Wow, thats a bit pricey for a t-shirt. I've bent on what I expect to pay for shoes nowadays but I don't think Ill swing that for a t-shirt, even though I do like the camo logo one.

Doc Brown is gonna stroll into that store, "I'll take one t-shirt please":
I agree.  I was thinking the same thing on the jaket and hat from The Hundreds.  If they put some outrageous price on it I will pass.  If I am going to spend 100 on a jacket that is basically cotton I will add to that 100 and get something more high end.  I am not a big hat guy and only wear them when I havent been to the barber shop so we will see on that.
My mom is gonna drop me and my friends off at our local Niketown to camp out tonight... we have matching Supreme box logo hoodies on too... We is Lit fam! :smokin
My mom is gonna drop me and my friends off at our local Niketown to camp out tonight... we have matching Supreme box logo hoodies on too... We is Lit fam!
It's getting to the point where I'm not sure what's a joke or not anymore.
Major D.C releases that pic and put that pic on line. 
I got A DM from A shoe source down in D.C Saturday.
Person was gonna go to Majors and try and find out Wut the word is.

I know DC posted that. That's what I wrote. The word is they are releasing their hat collabs. If you think it has anything to do with MAGs I think you're going to be let down.

It's getting to the point where I'm not sure what's a joke or not anymore.

I'm not either...but I'm going to lean towards all these noobs coming in NOT reading everything posted up last few pages and just dropping in like "yeah we're on line"...they are all going to be some sorry mofo's come tomorrow.
Been  here since LA PRIMERA HOLMZ. If they don't drop NDC/NL TLO or Raffle then I'm ok with the let down of possibly not copping and have too be salty and hear and see all those talk that copped lol. The way I've been striking out on NDC doubt I'd get through on NDC anyway's. So if they don't release more tears 
 saved haha.
The people on the nike chat have no idea what they're talkin about. Wouldn't give me any info on who where to contact about anything. The number provided originally in 2011 no longer works, I just want some information if we do get dibs or not like they said we would. Any original owners hear anything yet?
The people on the nike chat have no idea what they're talkin about. Wouldn't give me any info on who where to contact about anything. The number provided originally in 2011 no longer works, I just want some information if we do get dibs or not like they said we would. Any original owners hear anything yet?

No, and I don't expect to either.
Dibs on 2015 release for those who purchased in 2011 haaaaa
ain't that sum poop [emoji]128169[/emoji]. Guaranteed pairs for the 2011 holders
nah maybe sum Info release but C'Mon maen guaranteed pairs
I've been calling theaters since Friday about when tickets for Jaws 19 are being sold for tomorrow and they act like I'm crazy. If they don't have tickets for sale by tonight I'm done with movies.
if there was a b&m release, we woud've heard.  there's no way a secret like that is kept under wraps if the shoe was available @ the b&m level.   

Like the great Ben Franklin said, "Three can keep a secret, if two of them are dead."
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