Nintendo to Unveil Next-Gen Console at e3 2011 vol. Here we go

Did you really type all of that...???
he's serious about his games.. nonetheless i'll never forget seeing mario 64 in a magazine for the first time back when N64 was still rumored to be the Ultra 64 and when I got a chance to play the *** version months ahead of the US release I was sold, it was unlike anything else.

i dunno about everyone else but i love playing mario, zelda, etc. and seeing how they innovate from one generation to the next.
he's serious about his games.. nonetheless i'll never forget seeing mario 64 in a magazine for the first time back when N64 was still rumored to be the Ultra 64 and when I got a chance to play the *** version months ahead of the US release I was sold, it was unlike anything else.

i dunno about everyone else but i love playing mario, zelda, etc. and seeing how they innovate from one generation to the next.
Originally Posted by SuprDuperFly

@ some of these replies.

*Cracks knuckles*
[F.M.Flex] BE CLEAR! [/F.M.Flex]
The breaking news here is that  Nintendo is putting screens in their controllers, they will announce more features at E3......that's it. Anyone following the industry has heard about a "Wii HD" since 2009(so that isn't NEWs, don't believe me?

Second, the statement about the average age for gamers. Subtract PC gamers, and children outnumber you 2:1, maybe even 3.Because of how most American children are raised,no customer is more valued, they have no bills, no children of their own (obviously), they don't pay for their own food, they have no responsibility, if not satisfied they will kick/scream/cry until you get them what they want.. Hence Disney's financial success in human history. Nintendo's biggest market is children/families that are raising children.

Now to continue, let us discuss this "significantly more powerful.." quote. There are a number of NT'ers with a console "significantly" more powerful than the PS3 or XBOX 360...... it's called a Personal Computer. The CPU's and GPU's on the market right now run laps around current gen consoles. Humor me and (if you are on a windows operated pc) right click My computer (or Computer for Vista and 7 users) and click properties.
Look towards the bottom and read the portion that says _____ of RAM. Does it say 512 MB of RAM? Maybe 1 GB or more GB of RAM? Congratulations, you are using a computer probably 2-4 times more memory than the coveted Sony Playstation 3
; which by the way has only 256 MB. I'm not going to make a long winded specification comparison, but chances are if you purchased a PC in or after 2008 capable of playing PC games, anything the PS3 can do it can do better. (Save for being part of a supercomputer cluster but that's another convo.) So when quotes like the one mentioned above are said,I reserve judgment until I get system specs. Significantly more powerful than PS3 could mean anything from a PC on sale at Best buy this very moment or new technology still under development.

Please rest assured, Nintendo isn't going to sell you anything you cannot get already on the market right now except for standard definition samequels of games you have already purchased. "Standard" pertaining to industry standard ie: High Definition content.

Are you going to reward Nintendo for playing catch-up with the rest of the industry by purchasing a console they should have released in 2006?

NT'er: "Hey Supr"
Me: Oh, why hello there my NT brethren what seems to be troubling you?
NT'er: "What's a "samequel?"
Me: *Chuckle*, A samequel my friend is a term I coined for an advertised "sequel" to any entertainment media with the same features that differs by it's predecessor by a few hairs or details such as an updated visual presentation (graphics in this case) or added/altered plot device, among other things."

Ocarina of Time 3D? Samequel
Mario Kart 9000? Samequel

Nostalgia is a wonderful thing, are you willing to pay $400+ for it? You're off your rocker if you think $250 is what it will take to get the new system like the Wii back in 06, the 3ds costs that much right now( a handheld system). All you're going to get at E3 from Nintendo is extra polished screens and clips of your favorite nintendo characters and promises to rock the foundation of gaming. When the games are released it's the same game just a little prettier, the same kind of "pretty" the PS3 or 360 has already been delivering.

