Stop it.....

All you dudes saying you would be good with Bruins instead of basically was pulling up expecting this to get in the whip....

and instead this came out the crib.....

You gonna be tight.....stop it.
I've been pretty vocal in here saying that I'm not expecting the Mags to drop, nor would I expect a legit chance to get them if they dropped. Also I haven't been calling out Nike saying they better release these or I'm going to throw a tantrum and will enjoy BTTF Day regardless of the outcome of Mags. It was a few pages back but I also remember saying that I'd be excited for Bruins to release and would try to get those just the same.
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My mom is gonna drop me and my friends off at our local Niketown to camp out tonight... we have matching Supreme box logo hoodies on too... We is Lit fam!
superstarlord superstarlord
I think a lot of us feel like you. I just thought his Beyonce post was hilarious. A lot of dudes are gonna be tight. Speculation is out of control and heads out there REALLY think a release is happening tomorrow. Some of these knuckleheads are probably camping at NT's right now. Also funny how some people think Nike "owes" the public a they don't. Just looking forward to the day...which reminds me...StarLord PM me please.
I think a lot of us feel like you. I just thought his Beyonce post was hilarious. A lot of dudes are gonna be tight. Speculation is out of control and heads out there REALLY think a release is happening tomorrow. Some of these knuckleheads are probably camping at NT's right now. Also funny how some people think Nike "owes" the public a they don't. Just looking forward to the day...which reminds me...StarLord PM me please.
Agreed, I'm gonna just enjoy all of tomorrow as a huge BTTF fan. I'm not expecting anything from Nike but I know I will be gunning hard for some Pepsi Perfect and other novelties that I'm sure will be popping up tomorrow. Also my 30th anniversary Blu Ray arrives today from Amazon so will be watching the movies tomorrow as well. If Mag's drop I'll be happy of course but I know I won't be able to cop especially if the rumored price is true. 
The people on the nike chat have no idea what they're talkin about. Wouldn't give me any info on who where to contact about anything. The number provided originally in 2011 no longer works, I just want some information if we do get dibs or not like they said we would. Any original owners hear anything yet?
they are not even slightly confirmed to come out, so how do you expect some nike chat employe to tell you if you can have dibs?
If they do not release the Nike Mag with power laces I am going to sue Nike and Tinker for pain & suffering.  

My attorney is on stand by.
I'm sensing some hostility in here. Come on now, any true BTTF fan isn't going to let Nike ruin such a special day.. seriously, only a hype beast would crumble and let 10/21/2015 go by the wayside all because of Nike not re-releasing the Mags. I've wanted the Mags since I was a kid, it's that one shoe that I'd die happy to own. Will Nike release them? Hopefully. If they don't will I be upset? Of course, why? Because it's my dream shoe and just like everyone else that was part of the 2011 release, we ALL watched the same trailer and were overcome with joy.. "Tinker: Not till 2015." So yes, if they don't come through, it will make me salty because it's my childhood dream to own the real deal, not to mention feeling slightly led-on. But will I let it ruin the day? No, it's literally a once-in-a-lifetime day, and after tomorrow, everything else will be history. Here's to hoping my dreams (and the dreams of many others) become a reality.. and even if Nike doesn't make it happen, that's what the RPF forums are for :wink:
anyone can have a pair of 2011's, wanting a pair of 2015 model doesn't make me any less thankful I own a pair of 2011's.

I think more than a few people in this thread alone would agree that NOT just anyone can have a pair of 2011s.
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Yeah, I'm way more disappointed we don't have flying cars and hoverboards.
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On the real I am not tripping one way or the other.  If they are available chances are most wont be able to get through the adding to cart/check out process.  I will try for some things but the highlight of my day will be when I am in the theater watching all three films.  
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