NFL Divisional Playoffs In Review....

Doesn't ESPN "slurp" the SB teams every year, and generally focus on QBs? I mean how would it be different? At least with Manning/Favre you havea lot of older clips you can see, if it is Sanchez who knows what they will show. USC and High School besides this year?
Originally Posted by 651akathePaul

Keith Brooking is a poor sport and a sore loser. Get over it. Your team was embarrassed long before that final touchdown. Nothing is classless about scoring as many TD's as possible in the playoffs.

...Is one without Manning or Favre...can you imagine the slurp fest ESPN would have if either of those two make it to the SB. Heck, if they both make it I will boycott ESPN for the two weeks prior and the two weeks after the SB, and watch the game on mute. Can't you guys just see it...
Shutup! This idea of boycotting or a slurp ruining a game is tired. Besides, if Favre and Manning were to make it to the Super Bowl, I'm pretty sure that's evidence that the "slurping" is well deserved. These are two of the greatest QB's of all time. I wish some of you would just shutup and enjoy greatness when it's right here for us to see.

Are you going to hate every QB that turns great during his careers. Because if you are, a few SB appearances by Brees, and you'll be saying the same thing.
This argument (involving Favre alone!) is already like 15 years old
I had to listen to that crap constantly for most of my life
"Ohhhhh I hate Favre man all the people on TV keep slurping blah blah...."

The media can slurp all they want, Packers Vs VIkings SNF game was one of the highest rated games in history... and it was a REGULAR SEASON game.
No mention of Ed Reed yet? If he leaves hats off to him for a good career.

Bone-headed penalties made things not so tough for the Jets against San Diego

Let's do the damn thing Indy
Originally Posted by JPZx

Deuce King


Dear Keith Brooking-

Since you are the expert on what is and is not classy, I'd lke your judgment on the following:

1] Was it classless for Keith Brooking to do the Dirty Bird in front of every section of the Metrodome in 1998 when the Falcons won the NFC Championship?

2] Was it classless for the Cowboys, facing a 4th down with 2 minutes to go from the Philadelphia 35 yard line, leading 24-0, to pass in that situation?

3] Was it classless for the Cowboys to not come out when announced, and instead come out as the Vikings were honoring Joe Kapp, who was there to sound the Gjallarhorn?

Your thoughts, Keith.

now i could careless what the vikings did

but way to go reaching with that $#$%#*+ crap you just posted
What makes any of that $$!%***! Mike? If you could read (and there's a running joke on here that you can't so I'll just highlight the stuff that's important for you and see if you can comprehend that
) you'd see that the Cowboys and Brooking are contradicting +*@*#.
1] Was it classless for Keith Brooking to do the Dirty Bird in front of every section of the Metrodome in 1998 when the Falcons won the NFC Championship?

2] Was it classless for the Cowboys, facing a 4th down with 2 minutes to go from the Philadelphia 35 yard line, leading 24-0, to pass in that situation?

3] Was it classless for the Cowboys to not come out when announced, and instead come out as the Vikings were honoring Joe Kapp, who was there to sound the Gjallarhorn?

The Cowboys passed on 4th & 2 in WK17 with less than two minutes to go in the game. How is that any different than what the Vikings did Mike? And Brookingis crying about it like a little %@$#* because someone decided to do it back to them.

This is the NFL. You are paid to do your job and no one is going to sympathize for you if you can't do your job.Since when has the No Fun League been about being polite and displaying your manners?
....if you can score on a team, do it. It's the defenses' job to stop the opposing offense. If they can't, so be it. Not even that....thisis the !$!#@%# NFL playoffs. Dudes be crying like we are playing our starters against third stringers in a August preseason game or some !*@%

!$!#@%# despicable.
Chan Gailey is the favorite for the Bills job?

Isn't this why we have the Rooney Rule? So that Chan Gailey, #$%% Jauron, and Norv Turner don't just keep cycling through every open job.
Of course Mike aint tryin to respond. There's no one for him to quote and post "THIS", "Cosign" or "
Some quick thoughts and a Super Bowl prediction.......

Jets get to take a crack at the full strength Colts this time, they kept it close for a half a couple weeks ago.

Philip Rivers has an attitude like a 13 year old girl, I'm not sure he'll ever win anything, people can blame it on the coach all they want, but Rivershas proven he doesn't have it in him.

As much as I dislike the Vikes as a Packers fan, I'm pretty impressed how Favre and that defense played yesterday. It'll be interesting to see how heplays in the dome next week, he's always struggled in domes in his career.

If that was Kurt Warner's last game, then congratulations on a great career to him, what a whirlwind two weeks to go out on.

