No Fap November

Every year theres that one guy that still doesn't know everyone masturbates. :smh: :lol:

Man, I'm totally gonna be slaying dragons by the end of the second week....
Leilani Leeanne, after y'all mentioned her...I just google'd her not too long ago O____O Damn you NT, it's the first day, this sucks.......*patiently waits for gf and imagine Leilani in my head later*
i've never FAPPED in my whole life so i've already beat this challenge.
Good start for me, got some yambs today.

Now i'm good for a week
I need a plan:

Current situation: Hurricane Sandy hit eff'd everything up. Gas prices is going up, lines are crazy long. My new girlfriend lives about 35 mins away and I drive a charger and she drives a 300. So we ain't driving nowhere :lol: (at least for the next two weeks).

Plans not to fap: I already go to the gym 5x a week after work. Halo 4 comes out on the 6th and black ops on the 13th. That should cover my weekend nights. I start a new job on the 19th. Grandparents are visiting from Jamaica (There 1st time in over 30 years). I also have to clean up my place and help with my moms with hers due to the storm.

What to avoid: Being bored in front of my computer.

Did I miss anything?
I'm about to be the pull-up king by the time this month is over. Can't sleep on those hanging knee-lifts either. Been doing a detailed cleaning of the house as well. Feels good.
man you can do all of those things and still fap. just control yourself between the time you go to bed and the time you fall asleep
My teenage years 15-16 mostly, I fapped so much to Juicy Booty Vol.1 and 2. I accumulated chronic dehydration.
this thread naming stars is not helping. I'm off 4 days a week in November. I've got too much time this month.  Good thing I'm going on vacation with my girl in a couple weeks
If I fill up a sandwich bag with lube and stick it under the matress and pound away. Is that fapping?
Daydreaming in class today only made the first day hard for me...:nerd:
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