no one should have a billion dollars. no, not him either.

Empathy? For who? Poor people, the working class? I know I can speak for the poor people of this country. I've experienced every minority stereotype or trope there is. I was on every government program as a kid. My whole family was too, I've experienced everything that liberals shed tears for.

If you think I can't put myself in poor people's or struggling people's shoes, you're wrong. I AM those people. I just got off my *** and did something about it.
I mean from your own words, the implication seems to be that poor people are weak and just don’t get off their ***es and do something about it.
Just quit being weak, everyone has opportunity. It's all there for the taking. Dudes who are broke or unhappy with life are the only ones complaining about capitalism.
I just got off my *** and did something about it.
Do you think everyone who is poor is just weak? Do you think everyone that is poor just doesn’t want to do something about it.

god bless global human advancement thanks to flourishing capitalism.

Opportunity is NOT unlimited. Not everyone has access to the same level of education, healthcare, income, etc.

If opportunity was unlimited for everyone then it would be an equal world.
Opportunity is NOT unlimited. Not everyone has access to the same level of education, healthcare, income, etc.

If opportunity was unlimited for everyone then it would be an equal world.
Prey tell, what does an equal world look like to you? And don't dodge and say something about no billionaires blah blah.

Because I don't want to live in a world where everyone has "access" to the same income regardless of work or sacrifice.
Why? because I'm explaining it in the most simplest terms? Since we're just assuming things:
I assume I'm at least ten years older than you, so that would mean I was studying capitalism when you were studying pokemon. And I've been an entrepreneur for more than 20 years now so this isn't all theory, I have had a bit of practice.

What Boeing did is irrelevant, there will be examples of bad people in every system.
Your "simple terms" do not encompass everything there is to capitalism, and what Boeing did (sell what should be a basic AND necessary safety feature as an add-on) is symptomatic of the negative side of capitalism that we tolerate because we have convinced ourselves that capitalism does not need the kind of regulations or rules that would result keep such things from happening (and in the process, create a lot less billionaires).

But I suppose that is too much nuance for you.

Also, you are saying that there are bad people in this system, and your solution is to do nothing about it, then complain about the folks who are pointing it out. Out of the same mouth comes the "**** was bad in my life and I did something about it" story. That does not sound very consistent. So much for bashing education.
Prey tell, what does an equal world look like to you? And don't dodge and say something about no billionaires blah blah.

Because I don't want to live in a world where everyone has "access" to the same income regardless of work or sacrifice.
A more equal world is NOT where 27 people have the same amount of wealth as the bottom 3.8 billion

you don’t understand the’s that simple
Empathy? For who? Poor people, the working class? I know I can speak for the poor people of this country. I've experienced every minority stereotype or trope there is. I was on every government program as a kid. My whole family was too, I've experienced everything that liberals shed tears for.

If you think I can't put myself in poor people's or struggling people's shoes, you're wrong. I AM those people. I just got off my *** and did something about it.

this has to be one of the most uneducated comments I've ever read on NT
this has to be one of the most uneducated comments I've ever read on NT
Uneducated? How could I be more educated on the subject I just spoke on? Is there a book I could have read? Or is there a school where you can learn to be poor, underprivileged, and a minority? I've never heard of it, tell me the name of it.

You're the one that's uneducated, I've lived this shhht and know it as well as anyone.
Instead of letting it "trickle down"...

hello, property taxes? and everytime property exchanges hands in NYC gets a cut everytime..and those certainly "trickle down"

most of those properties are foreign buyers purchasing them anonymously thru LLCs.
Uneducated? How could I be more educated on the subject I just spoke on? Is there a book I could have read? Or is there a school where you can learn to be poor, underprivileged, and a minority? I've never heard of it, tell me the name of it.

You're the one that's uneducated, I've lived this shhht and know it as well as anyone.
I don’t know, maybe you could use the knowledge gained and lessons learned to help other people in a similar situation. Instead your advice was “don’t be weak”.
Uneducated? How could I be more educated on the subject I just spoke on? Is there a book I could have read? Or is there a school where you can learn to be poor, underprivileged, and a minority? I've never heard of it, tell me the name of it.

You're the one that's uneducated, I've lived this shhht and know it as well as anyone.

i could sit here and tell you i lived it too. i was poor growing up but i was able to find a way to get out of poverty and that i learned along the way, and through my education, that there isn't a level playing field. that it's not just about pulling yourself up by your bootstraps. there are many variables that keep you where you are at or help you get to where you are. some are not even quantifiable. if you legit believe that the poor are there because they're lazy then yes, i can point you to a few books (if i can find them at home) that would help educate you on the subject a little more. are there lazy poor people? yes, absolutely. however, a lot of them are there through no fault of their own. everyone has a unique story but the majority of people who are poor are not lazy.
Not everyone wants to be rich and wealthy. Some people want comfortable lives with the necessities. Occasional vacation or family outing.... the problem is. THAT’S damn near hard to come by nowadays. Like someone said, capitalism cannot work without a middle class. Which, America is trying to say away with.

Once it started becoming an uphill battle, just to live a basic, necessitated life, things started changing out here.

But anyway, I’m gone eat and shine regardless. Come hell or high water, I’m gone get mines. Ya’ll notice how people only
come together during times of civil crisis or natural disasters? Mother Nature/Earth itself is UNDEFEATED. It will and can wipe out any and everything, when it’s all said and done.

No one can run or hide from calamity......
luxury high rises eventually become middle class housing once da price drops enough... plenty of those scenarios already played out with big towers. throughout da cities.
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