NFL Fines 5 Falcons for "Free Mike Vick" shirts

Free Enron? Get out of here. What Enron dide was wrong 100% and was not justified, Vick he has some clearance because of the gray area.


Did you seriously think I was endorsing and supporting Enron? C'mon now, clearly that was sarcastic. Who the hell would support Enron and their actions? And there isn't a grey area with Vick either. The law is pretty clear in its writing
I find this especially peculiar coming from you, Joka; what, considering your public outcry and all.

And no, I'm not comparing the situations, so relax.

Free Enron? Get out of here. What Enron dide was wrong 100% and was not justified, Vick he has some clearance because of the gray area.
You missed me with this, too. I'm in no way saying he was innocent; I just don't agree with the scrutiny his teammates are facing.
How is financially supporting an illegal dog fighting ring, and killing dogs involved in said ring 100% right and justified?
Originally Posted by Kiddin Like Jason

I find this especially peculiar coming from you, Joka; what, considering your public outcry and all.
Uh, the difference? I wasn't doing it for attention. I put it away every time the camera panned over my area. And I was told I could do it.

The funny thing about my sign? Nobody would have even known I had it had they not taken it away. Ironic eh?
I think had the "Free Mike Vick" shirts not been seen, this wouldn't be as much of an issue. If it were the eye blacks only, I don't thinkthe NFL would have been as compelled to do anything. But because they all occurred on the same team, at the same game, they had to lay punishment on everyone.
Uh, the difference? I wasn't doing it for attention. I put it away every time the camera panned over my area. And I was told I could do it.
See, I'm going to have to deem the fact that your accusation that Roddy White and Joe Horn did what they did for attention as an accusation,as well. Sure, you can ASSUME that the only reason White wore the shirt and Horn revealed the shirt was for attention, but I can also ASSUME that the onlyreason you made your sign and brought it to the stadium was for attention, too. Maybe they just wanted to "voice" their support just as you wanted to"voice" your non-support.
Originally Posted by jerseymizzle

Ummm... players get fined all the time for their celebrations. What should make this different? It's pretty much the same as using a prop/group celebration.

what makes this different from clinton portis showing off a sean taylor shirt the week before? $*!! the message on the shirts for a minute, it's the exact same thing otherwise. yet you don't see anyone talking about fining portis.

and i hate to use ST twice as an example (i don't really feel like digging through the uni watch archives but people do eye black messages all the time) but ray lewis didn't get fined for this either:


it's obvious the league is saying "we don't want anyone to acknowledge michael vick's existence", and while i understand where they're coming from they can't just enforce that and let everyone run free with whatever else.

Exactly what i was thinking
Supporting a felon is the new thing in society
If you have a family member go to jail. Make sure to inform your whole family and all of his/her friends never to speak to them again or show anysupport while in or even after they're released. You make no sense. There have been plenty of NFL players CHARGED with assault on their wives but i dontsee anyone on here talking about that. Vick was wrong but i guess its worse to torture dogs than to just beat the hell out of your wife all the time.
Originally Posted by DonJuan23

Supporting a felon is the new thing in society
If you have a family member go to jail. Make sure to inform your whole family and all of his/her friends never to speak to them again or show any support while in or even after they're released. You make no sense. There have been plenty of NFL players CHARGED with assault on their wives but i dont see anyone on here talking about that. Vick was wrong but i guess its worse to torture dogs than to just beat the hell out of your wife all the time.

man, shut up. why is everyone in here resorting to these stupid extreme examples? no one said they dont care if NFL players beat their wives or not or thatyou cant support your family ect ect.

give it a rest
I think is point is completely valid. At the end of the day, we are talking about god damn dogs. I would rather have somebody involved in dogfighting thanbeating their own wives. Its just made such a big deal because of stupid animal rights groups. Obviously, he did something wrong and should be punished for it.But he is getting screwed with all of this, and there is no reason he should be hated when players beat their wives and receive no repercussions from thepublic
Originally Posted by GoVols234

I think is point is completely valid. At the end of the day, we are talking about god damn dogs. I would rather have somebody involved in dogfighting than beating their own wives. Its just made such a big deal because of stupid animal rights groups. Obviously, he did something wrong and should be punished for it. But he is getting screwed with all of this, and there is no reason he should be hated when players beat their wives and receive no repercussions from the public
I'm glad you would take someone involved in dogfighting over someone beating their wives. I wouldn't.

