Noah and His Age.

Man, Noah had to get his passport renewed like 48 times. 15 of those were just to see some ******** water that his punk *** god sent.
Get outta here with that rubbish

God is real
And the reason why people don't live to be that old today is because of all the sins mankind has commuted. Jesus died for our sins, and in return we can't live long like Noah n em

Jesus always gets a pass on this "dying for our sins" thing. Dude was dead for three days and then came back yet everyone still says he died for our sins. How does that work?

"Lobotomybeats" **** his pants to cure cancer then when he got home he washed them."

I am no longer with the ****** pants. That is in my past and I've moved on. No longer would anyone be able to say "there goes lobotomybeats and his **** covered cancer-curing pants." No one says "Jesus died for three days for our sins." I mean it's cool he did it and stuff, but to me he's not a dead man.

edit: he may be dead now. that was a long time ago.
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Get outta here with that rubbish

God is real
And the reason why people don't live to be that old today is because of all the sins mankind has commuted. Jesus died for our sins, and in return we can't live long like Noah n em
Man that "explanation" isn't holding any water man.
Aliens are real, God isn't.
Get outta here with that rubbish

God is real
And the reason why people don't live to be that old today is because of all the sins mankind has commuted. Jesus died for our sins, and in return we can't live long like Noah n em

You secured your spot in Heaven by converting us into believers.

Praise be to Him.
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I really try not to knock believers anymore. It's something they have or whatever. But out of all of the biblical stories, I would think even a devout believer would have to scoff at the story of the ark.
Genesis 6:3 Then the Lord said, “My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, because he also is flesh; nevertheless his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.”

According to the bible after all those men lived extremely long lives he gave at most the life expectancy of about 120.
I really try not to knock believers anymore. It's something they have or whatever. But out of all of the biblical stories, I would think even a devout believer would have to scoff at the story of the ark.

Virgin mother is pretty comical too.
I really try not to knock believers anymore. It's something they have or whatever. But out of all of the biblical stories, I would think even a devout believer would have to scoff at the story of the ark.

I dont know dog, they have faith. Faith is a SKRONG thing. Just let em cook.
Get outta here with that rubbish

God is real
And the reason why people don't live to be that old today is because of all the sins mankind has commuted. Jesus died for our sins, and in return we can't live long like Noah n em

Messiah only died for Israelites.. only they had the law of sacrifice and the Messiah was that perfect sacrifice. People read the bible through a pagan christian perspective and therefore have no light, truth or understanding of it. anyway, OP, NT is not the place for this.

Psalms 14:1 To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David. The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.
I dont know dog, they have faith. Faith is a SKRONG thing. Just let em cook.

They're refuting things about the bible with quotes...from the SAME book. If that's all the "evidence" the need then you can't have a logical argument in the first place.

My answer: Noah's age, along with the others are not verifiable, but people going from 900 years old to
The bible also has more than 114 different variations, there's a bible based on a kings perspective of a bible. So the bible you read was more than likely a variation of a variation of a variation and so on.
A university did a study on the first 40 editions of theknown bibles known to mankind and there was more than 2,000 contradictions, variations, discrepancies and inaccuracies.
You're bible (whichever edition you have) is FALSE.
You claim god to be infinite yet categorize him in 3
You claim god is infinite in power but needed rest to create the world and the heavens
Christians cannot even agree on who is god.
Trinity the actual word was never in the Old Testament.
Christians are supposed to fast but fail to do so
Christians are to avoid alcohol and pork but fail to do so
Christian woman are supposed to dress in modesty but fail to do so.
Christmas wasnt even Jesus (peace be upon him) birth date.
You're bible is FALSE
Why are churches seperated?
Why can't a Christian from bangledesh read the same bible as a Christian in Idaho?
Half of "claimed Christians" don't even know the 10 commandments.

So you're saying Christians aren't perfect. What else is new. There are many Christians who do fast. There are many Christians who do avoid alcohol/smoking, pork, etc

God rested on the 7th day. Yea he went to sleep in his bed and set his alarm clock. Be serious. You can take rested to mean he stopped working.
this is as good a thread as ever to ask,

Would black people believe in Christianity if their ancestor's masters didn't?

Christian checking in..

KJV only btw... :nthat:

I RARELY discuss religion on NT cuz I generally only discuss and debate my faith with people who are interested, care, etc.

I will say this about the Bible...

Its interesting how prayer and the Bible have been taken away from school's and is incredibly socially unacceptable (ironic, because if homosexuality, or toting around the Quran got you in trouble, that would be a hate crime)

yet both (and religion in general) are encouraged in jails and prisons.

Christian checking in..

KJV only btw... :nthat:

I RARELY discuss religion on NT cuz I generally only discuss and debate my faith with people who are interested, care, etc.

I will say this about the Bible...

Its interesting how prayer and the Bible have been taken away from school's and is incredibly socially unacceptable (ironic, because if homosexuality, or toting around the Quran got you in trouble, that would be a hate crime)

yet both (and religion in general) are encouraged in jails and prisons.


They cling to whatever helps them make it through the time. Faith is one of those things.
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