Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

They told me they'd sell me a 4GB USED Xbox for like 180
I asked how much they'd give me if I traded one in



I'm having flashbacks of Funcoland up in here.
Originally Posted by Jking0821

$60 for a game is a joke anyway.  I can't wait for the new systems to start going more digital and game piracy picks up.  Games have 20 hours of game play and still cost $60.

sidebar: You think game stop is bad try college book stores.  Sell you a book for $150 then : WILL NOT ACCEPT RETURNS: NEW EDITION IS OUT.  Or it will be a college branded book that no outside vender will take.  So you are forced to try to return it to your school store.  Giving the college a complete monopoly over what books you buy.
and football tickets cost $60 and up and you get 3hrs of watch time.
you guys are knocking gamestop for the dumbest reasons. you guys are going in there with old games and expect to get half of what you put in it. like really? If a kid walks in the your place and wants to sell you uncharted 3 right now and get $20 for it, would you do it? especially since most people who are going to play it already have and already purchased it so you have a small chance of turnaround.
I went in there one time with a game that was still sealed asked how much I would get for it, if I traded it In I only paid 5bucks for the game, I asked how much I would get the guy at the counter said he couldn't take sealed games so I was like I can just take the plastic off, dude says he can't take it anymore since he saw that it was sealed? So I lay it on the counter and ask him to just tell me how much I would get if it was open I swear dude wouldn't even touch the game he acted like it was a bomb
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

People knock GameStop for their low buy back rates. Why should they be any higher? How much would you buy something that you probably already have a surplus of? Think about it. Why am I overpaying you for something you are trying to get rid of. I understand the frustration though.
Despite having a "surplus" they have incredible mark ups on those used games. Its really a joke that Gamestop is still around. Amazon trade ins are the way to go.
Originally Posted by ME NO PASS

yea gamestop sucks...its for soccer moms and !!%+

honestly if you still use gamestop trade-in over all the other outlets avail purchase games. you deserved to get scammed
Originally Posted by a55a5in11

Originally Posted by Jking0821

$60 for a game is a joke anyway.  I can't wait for the new systems to start going more digital and game piracy picks up.  Games have 20 hours of game play and still cost $60.

sidebar: You think game stop is bad try college book stores.  Sell you a book for $150 then : WILL NOT ACCEPT RETURNS: NEW EDITION IS OUT.  Or it will be a college branded book that no outside vender will take.  So you are forced to try to return it to your school store.  Giving the college a complete monopoly over what books you buy.
and football tickets cost $60 and up and you get 3hrs of watch time.

Not gonna compare a one time event with a video game.  you can see a football game and have the chance to see something special in person that very few people could ever experience.  Im not going to argue a one time experience with a video game.

But i understand when people go in with madden 2012 the week before 2013 comes out and gamestop says um..we will give you 83 cents.  But you end up with 2 brand new releases they just happen to be opened with no recipt and they will be like "um hows $15 dollars".  And you will say oh but Skyrim came out yesterday? its right there on the shelves for 60 dollars and you sell the used version for $55.  I don't use gamestop trade it anymore, but i also buy 2 video games a year at this point (PES, 2K)
Originally Posted by Jking0821

Originally Posted by a55a5in11

Originally Posted by Jking0821

$60 for a game is a joke anyway.  I can't wait for the new systems to start going more digital and game piracy picks up.  Games have 20 hours of game play and still cost $60.

sidebar: You think game stop is bad try college book stores.  Sell you a book for $150 then : WILL NOT ACCEPT RETURNS: NEW EDITION IS OUT.  Or it will be a college branded book that no outside vender will take.  So you are forced to try to return it to your school store.  Giving the college a complete monopoly over what books you buy.
and football tickets cost $60 and up and you get 3hrs of watch time.

Not gonna compare a one time event with a video game.  you can see a football game and have the chance to see something special in person that very few people could ever experience.  Im not going to argue a one time experience with a video game.

But i understand when people go in with madden 2012 the week before 2013 comes out and gamestop says um..we will give you 83 cents.  But you end up with 2 brand new releases they just happen to be opened with no recipt and they will be like "um hows $15 dollars".  And you will say oh but Skyrim came out yesterday? its right there on the shelves for 60 dollars and you sell the used version for $55.  I don't use gamestop trade it anymore, but i also buy 2 video games a year at this point (PES, 2K)
im just saying your spending money to entertain yourself and spend your time. $60 for 20+ hrs on a video game is not that bad compared to the 60+ dollars for a single sporting event ticket that lasts 3hrs. at the end of the day video games are over priced like everything else in the world but you still get the "most" for your money.

And who actually goes to gamestop the day after a release with out a receipt. if they are doing that then they deserve to be ripped off
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

They told me they'd sell me a 4GB USED Xbox for like 180
I asked how much they'd give me if I traded one in



Originally Posted by a55a5in11

you guys are knocking gamestop for the dumbest reasons. you guys are going in there with old games and expect to get half of what you put in it. like really? If a kid walks in the your place and wants to sell you uncharted 3 right now and get $20 for it, would you do it? especially since most people who are going to play it already have and already purchased it so you have a small chance of turnaround.

these guys are the worst

over here running PR for gamestop just to be different.

i bought nba 2k12.

played it five minutes

realized it was trash

took it to gamestop,

they offered me 25 bucks

this is the day after it came out

defend that, too, crumb

(put it on craigslist and ended up getting 45 for it the next day)

They offered me $3 for a game, I just kept it. And the classic IN STORE CREDIT is the biggest joke ever
Originally Posted by a55a5in11

Originally Posted by Jking0821

Originally Posted by a55a5in11

and football tickets cost $60 and up and you get 3hrs of watch time.