Nintendo at this point is the closest videogame company counterpart to the Cash Money recording company. Walk with me now, they both started out really small, (CM selling albums out of their trunk/Ninty selling trading cards).
         Today both pay little to the middle-man (CM keeps all of their master and 75% of their royalties,new signees get scraps) (Ninty produces 75% of the games released for their console and serve as their own publisher, you have to pay tens of thousands of dollars for a third party development kit+strict wii ware stipulations)
        Lil Wayne and Mario are constantly putting out the same/similar content. (Super Mario remakes and anniversary editions/A millie, 6'7)
Supporting characters get very little solo projects released (Wario/C.Falcon)/(Jae Millz/Tyga).
Baby=Satoru Iwata/Slim=Shigeru Miyamoto, Baby/Iwata stay in the limelight and create nothing worthy of notice. Slim/Miyamoto stay in the shadows and keep the company a well oiled machine.

I could keep going but I want to see some more replies. Nintendo care about hardcore gamers?
No, they care about the hundreds of studios that stopped making Wii games and how they can get those same developers to buy a dev kit this time around.

As for Brawl, it is the ONLY reason I bought a Wii, alas the game was a disappointment. I'd rather there be no sequel to Brawl then one that's lackluster But there's a silver lining for all you Melee fans: Project M.
I wont even touch the online multi-player topic with Nintendo, it isn't going to get better than what we have now with other consoles. They should only boast about better, not same or similar, would you celebrate a tie game with a friend of yours in a sport? I didn't think so.

Surprise me Nintendo.
Spoiler [+]
Supr out.
I refuse to believe that if the Wii prints money AND nintendo produces most of their games/holds the rights to publishing, they won't take a chance to open up the market for more hardcore games.

And what's wrong with samequels if they continue to be profitable? Not everyone wants a wholly new experience every time they play a game - familiarity and nostalgia goes a long way. I remember playing Galaxy 2 thinking "wow, Nintendo really outdid themselves this time". I honestly was blown away by just how much more improved it was over the original. We all know Mario is going nowhere. He's the cash cow. If they can keep their loyal fans and also introduce more hardcore games, they'll have the rest of the gaming industry in a vice grip.

That's a big "if" obviously, but if they somehow manage to break out of their niche market and extend into COD/RDR territory, it really wouldn't matter what Sony, Microsoft, and Apple comes up with.

Unfortunately, Nintendo has pigeon-holed themselves into this casual, family gaming company. It's going to be hard to change everyone's view of them.
Originally Posted by SuprDuperFly

@ some of these replies.

*Cracks knuckles*
[F.M.Flex] BE CLEAR! [/F.M.Flex]
The breaking news here is that  Nintendo is putting screens in their controllers, they will announce more features at E3......that's it. Anyone following the industry has heard about a "Wii HD" since 2009(so that isn't NEWs, don't believe me?

Second, the statement about the average age for gamers. Subtract PC gamers, and children outnumber you 2:1, maybe even 3.Because of how most American children are raised,no customer is more valued, they have no bills, no children of their own (obviously), they don't pay for their own food, they have no responsibility, if not satisfied they will kick/scream/cry until you get them what they want.. Hence Disney's financial success in human history. Nintendo's biggest market is children/families that are raising children.

Now to continue, let us discuss this "significantly more powerful.." quote. There are a number of NT'ers with a console "significantly" more powerful than the PS3 or XBOX 360...... it's called a Personal Computer. The CPU's and GPU's on the market right now run laps around current gen consoles. Humor me and (if you are on a windows operated pc) right click My computer (or Computer for Vista and 7 users) and click properties.
Look towards the bottom and read the portion that says _____ of RAM. Does it say 512 MB of RAM? Maybe 1 GB or more GB of RAM? Congratulations, you are using a computer probably 2-4 times more memory than the coveted Sony Playstation 3
; which by the way has only 256 MB. I'm not going to make a long winded specification comparison, but chances are if you purchased a PC in or after 2008 capable of playing PC games, anything the PS3 can do it can do better. (Save for being part of a supercomputer cluster but that's another convo.) So when quotes like the one mentioned above are said,I reserve judgment until I get system specs. Significantly more powerful than PS3 could mean anything from a PC on sale at Best buy this very moment or new technology still under development.

Please rest assured, Nintendo isn't going to sell you anything you cannot get already on the market right now except for standard definition samequels of games you have already purchased. "Standard" pertaining to industry standard ie: High Definition content.

Are you going to reward Nintendo for playing catch-up with the rest of the industry by purchasing a console they should have released in 2006?

