missions, and conferences, both in the U.S. and overseas, andi've never met a single gay person in those gatherings. Of the gay people I DO know, they aren't Christians because each made a conscious decision toshun God. But what I do believe is that God accepts us as His own, and a gay person can find peace with God while being with a person of the same sex.God accepted me despite my sins, and God will accept a gay person who wants to know more about Christ and walk the walk. That is mytrue, honest opinion. God says homosexuality is a sin, but so is lying and sexual immorality, something I and everyone else is guilty of every singleday.

As for the dinosaur question, it IS implied in the bible, just like many other things are. And who knows how long a day was back then? A day could've beena minute or a million years.

Anyway, great Superbowl.
Originally Posted by CarminePOWER

People seem to believe that science and religion don't mix; I beg to differ. The more I learn about the massive complexities of life, the more I realize that there's no way this was not created. Science can be wrong though. A couple of examples: Lamarck's theory of evolution, and the whole "energy cannot be created nor destroyed. Many Christians think that the Earth is roughly 6000 years old, and that idea was perpetuated by ignorant preachers.
God never discerned how long the first 7 days were. Since those days never included humans in them, it is doubtful that the days were 24 hour days. I think the reason some people don't believe in Christianity is because of the obvious mistakes some of it's preachers make. Most people realize that the Earth is more than 6000 years old, and then believe that Christianity cannot possibly be true.

I'm glad you brought this up. God operates on a different time sheet than what we're used to. I believe it was Solid Dunk who explained to me than forall we know, days could seem like years or centuries to God. So the 7 day theory can go a few ways.
Another branch from a central idea like Christianity. God is the tree and roots. Religions and people have grew from God and are still attachedwhile others have broken off as do branches, leaves, twigs and berries.

As for the dinosaur question, it IS implied in the bible, just like many other things are. And who knows how long a day was back then? A day could've been a minute or a million years.
You know what dude? I don't know if its just me, but does it seem like the days fly by now compared to years prior?
RKO2004 wrote
Another branch from a central idea like Christianity. God is the tree and roots. Religions and people have grew from God and are still attached while others have broken off as do branches, leaves, twigs and berries.

interesting. kinda has that arrogant tone to it, but oh well.

also my question to you is that everybody claims that god is All powerful, all knowing, & all good. So then why does God allow evil to make its way intothis world of ours?

There are a few reasons i can think of;

God is unable to remove the evil from this world; he is not all powerful

God did not know that evil would make its way into this world; he is not all knowing

God purposefully allowed evil to make its way into our world; he is not all good

and my last question is that if God is all knowing & he knows everything that is going to happen for the entirety of time, then how can he also claim thathe gave us free will. If we truly have free will, then how can he still know what is going to happen?
I'm glad you brought this up. God operates on a different time sheet than what we're used to. I believe it was Solid Dunk who explained to me than for all we know, days could seem like years or centuries to God. So the 7 day theory can go a few ways.

It's all in translation. Genesis was written by man, there shouldn't be ambiguity in what is meant by seven days except for equivocal translations ofwhat a day meant in the original language.

Another branch from a central idea like Christianity. God is the tree and roots. Religions and people have grew from God and are still attached while others have broken off as do branches, leaves, twigs and berries.

Christianity and Buddhism are nothing alike. Each have a different view of the afterlife and how to achieve it. Your analogy seems to make an assumption thatall religions are "ok." Am I right? If God is the root then all the branches eventually lead to the same thing, God. But how can you believe that andstill be a Christian? As far as Christians are concerned, everyone who doesn't except Christ as their savior goes to hell, obviously all religionscan't be a part of the same tree.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Another branch from a central idea like Christianity. God is the tree and roots. Religions and people have grew from God and are still attached while others have broken off as do branches, leaves, twigs and berries.

