Noah and His Age.

That's cool and all, but how do you know it's true?  Couldn't any religion use this to justify its legitimacy?

This also makes the assumption that the reason people don't believe in Christianity is that they're immoral and don't want to "be exposed."  It's insulting, really.
Like I said, I know it's true because I have witnessed the realness of Jesus. I tell you, my brother, seek and you WILL find.

"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." -John:14-6

And in regards to your second statement, I am no better than you. I hated the "holier than thou" vibe Christians gave off before I found Jesus. I am a human, I am a sinner just like you. However, I have recognized that I am a sinner and have repented.
I'm genuinely curious as to what exactly you saw that represented the realness of Jesus? :nerd:
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Another question: Why is it acceptable for a Christian to be a "God-Fearing" Man/Woman? Why fear your creator that expresses infinite love towards you and everyone else? Why is it assumed that God is male but made it so that the women are the ones that bring life into this physical world? A seed is only a seed until it is planted into the soil, Adam came from the soil.

I've also been told that God is a jealous god. Jealousy is an emotion that emerges from a source of negativity. Why would God be jealous? Why would God need to strike down with a vengeance? It seems like God is humanized without people really knowing it. If that's the case ARE WE ALL DEMIGODS IN A SENSE? The Bible says we are all God's children, so that could mean we should be able to have some Divine abilities. You are not your mother nor your father, but a part of them rests within you whether it's physical, emotional, or sense of habit. 

I'm not trying to denounce any beliefs nor am i hear to say who or what exists. Can a christian shed light on this?

In regard to that part about "god-fearing" and a "jealous" god the bible is talking about the devil. It's an incomplete story. The reason that god in the bible is jealous, is because we all have the light from the most high with in us.

The most high is a feminine energy. Some call it Sophia and that's where the words philosophy and philanthropist come from. It's hard for people to conceptualize because they don't typically accept that there can be a masculine principle within a feminine energy. The anatomy reflects this though. All of us start off as women in the womb...

When it speaks of how god/devil created man it was in the image of the most high. Key word being image, something that's a reflection of where were all come from. Hope this pics gives a visual interpretation of what I'm trying to get at. Hence us living in the 3rd dimensions. It's a copy of a copy of a copy
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I see what you're trying to say, but I am one entity and Holy Spirit is another separate entity. Jesus did not perform miracles on his own. It was the Holy Spirit, working through him, that allowed him to perform these miracles.

Along the lines of what you are saying, with regards to us being capable of doing the things He did as well, Jesus personally states that we will do even more amazing things than He when the time comes. There is a higher correlation between Jesus and spirituality than most people (even Christians) think.

That's cool and all and I'm not trying to down play your experience, but you disregarded my comment about the Jesus story being hijacked from the Egyptians.

It's a small minded perspective to deal with "jesus" in terms of experience and little to no knowledge of him and how he came to be. For such a miraculous man, they're should surely be accounts to his character outside of the bible. Further more, for the people that documented his story, what's their story and credibility. Would you follow the doctrine of a man that murdered almost half of his family. A man who murdered who wife by boiling her alive, cause that what Constantine the "Great" did.

Like I said earlier, I'm not trying to downplay your divine experiences but their is def a better way to interpret it.

At any rate peace and love man.
I'm genuinely curious as to what exactly you saw that represented the realness of Jesus?
I have seen the Holy Spirit work through others through prophesy, healing, knowledge. I have had people pray over me and know what happened to me during the week, know the depths of my soul, and even prophesy about my future. I have also felt the Spirit touch me. Ever seen those clips on TV with people fainting, yelling, dancing, etc? That is also the Holy Spirit!

Sounds like a load of bull right? I know, but trust me it is all very real. Please be careful when you seek though, there are a lot of lies and liars you must be aware of.
I got alot of VALID questions for Christians/ Believers.
Here are a few...

Is the Bible you doctrine/ foundation?
Why do you go to church on Sunday?
Is it ok to eat pork?
Is it ok to drink alcohol?
Do you celebrate Christmas? Easter?
What do it mean to be a follower of Jesus?
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I'm genuinely curious as to what exactly you saw that represented the realness of Jesus? :nerd:

I have seen the Holy Spirit work through others through prophesy, healing, knowledge. I have had people pray over me and know what happened to me during the week, know the depths of my soul, and even prophesy about my future. I have also felt the Spirit touch me. Ever seen those clips on TV with people fainting, yelling, dancing, etc? That is also the Holy Spirit!

