NFL Week 13 In Review.....


Jan 30, 2007
Post your observations from Week 13...

-R.I.P. Sean Taylor

-I don't know which coach is dumber, Sean Payton or Joe Gibbs?

-Jaguars are a threat in the AFC

-Anymore competition in the NFC for the Cowboys?

-Lions might not win another game this season.

-It's tough to ignore what the Vikings are doing. Their schedule does look kinda easy the rest of the season.

-Miami won't win a game this season.

-What's stopping a Cowboys VS Patriots Super Bowl?

Fraud of the Week-Joe Gibbs and Sean Payton

Top 5...
-Cleveland got robbed. I'm not complaining though.
-AP had Kennedy on skates. Hit em with like a 6-move stutter step.
-Vikes to get the 2nd wildcard, possibly even the first.
-Eli sucks. Giants D, Chicagos inept offense, kicking away from Hester bailed him out big time.
-Rough day for Beck. 3 INTS and 3 Fumbles. Rough year for Miami in general.
- 10 men on D for the first play was
I been slipping on Sundays the past few weeks...I ran through the Falcons/Rams game on my DVR last night. I'm about to hit to catch somehighlights.

Two things from that game...

-Jerious Norwood must have run over Petrino's dog and/or son.
-Props to Roddy White. He's having a great year. Dude had no confidence last year, and it showed. I credit his success to new O-Coordinator Hue Jackson,who was the WR Coach up in Cincy with Chad and TJ. He's got Roddy on pace for over 80 catches and 1,200 yards...a borderline Pro Bowl season.

Oh, and congratulations to Carolina for giving the home crowd up there a win, finally.
Boneheads of the week:

1. Michael Wilbon and the entire ESPN Network for their Shotty and irresponsible coverage of Sean Taylor's Murder

2. Sean Payton
- reverse up 3 with 2 mins left

3. Joe Gibbs
- 2 timeouts in a row

4. Reggie Williams
- personal foul penalty to knock the Jags off the goalline leading to a FG attempt instead of a TD

the NFL just wasnt that serious or fun to watch this week


- Eli-
get your head in the game and out of those +*$++@$ watch commercials.... "Eli Manning.. UNSTOPPABLE"

- The Browns got jerked hardbody

- Joe Gibbs offed himself last night after that bad decision
- Nothing can go right for the Eagles and Feeley
- The hell is up with Carson Palmer?
peyton manning
looked real sharp...
cowboys are the class of the nfc
AP is the best running back in football
carson palmer has not been the same since the ACL
props for putting 10 men on the field...

dolphins...nuff said

Alot of terrible coverage this week regarding the death of Sean Taylor .... stonefaces to wilbon, espn, oreilly...props to lebetard

top 3 teams
10 man D was a nice gesture. RIP ST

Mike Shannahan should be replaced.

Minny lookin nice.

Bengals are trash, they're all talk.

Props to LT and Ward for their TD marks.

Someone should find a way to get Steve Smith, Frank Gore, and Jason Taylor on the same team. They deserve better.

Jacksonville ain't ready for the big stage. They like Indy's little brother. Every year I hear them talkin bout "this time, thistime" a friggin game against them already. Win the division, then tell me where ya'll are.

Deion needs to retire from the NFL network. James Brown should go with him. They said some nice words, but something like what happened to Sean is not yourque to act like you are some voice of reason or something. Get off your high horses, pay your respects, and let people make up their own minds.
Eli be on some other stuff son...iono whats going thru that dudesheads 90% of the time
- Miami will not win a game all season
- Miami is terrible.
- Grossman just overthrows EVERYTHING. He misses so many wide-open receivers.
- Didn't someone say Braylon was a bust, HA HA
- Super Mario is justifying his number 1 pick.
- Sucks that the Skins couldn't pull that W out for ST. Gibbs has got to go though. The game has passed him by.
- It also may be time for a new coach in Denver. Back to back years of ridiculous chokes.
Originally Posted by S4L3

Post your observations from Week 13...

-R.I.P. Sean Taylor

-I don't know which coach is dumber, Sean Payton or Joe Gibbs?

-Jaguars are a threat in the AFC

-Anymore competition in the NFC for the Cowboys?

-Lions might not win another game this season.

-It's tough to ignore what the Vikings are doing. Their schedule does look kinda easy the rest of the season.

-Miami won't win a game this season.

-What's stopping a Cowboys VS Patriots Super Bowl?

Fraud of the Week-Joe Gibbs and Sean Payton

Top 5...

oh my god
-R.I.P. ST.

- Winslow got shoved out. I saw the same play with Heath Miller vs the Bungles and he got the catch. SMH. But too many stooopid penalties at the worst time.

