How about Bruins with power laces. That would still fulfill Tinker's vow on power laces in 2015 and it would celebrate BTTF. Make it happen!
@dc30 Dude its getting real out there.....

This little old lady at my office knows im into kicks and asked me to get a pair for son this week.....just SMDH....

Well.....this thread is going to BLOW up for the better or the worst in the next 24 hours....

Ill be lurking in the background just watching the
I'm surprised this thread doesn't have more action on it already. But lets see going into tomorrow...
Did they ever sell the hat before? I thought Universal had the authentic costume one.

The lenticular hologram hat was Universal. There was that pic of the inner hat brim that had Oct 21 on it posted earlier. No guarantee whose hat it was though.
That won't be free once you get that hospital bill
Luckily enough not in London mate.
Btw it was just a joke, I'm good and I've been training hard during the last 3 weeks on standing still for hours. I'm so ready for tomorrow queue at Nike Store in Oxford Circus. Actually, should I go now? What if there are already some people outside?! Omg I have to go now.
Major D.C releases that pic and put that pic on line. 

I got A DM from A shoe source down in D.C Saturday.

Person was gonna go to Majors and try and find out Wut the word is.
Wow, thats a bit pricey for a t-shirt. I've bent on what I expect to pay for shoes nowadays but I don't think Ill swing that for a t-shirt, even though I do like the camo logo one.

Doc Brown is gonna stroll into that store, "I'll take one t-shirt please":
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