Sounds like a load of bull right? I know, but trust me it is all very real. Please be careful when you seek though, there are a lot of lies and liars you must be aware of.

How does one tell the difference between the lies, liars, and righteous truth? Is it an internal "feeling" kind of deal?
That's cool and all and I'm not trying to down play your experience, but you disregarded my comment about the Jesus story being hijacked from the Egyptians.

It's a small minded perspective to deal with "jesus" in terms of experience and little to no knowledge of him and how he came to be. For such a miraculous man, they're should surely be accounts to his character outside of the bible. Further more, for the people that documented his story, what's their story and credibility. Would you follow the doctrine of a man that murdered almost half of his family. A man who murdered who wife by boiling her alive, cause that what Constantine the "Great" did.

Like I said earlier, I'm not trying to downplay your divine experiences but their is def a better way to interpret it.

At any rate peace and love man.
In all honesty, I have no idea about the story of Jesus being hijacked from the Egyptians nor do I have any idea on the story of Constantine. But hasn't the existence of Jesus been documented throughout history? The Bible is not the only document of the existence of Christ.

There are a couple of things I've always wondered. Why is it that people say "oh my God"? Why do people use "Jesus Christ" in vain? Why not Allah, Mohammed, or Buddah? Why does time start again after Jesus' death? (BC and AD)

Peace and love to you too my brotha. I hope you find Him as the truth.
In my opinion, religion is just a way for people to cope with the fear n uncertainty that comes with death. I feel that if some people didn't believe in an afterlife, they would go insane n begin acting badly kuz there would be no repercussions for their actions. However, with the advent of religion, people were now given a coping mechanism n were also given guidelines on how to live a "proper" life. It's like when people are told "The End" is coming, there are those that behave like "chickens with their heads cut off" n become irrational. Also, like others have pointed out, why is it that many indigenous peoples from all over the world were raped, murdered, tortured, n manipulated into believing into the "One True God" (Yahweh, Jesus, Allah, etc.)? Would your "God" justify this behavior? Also in that case, would those that did partake in those acts be allowed into "Heaven" or cast into "Hell"? After all, the were following the "Lord's Will". I'm not here to judge you for believing in a god, but I have been subjected to some pretty ignorant points of view regarding religion, therefore I would like some feedback n intelligent discussion on the subject for a change.
I have seen the Holy Spirit work through others through prophesy, healing, knowledge. I have had people pray over me and know what happened to me during the week, know the depths of my soul, and even prophesy about my future. I have also felt the Spirit touch me. Ever seen those clips on TV with people fainting, yelling, dancing, etc? That is also the Holy Spirit!

Sounds like a load of bull right? I know, but trust me it is all very real. Please be careful when you seek though, there are a lot of lies and liars you must be aware of.

I can't exactly confirm 100% that it's BS cause I've heard of experiences like that a few times from close loved ones and I could tell that they genuinely believed what they were saying but what makes you feel as though those experiences are all indicative of and proof of a "Holy Spirit"?

Edit: Saw your other post and all that is explained by the fact that we live in a predominately Christian part of the planet. BC and AD are used since we're still using the Gregorian calender introduced by the Pope in the 16th century
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In all honesty, I have no idea about the story of Jesus being hijacked from the Egyptians nor do I have any idea on the story of Constantine. But hasn't the existence of Jesus been documented throughout history? The Bible is not the only document of the existence of Christ.

There are a couple of things I've always wondered. Why is it that people say "oh my God"? Why do people use "Jesus Christ" in vain? Why not Allah, Mohammed, or Buddah? Why does time start again after Jesus' death? (BC and AD)

Peace and love to you too my brotha. I hope you find Him as the truth.

Lacking that knowledge I challenge you to check it out. I think any rational person will see that Jesus never existed or any one in the bible for that matter.
From a proof perspective, because people downplay the spirituality factor, the Egyptians put their story all through the pyramids so that a king couldn't manipulate it and their would always be physical proof. Again I challenge you, what has Jesus left that's stood the test of time besides a story that's been perverted by some of the most evil men known to walk the face of the earth?

we base a lot our judgements on consistency. One thing the elite European has been consistent in is his stealing things and re packing it as his own. You think a spiritual system would be any different?