Taking dozens of lives =/= throwing some punches.
Mike Vick needs to atone for his actions and to pony up the time. If his friends want to be there for him, I understand that, but I true friend would want himto serve the prison sentence and hope he learns from his actions.

If my friend did something illegal, then I would want him to pay the time. I would still be his friend, but I'm not going to condone his actions for anyreason. Sorry.
Man, like a said..its a god damn dog. Yes, it is bad what he did. BUT somebody beating their wives and children is a hell of a lot worse than fighting a goddamn dog. I live in a family with the most spoiled dog in the universe, so it is not like I hate animals or anything. But there is a problem in society whenbeating of children and wives are accepted yet fighting a dog is the worst thing in history.
Originally Posted by GoVols234

Man, like a said..its a god damn dog. Yes, it is bad what he did. BUT somebody beating their wives and children is a hell of a lot worse than fighting a god damn dog. I live in a family with the most spoiled dog in the universe, so it is not like I hate animals or anything. But there is a problem in society when beating of children and wives are accepted yet fighting a dog is the worst thing in history.

I agree with you to an extent. However, I look at it as a life... sure, it's a dogs life... but its a life. How many dogs did he fight? How many did hekill? What was the reasoning behind all of this?

Lemme just ask you this... take a look at his contract:
Vick signed a 10-year contract with the Atlanta Falcons worth $130 million with a $37 millionsigning bonus, making him the highest paid player in NFL history at that time and one of the highest paid ever in sports.

Why in the hell is this ****** fighting dogs in the first place? Is $167 million dollars + endorsements not enough?
What is wrong with showing you support for an ex-team mate and a fallen comrade? Vick needs all the support he can get...

Roger Goodell is racist....He buried Mike Vick...He keeps trying to bury Pacman Jones...

When will Black America and open there eyes and see that Roger Goddell doesn't like Black people...

How is showing support for you teammate a violation...

Roger Goddel should be impeached...
I think we should stop talking about this. There are basically 2 sides 2 this, everybody has already picked theirs and further discussion is really justargument 4 tha sake of argument. Nobody is gonna convince anybody on the other side to change they opinion. He's going 2 jail, and whether its fair or not,it is wat it is... That's just my opinion...
Originally Posted by Mickey Moss

What is wrong with showing you support for an ex-team mate and a fallen comrade? Vick needs all the support he can get...

Roger Goodell is racist....He buried Mike Vick...He keeps trying to bury Pacman Jones...

When will Black America and open there eyes and see that Roger Goddell doesn't like Black people...

How is showing support for you teammate a violation...

Roger Goddel should be impeached...

Hey guy, I don't know if you know this, but let me let you in on a secret...

They did it to themselves. Now they have to pay for their crimes.

I know, I know... it might be much too much to handle, with you wanting to wave the race card around, but both of them did stupid things that got themselves introuble.

Nobody deserves the blame more than Mr. Vick and Mr. Jones. It's not like Goddell dropped 1000 pit bulls out of the sky on Mike Vick's property andforced him to fight. It's not like he gave Pacman a stack of ones and told him to go make it rain. Guess what? They caused this.
As a player, you can walk around to the talk shows and say "free mike vick" all you want, if you can actually do that with a straight face. You canwrite a book about how Mike Vick should be freed and how great pals you are and how you wanna support him.

But during the game? The game is a 100% NFL product. It is a product which makes the NFL money. They can fine you whatever the hell they want for that $*%!
If Brett Favre had had a Dog Fighting Ring...NFL and the Media would of swept this under the rug......America and the NFL loves Brett Favre and their countryquarterbacks..

If Peyton Manning was in Pacman Jones position...he would of been me....

You have to be blind to see this is not a racial issue....Look what the Media did to Michael Vick....they destroyed his livelihood...Michael Vick will not beable to join another team again...and when he gets out his reputation is ruined.
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