NT'er: "Hey Supr"
Me: Oh, why hello there my NT brethren what seems to be troubling you?
NT'er: "What's a "samequel?"
Me: *Chuckle*, A samequel my friend is a term I coined for an advertised "sequel" to any entertainment media with the same features that differs by it's predecessor by a few hairs or details such as an updated visual presentation (graphics in this case) or added/altered plot device, among other things."

Ocarina of Time 3D? Samequel
Mario Kart 9000? Samequel

Nostalgia is a wonderful thing, are you willing to pay $400+ for it? You're off your rocker if you think $250 is what it will take to get the new system like the Wii back in 06, the 3ds costs that much right now( a handheld system). All you're going to get at E3 from Nintendo is extra polished screens and clips of your favorite nintendo characters and promises to rock the foundation of gaming. When the games are released it's the same game just a little prettier, the same kind of "pretty" the PS3 or 360 has already been delivering.

Nintendo at this point is the closest videogame company counterpart to the Cash Money recording company. Walk with me now, they both started out really small, (CM selling albums out of their trunk/Ninty selling trading cards).
         Today both pay little to the middle-man (CM keeps all of their master and 75% of their royalties,new signees get scraps) (Ninty produces 75% of the games released for their console and serve as their own publisher, you have to pay tens of thousands of dollars for a third party development kit+strict wii ware stipulations)
        Lil Wayne and Mario are constantly putting out the same/similar content. (Super Mario remakes and anniversary editions/A millie, 6'7)
Supporting characters get very little solo projects released (Wario/C.Falcon)/(Jae Millz/Tyga).
Baby=Satoru Iwata/Slim=Shigeru Miyamoto, Baby/Iwata stay in the limelight and create nothing worthy of notice. Slim/Miyamoto stay in the shadows and keep the company a well oiled machine.

I could keep going but I want to see some more replies. Nintendo care about hardcore gamers?
No, they care about the hundreds of studios that stopped making Wii games and how they can get those same developers to buy a dev kit this time around.

As for Brawl, it is the ONLY reason I bought a Wii, alas the game was a disappointment. I'd rather there be no sequel to Brawl then one that's lackluster But there's a silver lining for all you Melee fans: Project M.
I wont even touch the online multi-player topic with Nintendo, it isn't going to get better than what we have now with other consoles. They should only boast about better, not same or similar, would you celebrate a tie game with a friend of yours in a sport? I didn't think so.

Surprise me Nintendo.
Spoiler [+]
Supr out.
I refuse to believe that if the Wii prints money AND nintendo produces most of their games/holds the rights to publishing, they won't take a chance to open up the market for more hardcore games.

And what's wrong with samequels if they continue to be profitable? Not everyone wants a wholly new experience every time they play a game - familiarity and nostalgia goes a long way. I remember playing Galaxy 2 thinking "wow, Nintendo really outdid themselves this time". I honestly was blown away by just how much more improved it was over the original. We all know Mario is going nowhere. He's the cash cow. If they can keep their loyal fans and also introduce more hardcore games, they'll have the rest of the gaming industry in a vice grip.

That's a big "if" obviously, but if they somehow manage to break out of their niche market and extend into COD/RDR territory, it really wouldn't matter what Sony, Microsoft, and Apple comes up with.

Unfortunately, Nintendo has pigeon-holed themselves into this casual, family gaming company. It's going to be hard to change everyone's view of them.
Let's hope it's not 599 U.S. Dollars and the launch titles aren't about famous battles that actually took place in ancient Japan and Giant Enemy Crab in which you'll have to attack it's weak for massive damage.
Let's hope it's not 599 U.S. Dollars and the launch titles aren't about famous battles that actually took place in ancient Japan and Giant Enemy Crab in which you'll have to attack it's weak for massive damage.
Just out of curiosity.......

What games do you "real gamers" play anyway?

I always hear people say that "real gamers" don't play the Wii. I usually dont waste my time getting into conversations with these people, but what many of them do not understand is that a "real gamer" appreciates the value and quality of a game regardless of what console it's on. I have all the three home consoles and utilize them for each great game they produce, whether it be Zelda, COD, Metal Gear, Gears of War....etc. I also don't understand when people say that graphics>game play. I have played some nice looking games, but could not stop thinking that I wasted my money on a game that had no effort put into it (other than graphics). I can still plug in my NES, which of course is outdated in graphics, and play for hours.