The mind of god/us is a rational one. If it sounds like bull it most likely is.
I can't exactly confirm that it's BS cause I've heard of experiences like that a few times from close loved ones and I could tell that they genuinely believed what they were saying but what makes you feel as though those experiences are all indicative of and proof of a "Holy Spirit"?
Because the Holy Spirit does not come to you if you are not praying to Jesus. Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit are one in the same (the Trinity). Without God you cannot have Jesus, without Jesus you cannot have the Holy Spirit, and so on.

With that said, I am glad you have close loved ones who know Him. I hope you join them in seeking the Lord.
How can it be one God if it says in the bible, "man was created in OUR image". Who the hell is our?
That's shared brief psychosis. There's a scientific explanation for all of that. There is a part of our mind that many schizophrenics are in tune with what religious people access once if they are vulnerable to the power of suggestion. Since the dawn of man people have seen things and had experiences (eg. alien abduction) that they cannot explain. A lot of those visions are simply a manifestation of our own fears and insecurities. It could be something, it could be nothing, YOU HAVE NO PROOF.

I will say I am more inclined to believe the alien theory of abductions than fairy tales. Extraterrestrials terrify me, the God in the bible does not.

I've experienced sleep paralysis with very terrifying hallucinations. Primitive thinkers believe that is the work of the devil when in reality it is a product of your brain chemistry going haywirer while you sleep. A lot of very fascinating things happen during sleep that's why it's a huge area of research amongst neurologists and neuroscientists.
Therein lies your problem. You do not fear God.

You can tell me I am lying, you can tell me what I have felt is fake and that I have no proof. I am not concerned with making you a believer in my experiences. No one can take these things away from me.
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Lacking that knowledge I challenge you to check it out. I think any rational person will see that Jesus never existed or any one in the bible for that matter.
From a proof perspective, because people downplay the spirituality factor, the Egyptians put their story all through the pyramids so that a king couldn't manipulate it and their would always be physical proof. Again I challenge you, what has Jesus left that's stood the test of time besides a story that's been perverted by some of the most evil men known to walk the face of the earth?
His disciples. Me, your pastor down the street, NT'ers who are Christians right now speaking with you....

Yes, Christianity has been used as a mask to do evil doings but so has every other religion.

Like I said, you know who's a true follower of Christ by the fruits that they bear. Im not saying we're all perfect because we're not, but

look closely and you'll know.
How can it be one God if it says in the bible, "man was created in OUR image". Who the hell is our?

So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. - Genesis 1:27
Because the Holy Spirit does not come to you if you are not praying to Jesus. Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit are one in the same (the Trinity). Without God you cannot have Jesus, without Jesus you cannot have the Holy Spirit, and so on.

With that said, I am glad you have close loved ones who know Him. I hope you join them in seeking the Lord.

Does the "Holy Spirit" automatically come to you once you start believing/praying? If so than I was left out for the majority of my life since I was born and raised Catholic until I eventually realized that I'm not about that God fearing life. How does it work for members of other religions? Are they exempted from benefits of the "Holy Spirit" just like non believers or no?
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His disciples. Me, your pastor down the street, NT'ers who are Christians right now speaking with you....

Yes, Christianity has been used as a mask to do evil doings but so has every other religion.
Like I said, you know who's a true follower of Christ by the fruits that they bear. Im not saying we're all perfect because we're not, but
look closely and you'll know.

That's fine and dandy, but it's subjective. It's an interpretation of a story passed down. The pyramids are physical proof, and they tell the same story you call Jesus as Heru.

One thing I struggle with is the ego you get dealing with a lot of Christians. Not saying their outwardly egotistical but more so in the psychological sense that they have the right story and everyone else is wrong. On top of that they have a stolen story and when you bring it up they usually backdown and start spouting psalms and verses that albeit sound witty, are actually talking about a story that's already been stolen.
Does the "Holy Spirit" automatically come to you once you start believing/praying? If so than I was left out for the majority of my life since I was born and raised Catholic but I eventually realized that I'm not about that God fearing life.
No, it is my belief that it would take countless prayers and a genuine love and longing for God for the spirit to come to you. (Although I could be wrong, if God sees someone as worthy of being touched by Him what's to stop him?)

I would encourage you to pursue Christianity. There is a common misconception nowadays that Catholicism and Christianity are one in the same. There are no saints, we are all sinners.
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