"My mind's telling me nooooooo, but my body, my body's telling me yeaaaaaaa"

Still in 
Last night was the toughest I've had yet but I survived.

Went out since I'm in need of yambs, met up with some friends at a bar, ended up getting in a fight so we had to book it out of there quickly, and yambless. Didn't feel like going anywhere else so after I got some food I came home and decided to KO.

After about 5 minutes I start to hear my neighbors ******g. I mean like loud and clear, not through the wall or anything, I guess since their building is so close to mine, and we both had our windows open it was coming in 320 kbps.

Keep in mind I don't even know what this chick looks like (not my building, it's the one next to mine), but she sounds :evil: and she's straight screaming like a porn star :lol:

combined with my already dry spell, and going no fap, **** got me horny as hell, but only reason I didn't load up some porn and fap was so I wouldn't have to come in here and say I'm out after all the talk about how I know Ima make it :lol:
If they never have to try to meet a woman because they know they can just rub one out, they will never get outside their bubble. We all have to grow.

This, in the past I've passed up too many yambs and im starting to believe cause fapping/pron was the easy way out and instead of putting in that work to smash these 6-7's i was like f it and trying to hold out for Dimes and ish, straight hustling backwards smh :smh: . But that's changed i broke down and fapped after 6 days, the thirst was real but after that fap i felt like had a Epiphany and i was like born again, that after fap feeling is terrible and it f's with my head and makes me question the broads im talking to and if they're even worth the time, but no fap= no trivial thoughts from the after nut feeling=me staying on my game with these girls even if they're 6's. In a sense this has reinforced my game.
i joined yall 10 days ago but haven't gotten around to posting. i'm feeling refreshed and more focused. workouts have doubled in intensity and i'm a lot more open to talk to random girls. fapping makes me feel like a loser, for real. it's officially quiet for that. NFL til the casket drop.
Last night was the toughest I've had yet but I survived.

Went out since I'm in need of yambs, met up with some friends at a bar, ended up getting in a fight so we had to book it out of there quickly, and yambless. Didn't feel like going anywhere else so after I got some food I came home and decided to KO.

After about 5 minutes I start to hear my neighbors ******g. I mean like loud and clear, not through the wall or anything, I guess since their building is so close to mine, and we both had our windows open it was coming in 320 kbps.

Keep in mind I don't even know what this chick looks like (not my building, it's the one next to mine), but she sounds
and she's straight screaming like a porn star

combined with my already dry spell, and going no fap, **** got me horny as hell, but only reason I didn't load up some porn and fap was so I wouldn't have to come in here and say I'm out after all the talk about how I know Ima make it
I would've been fapping while hearing it. 

Stay with it. Dont fail. We all need someone to pass this so they can motivate us for months to come. Im going no fap 2013.

2014 Here i Cum.
Lol @ Giving up yambs... thats the whole point of this no fap experiment. Most people who fap on a regular basis look at these chicks and want to talk to them but dont because they dont have to. 

You might ask why dont they have to?

because they resort to fapping.

Now think if you stop fapping.

Your going to want to and have to talk to some chicks if you wanna get off. 

Props to those who are still in. 

Yall are stronger than Cliff.
I feel good, no urge to fap. P's still getting murdered.
:lol:.. can i get a link to the OG source...

i feel like honestly.. if you made it this far... then you gotta keep it going...

and to the guys that dropped in the first few days... (and the guys who's dropped but havent said anything)... yall guys need to get some help famb..

internet porn hasnt been around for that long... so we have NO idea what the long term effects are...

they can be EXTREMELY detrimental... i mean... porn for a few years has people's D's going dead for weeks... just imagine if you fapping for a 10 yrs + to internet porn...

:x :x

i knew this challenge was for me when i literally had 12 tabs open.. and had a SPLIT screen going...


i'm fixing my problem... i hope yall do the same. :pimp:
:lol:.. can i get a link to the OG source...

i feel like honestly.. if you made it this far... then you gotta keep it going...

and to the guys that dropped in the first few days... (and the guys who's dropped but havent said anything)... yall guys need to get some help famb..

internet porn hasnt been around for that long... so we have NO idea what the long term effects are...

they can be EXTREMELY detrimental... i mean... porn for a few years has people's D's going dead for weeks... just imagine if you fapping for a 10 yrs + to internet porn...

:x :x

i knew this challenge was for me when i literally had 12 tabs open.. and had a SPLIT screen going...


i'm fixing my problem... i hope yall do the same. :pimp:

Well first off, I'm Still in :pimp: :pimp: (I don't eeem know how. My mind is constantly fantasizing about girls, but I won't allow myself to fap because of this thread :lol:)

However, I'm not that worried about myself. Only because, porn for me wasn't the addiction. It was the masturbation, the act of getting a nut off that did it for me. I'll probably never go back to consistently looking at porn ever again, and it's that easy for me. Fapping however, is not :lol: I legit thought that because I fapped a lot, but wasn't a habitual porn watcher, that I could fap whenever I felt like it.

That too, I found out is bad for you. That's why I'm doing this No Fap October, to get everything back right. After 30 days, I legit should be straight.
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