Not gonna compare a one time event with a video game.  you can see a football game and have the chance to see something special in person that very few people could ever experience.  Im not going to argue a one time experience with a video game.

But i understand when people go in with madden 2012 the week before 2013 comes out and gamestop says um..we will give you 83 cents.  But you end up with 2 brand new releases they just happen to be opened with no recipt and they will be like "um hows $15 dollars".  And you will say oh but Skyrim came out yesterday? its right there on the shelves for 60 dollars and you sell the used version for $55.  I don't use gamestop trade it anymore, but i also buy 2 video games a year at this point (PES, 2K)
im just saying your spending money to entertain yourself and spend your time. $60 for 20+ hrs on a video game is not that bad compared to the 60+ dollars for a single sporting event ticket that lasts 3hrs. at the end of the day video games are over priced like everything else in the world but you still get the "most" for your money.

And who actually goes to gamestop the day after a release with out a receipt. if they are doing that then they deserve to be ripped off
Like curb said.  Some times you play a game and realize it sucks.....its opened and used now....i think we all can agree there are wayyyy better outlets to sell games then gamestop.

Football game to video games is apples to oranges.  human experience > virtual experience hard to monetize that
hes ******ed.

i remember when you copped a game and played it for 4 years

i played super mario world for years

im already getting sick of skyrim

the quality of games has decreased, the price of them has increased and there is absolutely zero resell value, not just at gamestop

thats why i sell games on craigslist for 10 cheaper than gamestops used price

i sell them within minutes, usually.

one thing gamestop is good for tho, you buy a used game, realize its +%*, you can take it back, no questions asked..

i did games this summer like that...

alan wake (+%*)

legends of wrestlemania (+%*)

ended up with red dead and undead nightmare (it was 4.99 on xbl)

and the 4.99 ADD ON was 1000000 times more entertaining than any of the 60 dollar games.
Dudes that work at gamestop got that God-complex.
I swear...maybe it's just the ones I've been to, but MANY of the employees are condescending $$#!*$%@.
I understand the concerns, but really what do you expect. They're not in the business of charity.
thats true too

my dude worked there back in HS

i was always trynna get on

they always play me



and its the same like 12 employees for all 7 stores here
Originally Posted by MrBrown

Ive seen some crazy #%*+ where gamestop gives buyers of new games OPENED games

I went to gamestop to buy mlb 10 a while ago. Bastard put an opened game on the counter. No joke.
lmao @ what do you expect

i dont expect them to give me 20 bucks for a brand new game the week of release that theyre still selling for 55.99 when the msrp is 59.99 brand new.

like fifa, for example

you need a subscription to EAs new online server

but only one code per game

so if you buy it used (fifa 11 was 45 dollars the week fifa 12 came out.....btw)

you cant play online unless you buy the subsciption, too

youd think that theyd sell the games cheaper because of that.....nope


and the broad wasnt even gonna tell me, i told her like a couple days after i decided not to buy fifa about the online subsciption

she goes "yeah, i sucks....." blink


so the "what do you expect" post you were gonna type out, you can save that one.

we expect at least DECENCY

they dont give it, we dont give them business, that simple

hence the post.
Originally Posted by a55a5in11

you guys are knocking gamestop for the dumbest reasons. you guys are going in there with old games and expect to get half of what you put in it. like really? If a kid walks in the your place and wants to sell you uncharted 3 right now and get $20 for it, would you do it? especially since most people who are going to play it already have and already purchased it so you have a small chance of turnaround.

It's mostly because they're taking your game for $8 and selling it for $40+. And if there is an alternative who is going to give you more for your game and give you cash. Why are people going to GameStop? That's all I said. But people will allow themselves to be ripped off over brand loyalty/brand recognition.
I only go into Gamestop to trade in Video game systems.

Traded in a 40gb ps3 a few years ago, got $200 credit, bought a ps3 slim.

Traded in a barely used Wii for NBA 2k11 and some other game.

Last month I traded in a barely working Halo edition xbox360 for $100.00 credit bought the holiday 250gb bundle for $299 - $100.00 and got an additional $75.00 gift card.

Two big problems with Gamestop. They're run by children and they don't pricematch. Tried to buy a kinect with that gift card. Every other retail store was selling them for $100 Gamestop sells it for $129 and they don't want to pricematch. If i didn't get such a good deal on the video game system trade ins I would never go there.
I have a EA hook up, and I get free games and multiple copies of each.  I used to deal with gamecrazy inside of the hollywood videos.  They would give me 35$ for a 60$ brand new game and would take multiple of the same.  Gamestop would give me 20$ and only takes one game, per console, per day if it's the same title.  Gamecrazy went out of business in my area but they definitely helped with my holiday shopping
.  I traded in like 15 copies of Dragon Age and cashed them out
  I had to go back the next day to get the rest of my cash.  I kept seeing them get flooded with certain titles, most of which I brought.  
  Dudes closed down, and eventually had all those games for like 10$.  BTW if anyone is looking for EA games, let me know!  I'am sitting on 10 copies of battlefield limited editions for ps3 and 360 brand new sealed

anyways, Gamestop is weeeeeak

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