Noah and His Age.

How come people like you quote this bull @#$% like it's been around since the beginning of mankind?

Belief in a higher power is one thing (I don't believe, but have nothing against those who do), but idiots like you who think that their beliefs are the law for the entire human race are worthless human beings

View media item 881839
Even the SMARTEST "non-believers" know there is a higher power
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[COLOR=#red]Looking forward to the day when you clowns are being destroyed [/COLOR]:rofl: :rofl:

Proverbs 1:22-33
King James Version (KJV)
22 How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity? and the scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge?

23 Turn you at my reproof: behold, I will pour out my spirit unto you, I will make known my words unto you.

24 Because I have called, and ye refused; I have stretched out my hand, and no man regarded;

25 But ye have set at nought all my counsel, and would none of my reproof:

26 I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh;

27 When your fear cometh as desolation, and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind; when distress and anguish cometh upon you.

28 Then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer; they shall seek me early, but they shall not find me:

29 For that they hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of the Lord:

30 They would none of my counsel: they despised all my reproof.

31 Therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way, and be filled with their own devices.

32 For the turning away of the simple shall slay them, and the prosperity of fools shall destroy them.

33 But whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil.

:pimp:[COLOR=#red] Its coming soon, bring on the Martial Law and total breakdown of society already!![/COLOR] :smh:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You sound like someone that frequents GodLikeProductions.

I'd stand on the ruins of this country and still denounce his name and existence.

How come people like you quote this bull @#$% like it's been around since the beginning of mankind?

Belief in a higher power is one thing (I don't believe, but have nothing against those who do), but idiots like you who think that their beliefs are the law for the entire human race are worthless human beings

View media item 881839
Even the SMARTEST "non-believers" know there is a higher power

Wrong. The smartest non-believers are smart enough to know not to put all their eggs in either basket.

They don't know the answer, and will tell you they don't know the answer.
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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You sound like someone that frequents GodLikeProductions.

I'd stand on the ruins of this country and still denounce his name and existence.
Wrong. The smartest non-believers are smart enough to know not to put all their eggs in either basket.

They don't know the answer, and will tell you they don't know the answer.

U obviously frequent the site to be able to specify what one sounds like who does, as well.

And nah, im RIGHT.
Whats the point of arguing endlessly about religion when in reality nobody will ever know whats going to happen? We can sit here and bicker forever and still won't know the real answer. 
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You sound like someone that frequents GodLikeProductions.

I'd stand on the ruins of this country and still denounce his name and existence.
Wrong. The smartest non-believers are smart enough to know not to put all their eggs in either basket.

They don't know the answer, and will tell you they don't know the answer.

U obviously frequent the site to be able to specify what one sounds like who does, as well.

And nah, im RIGHT.

Dat pride though.
Let me answer everyone's questions.

Dinosaurs: Demons
Aliens: Angels and Demon
Nonbeliever: slap in the face than accepted to heaven.
Those born around another religion: one big swoop of a slap to the whole areas faces than accepted to heaven.
Big Bang: God works in mysterious ways
Evolution:....god works in mysterious ways in in mysterious ways.

Every other question: god works in mysterious ways. Bada bing bada boom.

You're welcome.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You sound like someone that frequents GodLikeProductions.

I'd stand on the ruins of this country and still denounce his name and existence.
Wrong. The smartest non-believers are smart enough to know not to put all their eggs in either basket.

They don't know the answer, and will tell you they don't know the answer.

U obviously frequent the site to be able to specify what one sounds like who does, as well.

And nah, im RIGHT.

Yes, I must scroll through GLP every single day to realize extremist end time BS on a site infamously known for extremist conspiracy BS is BS :rofl:
Please stop dawg, your NT logic is showing.

Name five credible world renowned scientist of any academic field that is absolutely for God. I'm talking NDT, Michio Kaku level.
Whoever said anyone was "absolutely for God?"
You got more NT logic then I.
Man threads like this are when I miss SillyPutty and the lulz that his presence in religious threads would bring :lol:
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Whoever said anyone was "absolutely for God?"
You got more NT logic then I.

How come people like you quote this bull @#$% like it's been around since the beginning of mankind?

Belief in a higher power is one thing (I don't believe, but have nothing against those who do), but idiots like you who think that their beliefs are the law for the entire human race are worthless human beings

View media item 881839
Even the SMARTEST "non-believers" know there is a higher power

So now you're going to hide behind an open ended statement? Please go :lol: you are the worst type of believer,
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I'm just gonna go ahead and say it: I don't respect anyone that takes The Bible (or any holy book) seriously.
Prejudice implies that I'm judging without knowing.  In this instance, I'm just judging.
I'm just gonna go ahead and say it: I don't respect anyone that takes The Bible (or any holy book) seriously.
Pretty sure no one respects you and your ignorance as well.
Lots of people respect me.  My grandma says I have charisma, to boot.

Go wash ya face, future realtor.
"A Higher power" and "absolutely for God" are the same now, huh?
...If that works for you buddy.

Cool, make your assumption ima "believer."
Believer of what? May i ask?
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Sooo were my african ancestors burning in hell before white people saved their souls?  Srs.

The @#$% some NTers are posting in here seem familiar (non believers will be destroyed)...could it be the times where Europeans came to the lands of the "Natives", labeled them as pagan savages, "punished" them by forcing them to give up all their belongings, land, and identities in order to "seek redemption in the eyes of the one true God" (or get mutilated/killed for refusing) :nerd:
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Even the SMARTEST "non-believers" know there is a higher power
How do you suppose this is true?
Quick question that I've wanted to ask around here for a long time....

Why is what seems like most of NT athiests?

[thread="587768"] [/thread]

View media item 881839


Even the SMARTEST "non-believers" know there is a higher power

How do you suppose this is true?
there is a higher power 

the sub conscious tells us 

to that I pose this question:

What if our subconscious tells us that because of the thorough conditioning we receive from early childhood? Do you think a blank slate would have that same subconscious feeling?

these are opinion questions open to anyone, I'm just interested in the answers.

Personally I believe in "other" things but it's come through psychedelic experiences.
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