Just my two cents.....
Just out of curiosity.......

What games do you "real gamers" play anyway?

I always hear people say that "real gamers" don't play the Wii. I usually dont waste my time getting into conversations with these people, but what many of them do not understand is that a "real gamer" appreciates the value and quality of a game regardless of what console it's on. I have all the three home consoles and utilize them for each great game they produce, whether it be Zelda, COD, Metal Gear, Gears of War....etc. I also don't understand when people say that graphics>game play. I have played some nice looking games, but could not stop thinking that I wasted my money on a game that had no effort put into it (other than graphics). I can still plug in my NES, which of course is outdated in graphics, and play for hours.

Just my two cents.....
Originally Posted by balloonoboy

I refuse to believe that if the Wii prints money AND nintendo produces most of their games/holds the rights to publishing, they won't take a chance to open up the market for more hardcore games.

And what's wrong with samequels if they continue to be profitable? Not everyone wants a wholly new experience every time they play a game - familiarity and nostalgia goes a long way. I remember playing Galaxy 2 thinking "wow, Nintendo really outdid themselves this time". I honestly was blown away by just how much more improved it was over the original. We all know Mario is going nowhere. He's the cash cow. If they can keep their loyal fans and also introduce more hardcore games, they'll have the rest of the gaming industry in a vice grip.

That's a big "if" obviously, but if they somehow manage to break out of their niche market and extend into COD/RDR territory, it really wouldn't matter what Sony, Microsoft, and Apple comes up with.

Unfortunately, Nintendo has pigeon-holed themselves into this casual, family gaming company. It's going to be hard to change everyone's view of them.
If they make Galaxy 3 for their next console, and it is the same game with a few new perks, you believe your money is well spent?
If so then more power to you, but I can't reward that type of sham. The point I was trying to make was, there isn't much hardcore to satisfy at this point. The ninty fanboys have their system already, sure the will purchase the next one, but there are a ton like myself who won't be falling for it the third time around. You know what is most amusing about these murmurs from the insiders leaking info? The online aspect, I notice they're so quick to throw out words like hardcore and more powerful, lets not forget 1080p OOOHHH
. Wheres the word online?

Balloon, read this thread again, notice how almost everyone in it mentions online yet even the leaking sources
aren't mentioning it! I'm laughing in my seat right now because if they stick to this friendcode thing again, say goodnight to the hardcore campaign(no nightlight either, so here come the sony and msoft boogeymen). I can honestly say and believe that anyone 16 and older will not by a nintendo console if A. there is no serious online support and B. if Ninty is still the major marketshare developer for their console.

This feels like getting a Christmas present in April, these features are expected just like writing your name at the top of a math class exam, you don't get points for that!

"It doesn't matter what Sony Mi......", really? No.....really? Third Party, one more time....THIRD party, that means a group that isn't Nintendo is what will bring their hardcore rep up, that's why this thread is here in the first place. Someone earlier posted N64 had variety? It's not because of Nintendo that's for sure, it was third party activity that drve the console. Goldeneye, Banjo Kazooie, Perfect Dark, and tons more legendary titles were not made by Nintendo, Third Party developers are responsible. They didn't even bother trying to make Brawl on their own, they paid Sakurai big money to come back (a designer who created Kirby and used to work for them but got sick of their repetitive development ways.
) Money talks and more capital to help his Sora production company was a win win at the time for him.

I see no difference concept wise from Nintendo trying to lure these TP developers back and a Prostitute giving you the c'mon finger to come closer. Both will leave you with no money and worse off than you started; not to mention a possible std/ bad game rep.

And to continue my Cash Money analogy/comparison, I forgot to type that both companies had a tried an true producer/development team which the had a falling out with, it's funny because neither producers made anything noteworthy after their parting. Producers Mannie Fresh=Rare Games or Rare.