- Cowboys are good on offense, but their D may catch up to them. Aaron Rodgers?

- LT musta got up in Norvs ear during the week. He finally saw the carries.

- Carson Palmer has seriously regressed.

- Sean Peyton and Joe Gibbs should be relieved of their duties.

- Reggie Bush = Michael Bennett

- Jerry Porters hands are sick

- If the Bears couldnt win yesterday...

- Pittsburgh is gonna get murked alive by the Pats if they keep playing the way they have these last 3 weeks.

- AP was freakin dudes with the Forrest Gump leg.

- R.I.P. Ravens.
- R.I.P. Ravens.

that's why the browns lost to the cardinals
no playoffs for thebrownies
And I can't really fault Joe Gibbs, he been stressed the whole week, which could explain his brain fart

R.I.P. Sean Taylor.
Mr. Payne is forgetting, we are still the wild card, still have a cakewalk schedule the rest of the way, and swept the sorry Ratbirds.

PIT lost to ARZ, does that mean they are not in the playoffs?

It aint easy going out west and winning on the road. Vice versa for NFC west teams.
^that IS effed up...Steelers>Pack? I will have 2 disagree, sir.

Reverse? C'mon Sean Payton...Bill Parcells is ashamed of you.

Gibbs with the 2 TOs in a row...damn shame...4 the first time in my life, I wanted the Skins 2 win...damn shame.

Was it really a month ago that the Lions were 6-2?

Adrian (AD) Peterson is an alien cyborg.
(Side Note: it must suck 2 be the 2nd best RB with your name IN YOUR DIVISION...sry Bears version...)

Speakin of da Bears...Hester shoulda caught that damn ball...why couldn't you win, Chicago!?

You Eagles fans still want Feeley as the QB? I know that had 2 hurt...

The Dolphins really won't win a game...

MNF will get ugly 2nite...

That WAS a force out at the end of the Browns game (but its the pick yall owe us will be like 19 instead of 22

The 'Boys D needs to get it 2getha come playoff time...

-K2 and the Browns were robbed

-I don't know how Eli does some point, his team won't bail him out

-Post Jerry Rice, there is no better route runner than Big Game...and for what it's worth, he's very underrated

-Speaking of underrated...Hines Ward

-Am I the only one happy to see Adrian Peterson finally get a chance at starting for the Bears? He has paid his dues, and I think he will be a MAJOR upgradeover Cedkoolaidric Benson. Peterson was a damn monster at GSU....

-Milk Carton: Byron Leftwich

-So, is Tavaris Jackson the answer at QB for the Vikes?

-Is John Beck REALLY the QB of the future?

-Who had the bigger blunder? Sean Payton or Joe Gibbs?

-Tell me Merriman ain't back on the juice again? Homie got humbled by a ******, now he's back on that stuff....

Fraud(s) of the year...

anyone who showed a lack of class by making noise during the ST moment of silence yesterday....disgusting, and if they are Skins "fans" then I amtotally embarassed and ashamed.
J's, I hadn't heard anything about that, there were people making noise during the moment of silence? Did those peopleget tossed out? I sure as hell wish they would have if it's true. That's BS.
Originally Posted by jumpman23000

what's so funny about the list? The fact that the Jags should be on it over the Packers?

so the 3rd best team in the league,.... loses to the 2nd best team in the league..... with their back up QB in for 3 quarters.... loses by 10.... then theJags lose to the 4th best team in the league.... and you think they should all the sudden be on the top 5 list? doubt it.

and about the steelers... i dunno if you wanna talk about quality wins and losses BUT, the steelers lost to the JETS 2 weeks ago and put up THREEEEEEE points on Miami... MIAMI, granted the conditions weremessy.... but you dont go scoreless for 58 minutes against the DOLPHINS.... EVER

thats whats so funny about the list, along with S4L3's ability to continue to hate on the packers weekly.

last time i checked, you dont have to go 15-1 to make a playoff run... i think some people here forgot how to win/lose... maybe myself included, the packerswinning 10 out of 11 games had us pack fans spoiled so far this year, no one thought it would happen. im not mad about the Cowboys game... were still going tothe playoffs, and will have a 1st round bye.

so, again.

oh my god

I knew I couldn't have been the only one to notice the noise during the Moment of silence....I was so upset when I noticed that, I seriously didn'tbelieve people can be that stupid
which one of yall N'uckleheads said he was gonna pull a Lattimore from The Program and get back on the juice after he got trucked?

I died laughin
sean payton is a IDIOT, run the damn ball fool your not even giving a bush a chance to run it. all of them trick plays that worked last year ant working thisyear trim down that play book and just play football IDIOT.

Joey Galloway old#+%% just be running past people
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