RKO as always you are appreciated in my book for your well explained thoughts (unlike others)
Originally Posted by kyrac2

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Another branch from a central idea like Christianity. God is the tree and roots. Religions and people have grew from God and are still attached while others have broken off as do branches, leaves, twigs and berries.
RKO as always you are appreciated in my book for your well explained thoughts (unlike others)

but as the dude above you said, that isnt how christianity operates. Christians believe that if you dont accept Jesus Christ as the Messiah,savior, son of God then you are going to hell no matter how much of a good person you are
Originally Posted by ericberry14

RKO2004 wrote
Another branch from a central idea like Christianity. God is the tree and roots. Religions and people have grew from God and are still attached while others have broken off as do branches, leaves, twigs and berries.

interesting. kinda has that arrogant tone to it, but oh well.

also my question to you is that everybody claims that god is All powerful, all knowing, & all good. So then why does God allow evil to make its way into this world of ours?

[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]There are a few reasons i can think of;[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]God is unable to remove the evil from this world; he is not all powerful[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]God did not know that evil would make its way into this world; he is not all knowing[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]God purposefully allowed evil to make its way into our world; he is not all good[/color]

and my last question is that if God is all knowing & he knows everything that is going to happen for the entirety of time, then how can he also claim that he gave us free will. If we truly have free will, then how can he still know what is going to happen?

. Its something I can't shake. It wasmore so "My beliefs are" if that takes the arrogance out of it

[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]Well that is the million dollar question. My beliefs stems from the Adam and Evesituation.Matter of fact we can go deep. God and Lucifer. If my memory serves me correctly, Lucifer was one of the highest ranked angles. He and the otherangles knew of good and evil. His thirst for power and praise led to his downfall. That same lust for power and praise led to his disgust for us, Humans. Weare loved by God a great deal. Satan doesn't want us praising God and He didn't see fit that the other angles praised God. IMO He was the firstatheist. Not showing praise to God is all the same no matter how it is labeled. With Adam and Eve. God gave them reign over the earth. For the people who knockGod think about what He did. He gave us humans reign over the entire earth. If God gave us that, then what else did He have in store for us? All satan did wasexpose us to pain and separation from God. Whose to say what Adam and Eve knew or were going to be told? They may have been just as smart as we are but thethirst for more mislead them as it does us to this day.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]God gave Adam and Eve simple instructions. He said stay away from that tree. Buttheir thirst for more led them to disobey (Original Sin and it covers just about everything) God. When they did that they opened up a world of sin. Adam andEve had infinite life at one point so I imagine we would have also. A eternity of peace and love sounds cool to me.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]EB if you are or one day will be a parent, you will give your children simpleinstructions that you expect them to follow. "Stay away from them wings." If your son disobeys then He has lost a bit of your trust and has movedaway from you in a sense because He chose his own desire over your order.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]God had great plans for us. If He didn't then He sure wouldn't have gave usthe earth. But how can he reward us with more for our wrong doings?[/color]

and my last question is that if God is all knowing & he knows everything that is going to happen for the entirety of time, then how can he also claim that he gave us free will. If we truly have free will, then how can he still know what is going to happen?

I personally believe God has an unlimited amount of plans and ideas and to which direction each one of us may take. Every move we could make he is already onto it. Free will is OUR choices and decisions. Of course God knows what road we should go down but He lets us choose it. As many bad roads we may go down. Godis still there with us. When I tell you and NT about my beliefs, it is not to judge you or anything so sorry if I have come off as that in the past. But I wantto inform you there is a being who loves you more than you will ever know. I'm not trying to cramp y'all style but put you on to God's style.

kyrac2 Thank you bro and God Bless.