You know why Nintendo won't give us a robust online system, their gift and curse is the answer: Children.
If you have a Wii, you know what I'm talking about. They give "hardcore games like Brawl a stripped and tedious online system while Mario Kart got waaaaaay better online features. They felt it "was necessary to protect the younger players", the only ones who can protect them are the same individuals who purchased the console for them. Parents need to take initiative instead of blaming entertainment media, Japanese companies do not like new controversy/scandals. Notice how the headlines that read "Kid shoots parent because console was taken away" rarely or almost never involves a Nintendo Console? Always an Xbox or PS3, Nintendo does'nt want that publicity, so like Hybrid said they dictate whats sold for their system,now they want to play nice with TP developers and say "Hey we'll let you make hardcore/racy games again".

Someone once wrote Miyamoto (Mario creator) is the Walt Disney of our time.
But even Disney today sees the kid market isn't all there is i.e. Pirates of the Carribean and Tron. Giving you a nice trailer when the film is a shell of what it should be. I foresee Nintendo laying down content stipulations after dev kits have been bought.

New MK game is coming out, did you know the SNES version of Mortak Kombat featured "gray" blood to pass off as "sweat"?
Midway was one of the first major studios to drop Wii support, guess who's door Nintendo is knocking on now?

Not to sound arrogant but I study [smokey]thissssss man.[/smokey]

Supr Out
Originally Posted by balloonoboy

I refuse to believe that if the Wii prints money AND nintendo produces most of their games/holds the rights to publishing, they won't take a chance to open up the market for more hardcore games.

And what's wrong with samequels if they continue to be profitable? Not everyone wants a wholly new experience every time they play a game - familiarity and nostalgia goes a long way. I remember playing Galaxy 2 thinking "wow, Nintendo really outdid themselves this time". I honestly was blown away by just how much more improved it was over the original. We all know Mario is going nowhere. He's the cash cow. If they can keep their loyal fans and also introduce more hardcore games, they'll have the rest of the gaming industry in a vice grip.

That's a big "if" obviously, but if they somehow manage to break out of their niche market and extend into COD/RDR territory, it really wouldn't matter what Sony, Microsoft, and Apple comes up with.

Unfortunately, Nintendo has pigeon-holed themselves into this casual, family gaming company. It's going to be hard to change everyone's view of them.
If they make Galaxy 3 for their next console, and it is the same game with a few new perks, you believe your money is well spent?
If so then more power to you, but I can't reward that type of sham. The point I was trying to make was, there isn't much hardcore to satisfy at this point. The ninty fanboys have their system already, sure the will purchase the next one, but there are a ton like myself who won't be falling for it the third time around. You know what is most amusing about these murmurs from the insiders leaking info? The online aspect, I notice they're so quick to throw out words like hardcore and more powerful, lets not forget 1080p OOOHHH
. Wheres the word online?

Balloon, read this thread again, notice how almost everyone in it mentions online yet even the leaking sources
aren't mentioning it! I'm laughing in my seat right now because if they stick to this friendcode thing again, say goodnight to the hardcore campaign(no nightlight either, so here come the sony and msoft boogeymen). I can honestly say and believe that anyone 16 and older will not by a nintendo console if A. there is no serious online support and B. if Ninty is still the major marketshare developer for their console.

This feels like getting a Christmas present in April, these features are expected just like writing your name at the top of a math class exam, you don't get points for that!

"It doesn't matter what Sony Mi......", really? No.....really? Third Party, one more time....THIRD party, that means a group that isn't Nintendo is what will bring their hardcore rep up, that's why this thread is here in the first place. Someone earlier posted N64 had variety? It's not because of Nintendo that's for sure, it was third party activity that drve the console. Goldeneye, Banjo Kazooie, Perfect Dark, and tons more legendary titles were not made by Nintendo, Third Party developers are responsible. They didn't even bother trying to make Brawl on their own, they paid Sakurai big money to come back (a designer who created Kirby and used to work for them but got sick of their repetitive development ways.
) Money talks and more capital to help his Sora production company was a win win at the time for him.

I see no difference concept wise from Nintendo trying to lure these TP developers back and a Prostitute giving you the c'mon finger to come closer. Both will leave you with no money and worse off than you started; not to mention a possible std/ bad game rep.

And to continue my Cash Money analogy/comparison, I forgot to type that both companies had a tried an true producer/development team which the had a falling out with, it's funny because neither producers made anything noteworthy after their parting. Producers Mannie Fresh=Rare Games or Rare.

