I'm just remembering the last time I seriously attempted no fap I was kinda dating a wishy washy chick that wasn't ready to give up the buns yet. Drove me ******g crazy as we'd spend nights together. Don't do that. I only put up with it because I truly loved her and was looking long term so sex now wasn't a big deal. When I think about it she was selfish, she knew what I was attempting to do and never helped me through it. Just more blueballs.
i'm gonna break, famb...

need some uplifting words. :lol:


"The individual who honestly seeks to improve his own understanding will do so by thoroughly examining himself, humbly becoming aware of his lack of knowledge rather than focusing on the knowledge he already has, and carefully identifying and investigating every facet of the area of his inquiry. He should not hurry along, but should dwell on every aspect of his inquiry until he is sure of his grasp of the whole. Not until all areas of uncertainty have been eliminated should he move on."

I'm still in this!!!!!!!!!
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I'm out. Broke this morning waking up with a morning stiffy that wouldn't go away after the dream I had.

Going to try and start back though and go cold turkey.
Still in bredren. Lots of energy accumulation. Signed up for a muy thai class, linking up with a meditation guide next week coz apparently porn and fapping weakens your chi/aura/chakras , repairing not just the physical and mental, but the spiritual is my goal.
Been lurking for a minute, but participating also. 3 wks in so far.
disgraced this mans daughter last night.

I swear after that eruption on her mammaries, i'm might be good up until new years. 
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Still good, the weeknds are tough.. but I'm starting to adapt. (CWUTIDIDTHERE)
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Starting tomorrow...may the force be with me
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Honestly having sex makes this whole thing feel a bit pointless. Its basically a socially acceptable alternative to fapping.
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So you're advocating abstinence Antidope? I thought this was about no fapping and relying on porn. IMO fapping is the easy way out. Easier than hitting a less than desirable chick. I can see there are a lot of ppl that struggle socially by no fault of their own. If they never have to try to meet a woman because they know they can just rub one out, they will never get outside their bubble. We all have to grow.
Honestly having sex makes this whole thing feel a bit pointless. Its basically a socially acceptable alternative to fapping.

Isn't that the whole point of no fapping? That it's an addiction or whatever. Why give up sex as well?
I've ran 6 miles the past two days, famb...

like... literally ... instead of fapping... i just get up and go run...


Honestly having sex makes this whole thing feel a bit pointless. Its basically a socially acceptable alternative to fapping.
no. not even close...

if you passing up on yambs, that's hustling backwards, my g...

the whole point is to get you back hip to REAL yambs... not computer screen yambs...
Well I almost cracked today so I got up, put in work, and got some yambs. I was not up to par, in fact I Quadruple Bogeyed. Hopefully I get a shot at redemption.

Also my first time hotboxing with some pretty good stuff which combined with this was not a wise move. 

Da hell that mean lol
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