but as the dude above you said, that isnt how christianity operates. Christians believe that if you dont accept Jesus Christ as the Messiah, savior, son of God then you are going to hell no matter how much of a good person you are
Well that is what Jesus said. No one goes to the father but through him. I can't say for sure since I'm not God. All I can do is tell youthe word. What you do from there is your choice. But EB to be honest man. I think alot of religions tie in with one another. I believe Christ is my Lord andSavior but I wouldn't crap on Islam either because we all come from God. We just have to stop fight and find out what God wants as a whole instead of bitsa pieces. I think some religions have fell far from what God wants because they edit his words according to what they want. I try to stick to what He wantsrather than what I desire.
Christianity and Buddhism are nothing alike. Each have a different view of the afterlife and how to achieve it. Your analogy seems to make an assumption that all religions are "ok." Am I right? If God is the root then all the branches eventually lead to the same thing, God. But how can you believe that and still be a Christian? As far as Christians are concerned, everyone who doesn't except Christ as their savior goes to hell, obviously all religions can't be a part of the same tree.
Didn't say that. To be truly apart of the tree (God). We must figure out what He truly wants rather than what we want. We are all from God.Some have chosen to be further away than others and some have broken off from that tree. The fact of the matter is we are all from the same tree. Some of ushave chosen to break off and take our buds to start new trees.
Originally Posted by ericberry14

interesting. kinda has that arrogant tone to it, but oh well.

also my question to you is that everybody claims that god is All powerful, all knowing, & all good. So then why does God allow evil to make its way into this world of ours?

There are a few reasons i can think of;

God is unable to remove the evil from this world; he is not all powerful

God did not know that evil would make its way into this world; he is not all knowing

God purposefully allowed evil to make its way into our world; he is not all good

and my last question is that if God is all knowing & he knows everything that is going to happen for the entirety of time, then how can he also claim that he gave us free will. If we truly have free will, then how can he still know what is going to happen?
The thing is, God allows people to do what they want (forthe most part). He gave Satan the intelligence (knowing he would rebel). Why, you ask? No one knows, except for Him. It's all a part of his plan. I'm sure the one who created the whole universe MIGHT know what he's doing. It would be hard for a 5 year old who can't add to tell a calculusstudent how to differentiate functions, wouldn't it? The disparity in the real world is even wider than that analogy. And as for the "unable toremove evil" part, we shall find out about that in the time to come.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

You know what dude? I don't know if its just me, but does it seem like the days fly by now compared to years prior?

Please tell me that this isnt a serious epiphany you are just now having. It's funny i have never asked this before in all these threads but RKO how oldare you? (serious question, not intended to be disrespectful)
Originally Posted by pr1nts

this thread is giving us non believers a bad name. no matter what you throw at them they will come up with an explanation just like we would. in the end you have to let people believe what they want, neither side knows if what they believe is 100% fact nor will they for a long time.
I have a lot of respect for Atheists with this kind of outlook.
Originally Posted by FeelMode

Originally Posted by RKO2004

You know what dude? I don't know if its just me, but does it seem like the days fly by now compared to years prior?

Please tell me that this isnt a serious epiphany you are just now having. It's funny i have never asked this before in all these threads but RKO how old are you? (serious question, not intended to be disrespectful)
No it was a question I've been asking people since 12 or 13. I'm 20 now. I was making convo. Its just weird. Maybe its just looking backon the past that does that but who knows. I doubt it because when we're somewhere we don't want to be time slows like a turtle.

Whooo My Avy works!
20, i hope you dont take this the wrong way but that actually makes a lot of sense. Anyways, with every year life continues to accelerate. Talk to some olderpeople, they will definitely tell you every year feels faster then the one before.

Man, dont even get me started on how fast time goes by once you have children
Originally Posted by pr1nts

this thread is giving us non believers a bad name. no matter what you throw at them they will come up with an explanation just like we would. in the end you have to let people believe what they want, neither side knows if what they believe is 100% fact nor will they for a long time.
Originally Posted by nnarum

Religion is for those who need some sort of emotional attachment to something. It gives them hope. Why isn't there one right religion? Because they are all wrong.

If you want something to worship? Worship the sun. It gives us heat for warmth, sunlight to produce food and give us the ability to see, and physics as in gravity from rotation around it...
You look at that as just some MAJOR coincidence, some people look at that as proof!
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