You know why Nintendo won't give us a robust online system, their gift and curse is the answer: Children.
If you have a Wii, you know what I'm talking about. They give "hardcore games like Brawl a stripped and tedious online system while Mario Kart got waaaaaay better online features. They felt it "was necessary to protect the younger players", the only ones who can protect them are the same individuals who purchased the console for them. Parents need to take initiative instead of blaming entertainment media, Japanese companies do not like new controversy/scandals. Notice how the headlines that read "Kid shoots parent because console was taken away" rarely or almost never involves a Nintendo Console? Always an Xbox or PS3, Nintendo does'nt want that publicity, so like Hybrid said they dictate whats sold for their system,now they want to play nice with TP developers and say "Hey we'll let you make hardcore/racy games again".

Someone once wrote Miyamoto (Mario creator) is the Walt Disney of our time.
But even Disney today sees the kid market isn't all there is i.e. Pirates of the Carribean and Tron. Giving you a nice trailer when the film is a shell of what it should be. I foresee Nintendo laying down content stipulations after dev kits have been bought.

New MK game is coming out, did you know the SNES version of Mortak Kombat featured "gray" blood to pass off as "sweat"?
Midway was one of the first major studios to drop Wii support, guess who's door Nintendo is knocking on now?

Not to sound arrogant but I study [smokey]thissssss man.[/smokey]

Supr Out
Originally Posted by 214

Just out of curiosity.......

What games do you "real gamers" play anyway?

I always hear people say that "real gamers" don't play the Wii. I usually dont waste my time getting into conversations with these people, but what many of them do not understand is that a "real gamer" appreciates the value and quality of a game regardless of what console it's on. I have all the three home consoles and utilize them for each great game they produce, whether it be Zelda, COD, Metal Gear, Gears of War....etc. I also don't understand when people say that graphics>game play. I have played some nice looking games, but could not stop thinking that I wasted my money on a game that had no effort put into it (other than graphics). I can still plug in my NES, which of course is outdated in graphics, and play for hours.

Just my two cents.....
You are absolutely right. The truth is, eye of the beholder applies to gaming as well. I still think Windwaker is on of the prettiest and fun games to play. It aged so well graphically because it wasn't trying to be current, just it's own title/ presentation.
Ok my s/o hates when I post on NT cause I type novels
so I'm gone until tomorrow, come at me! I will check this thread again.
Supr out
Originally Posted by 214

Just out of curiosity.......

What games do you "real gamers" play anyway?

I always hear people say that "real gamers" don't play the Wii. I usually dont waste my time getting into conversations with these people, but what many of them do not understand is that a "real gamer" appreciates the value and quality of a game regardless of what console it's on. I have all the three home consoles and utilize them for each great game they produce, whether it be Zelda, COD, Metal Gear, Gears of War....etc. I also don't understand when people say that graphics>game play. I have played some nice looking games, but could not stop thinking that I wasted my money on a game that had no effort put into it (other than graphics). I can still plug in my NES, which of course is outdated in graphics, and play for hours.

Just my two cents.....
You are absolutely right. The truth is, eye of the beholder applies to gaming as well. I still think Windwaker is on of the prettiest and fun games to play. It aged so well graphically because it wasn't trying to be current, just it's own title/ presentation.
Ok my s/o hates when I post on NT cause I type novels
so I'm gone until tomorrow, come at me! I will check this thread again.
Supr out
Originally Posted by SuprDuperFly

*Cracks knuckles*
[F.M.Flex] BE CLEAR! [/F.M.Flex]
The breaking news here is that  Nintendo is putting screens in their controllers, they will announce more features at E3......that's it. Anyone following the industry has heard about a "Wii HD" since 2009(so that isn't NEWs, don't believe me?

Second, the statement about the average age for gamers. Subtract PC gamers, and children outnumber you 2:1, maybe even 3.Because of how most American children are raised,no customer is more valued, they have no bills, no children of their own (obviously), they don't pay for their own food, they have no responsibility, if not satisfied they will kick/scream/cry until you get them what they want.. Hence Disney's financial success in human history. Nintendo's biggest market is children/families that are raising children.

Now to continue, let us discuss this "significantly more powerful.." quote. There are a number of NT'ers with a console "significantly" more powerful than the PS3 or XBOX 360...... it's called a Personal Computer. The CPU's and GPU's on the market right now run laps around current gen consoles. Humor me and (if you are on a windows operated pc) right click My computer (or Computer for Vista and 7 users) and click properties.
Look towards the bottom and read the portion that says _____ of RAM. Does it say 512 MB of RAM? Maybe 1 GB or more GB of RAM? Congratulations, you are using a computer probably 2-4 times more memory than the coveted Sony Playstation 3
; which by the way has only 256 MB. I'm not going to make a long winded specification comparison, but chances are if you purchased a PC in or after 2008 capable of playing PC games, anything the PS3 can do it can do better. (Save for being part of a supercomputer cluster but that's another convo.) So when quotes like the one mentioned above are said,I reserve judgment until I get system specs. Significantly more powerful than PS3 could mean anything from a PC on sale at Best buy this very moment or new technology still under development.

Please rest assured, Nintendo isn't going to sell you anything you cannot get already on the market right now except for standard definition samequels of games you have already purchased. "Standard" pertaining to industry standard ie: High Definition content.

Are you going to reward Nintendo for playing catch-up with the rest of the industry by purchasing a console they should have released in 2006?

NT'er: "Hey Supr"
Me: Oh, why hello there my NT brethren what seems to be troubling you?
NT'er: "What's a "samequel?"
Me: *Chuckle*, A samequel my friend is a term I coined for an advertised "sequel" to any entertainment media with the same features that differs by it's predecessor by a few hairs or details such as an updated visual presentation (graphics in this case) or added/altered plot device, among other things."

Ocarina of Time 3D? Samequel
Mario Kart 9000? Samequel

Nostalgia is a wonderful thing, are you willing to pay $400+ for it? You're off your rocker if you think $250 is what it will take to get the new system like the Wii back in 06, the 3ds costs that much right now( a handheld system). All you're going to get at E3 from Nintendo is extra polished screens and clips of your favorite nintendo characters and promises to rock the foundation of gaming. When the games are released it's the same game just a little prettier, the same kind of "pretty" the PS3 or 360 has already been delivering.

Nintendo at this point is the closest videogame company counterpart to the Cash Money recording company. Walk with me now, they both started out really small, (CM selling albums out of their trunk/Ninty selling trading cards).
         Today both pay little to the middle-man (CM keeps all of their master and 75% of their royalties,new signees get scraps) (Ninty produces 75% of the games released for their console and serve as their own publisher, you have to pay tens of thousands of dollars for a third party development kit+strict wii ware stipulations)
        Lil Wayne and Mario are constantly putting out the same/similar content. (Super Mario remakes and anniversary editions/A millie, 6'7)
Supporting characters get very little solo projects released (Wario/C.Falcon)/(Jae Millz/Tyga).
Baby=Satoru Iwata/Slim=Shigeru Miyamoto, Baby/Iwata stay in the limelight and create nothing worthy of notice. Slim/Miyamoto stay in the shadows and keep the company a well oiled machine.

I could keep going but I want to see some more replies. Nintendo care about hardcore gamers?
No, they care about the hundreds of studios that stopped making Wii games and how they can get those same developers to buy a dev kit this time around.

As for Brawl, it is the ONLY reason I bought a Wii, alas the game was a disappointment. I'd rather there be no sequel to Brawl then one that's lackluster But there's a silver lining for all you Melee fans: Project M.
I wont even touch the online multi-player topic with Nintendo, it isn't going to get better than what we have now with other consoles. They should only boast about better, not same or similar, would you celebrate a tie game with a friend of yours in a sport? I didn't think so.

Surprise me Nintendo.
Spoiler [+]

Supr out.
ninteno mii avy 
Originally Posted by SuprDuperFly

*Cracks knuckles*
[F.M.Flex] BE CLEAR! [/F.M.Flex]
The breaking news here is that  Nintendo is putting screens in their controllers, they will announce more features at E3......that's it. Anyone following the industry has heard about a "Wii HD" since 2009(so that isn't NEWs, don't believe me?

Second, the statement about the average age for gamers. Subtract PC gamers, and children outnumber you 2:1, maybe even 3.Because of how most American children are raised,no customer is more valued, they have no bills, no children of their own (obviously), they don't pay for their own food, they have no responsibility, if not satisfied they will kick/scream/cry until you get them what they want.. Hence Disney's financial success in human history. Nintendo's biggest market is children/families that are raising children.

Now to continue, let us discuss this "significantly more powerful.." quote. There are a number of NT'ers with a console "significantly" more powerful than the PS3 or XBOX 360...... it's called a Personal Computer. The CPU's and GPU's on the market right now run laps around current gen consoles. Humor me and (if you are on a windows operated pc) right click My computer (or Computer for Vista and 7 users) and click properties.
Look towards the bottom and read the portion that says _____ of RAM. Does it say 512 MB of RAM? Maybe 1 GB or more GB of RAM? Congratulations, you are using a computer probably 2-4 times more memory than the coveted Sony Playstation 3
; which by the way has only 256 MB. I'm not going to make a long winded specification comparison, but chances are if you purchased a PC in or after 2008 capable of playing PC games, anything the PS3 can do it can do better. (Save for being part of a supercomputer cluster but that's another convo.) So when quotes like the one mentioned above are said,I reserve judgment until I get system specs. Significantly more powerful than PS3 could mean anything from a PC on sale at Best buy this very moment or new technology still under development.

Please rest assured, Nintendo isn't going to sell you anything you cannot get already on the market right now except for standard definition samequels of games you have already purchased. "Standard" pertaining to industry standard ie: High Definition content.

Are you going to reward Nintendo for playing catch-up with the rest of the industry by purchasing a console they should have released in 2006?

NT'er: "Hey Supr"
Me: Oh, why hello there my NT brethren what seems to be troubling you?
NT'er: "What's a "samequel?"
Me: *Chuckle*, A samequel my friend is a term I coined for an advertised "sequel" to any entertainment media with the same features that differs by it's predecessor by a few hairs or details such as an updated visual presentation (graphics in this case) or added/altered plot device, among other things."

Ocarina of Time 3D? Samequel
Mario Kart 9000? Samequel

Nostalgia is a wonderful thing, are you willing to pay $400+ for it? You're off your rocker if you think $250 is what it will take to get the new system like the Wii back in 06, the 3ds costs that much right now( a handheld system). All you're going to get at E3 from Nintendo is extra polished screens and clips of your favorite nintendo characters and promises to rock the foundation of gaming. When the games are released it's the same game just a little prettier, the same kind of "pretty" the PS3 or 360 has already been delivering.

Nintendo at this point is the closest videogame company counterpart to the Cash Money recording company. Walk with me now, they both started out really small, (CM selling albums out of their trunk/Ninty selling trading cards).
         Today both pay little to the middle-man (CM keeps all of their master and 75% of their royalties,new signees get scraps) (Ninty produces 75% of the games released for their console and serve as their own publisher, you have to pay tens of thousands of dollars for a third party development kit+strict wii ware stipulations)
        Lil Wayne and Mario are constantly putting out the same/similar content. (Super Mario remakes and anniversary editions/A millie, 6'7)
Supporting characters get very little solo projects released (Wario/C.Falcon)/(Jae Millz/Tyga).
Baby=Satoru Iwata/Slim=Shigeru Miyamoto, Baby/Iwata stay in the limelight and create nothing worthy of notice. Slim/Miyamoto stay in the shadows and keep the company a well oiled machine.

I could keep going but I want to see some more replies. Nintendo care about hardcore gamers?
No, they care about the hundreds of studios that stopped making Wii games and how they can get those same developers to buy a dev kit this time around.

As for Brawl, it is the ONLY reason I bought a Wii, alas the game was a disappointment. I'd rather there be no sequel to Brawl then one that's lackluster But there's a silver lining for all you Melee fans: Project M.
I wont even touch the online multi-player topic with Nintendo, it isn't going to get better than what we have now with other consoles. They should only boast about better, not same or similar, would you celebrate a tie game with a friend of yours in a sport? I didn't think so.

Surprise me Nintendo.
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Supr out.
ninteno mii avy 
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