And I'm banking on a Colts/Vikes Super Bowl, expect the talking heads to explode in the two weeks leading up to the game............
Originally Posted by freezelle

As much as I dislike the Vikes as a Packers fan, I'm pretty impressed how Favre and that defense played yesterday. It'll be interesting to see how he plays in the dome next week, he's always struggled in domes in his career.
He's 11-0 in Domes this season though...
Originally Posted by JPZx

Originally Posted by freezelle

As much as I dislike the Vikes as a Packers fan, I'm pretty impressed how Favre and that defense played yesterday. It'll be interesting to see how he plays in the dome next week, he's always struggled in domes in his career.
He's 11-0 in Domes this season though...

Yeah, but those are home games, when he was our QB, he struggled in away dome games. The Metrodome is extremely loud for an away team, but extremely quiet forthe home team. I guess I meant to say road dome games......
Aiin't Favre from that area though? Dude is gonna bring all his family out there, it'll be a home game for him.
Aight well he's 2-0 in road domes this season but I see your point.

But I don't think that will be an issue. I realize the noise is going to be loud when the Vikings are on offense but towards the end of Favre's careerhe HAS played well in road Domes. Since 2006, he is 7-0 in opposing Domes. Counting on Favre to have a bad game would be a bad move at this point. If theVikings are going to get beat, it's going to be by Brees tearing apart our secondary and/or not establishing the run.
Originally Posted by JPZx

Aight well he's 2-0 in road domes this season but I see your point.

But I don't think that will be an issue. I realize the noise is going to be loud when the Vikings are on offense but towards the end of Favre's career he HAS played well in road Domes. Since 2006, he is 7-0 in opposing Domes. Counting on Favre to have a bad game would be a bad move at this point. If the Vikings are going to get beat, it's going to be by Brees tearing apart our secondary and/or not establishing the run.

I think that Brees will play well, but you guys' front four will be able to get enough pressure on him to make him force the issue and make some mistakes.
man favre is going to win the super bowl ... that vikings team is nasty as hell ... who in the hell is going to cover sidney rice for the saints? the only wayto beat the vikings is to have a good enough D to limit their points (see dallas until the 4th) and the RUN THE BALL ... sean payton is a weasel and will nevercommit to the run ...
Originally Posted by JPZx

Of course Mike aint tryin to respond. There's no one for him to quote and post "THIS", "Cosign" or "

or mike doesnt want to waste his time with you and just let it go
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Aiin't Favre from that area though? Dude is gonna bring all his family out there, it'll be a home game for him.

Yeah. Mariucci was saying the other that when they were both with the Packers and they traveled to N.O., Favre needed 3,000 tickets for friends and family toattend the game. I doubt it'll be that high again, as cool as that would be, but the more Vikes fans, the better.
Originally Posted by JPZx

What makes any of that $$!%***! Mike? If you could read (and there's a running joke on here that you can't so I'll just highlight the stuff that's important for you and see if you can comprehend that
) you'd see that the Cowboys and Brooking are contradicting +*@*#.
1] Was it classless for Keith Brooking to do the Dirty Bird in front of every section of the Metrodome in 1998 when the Falcons won the NFC Championship?

2] Was it classless for the Cowboys, facing a 4th down with 2 minutes to go from the Philadelphia 35 yard line, leading 24-0, to pass in that situation?

3] Was it classless for the Cowboys to not come out when announced, and instead come out as the Vikings were honoring Joe Kapp, who was there to sound the Gjallarhorn?

The Cowboys passed on 4th & 2 in WK17 with less than two minutes to go in the game. How is that any different than what the Vikings did Mike? And Brooking is crying about it like a little %@$#* because someone decided to do it back to them.

This is the NFL. You are paid to do your job and no one is going to sympathize for you if you can't do your job. Since when has the No Fun League been about being polite and displaying your manners?
....if you can score on a team, do it. It's the defenses' job to stop the opposing offense. If they can't, so be it. Not even that....this is the !$!#@%# NFL playoffs. Dudes be crying like we are playing our starters against third stringers in a August preseason game or some !*@%

!$!#@%# despicable.

First of all thats bull %!%*. It wasn't less than 2 minutes. It was before the 2 minute warning at approxmiately 2:26. And if you don'tbelieve me go check the game logs.

Second it was obvious you guys were trying to score because you kept taking shots to the endzone, like on the first failed attempt to Rice. Dallas was justtrying to get a first down to continue running out the clock. If memory serves correct we actually dialed up a slant to Miles Austin for 2 yards. So itisn't the same thing.

Third, after Romo was sacked on that play, Philly ended up in a 4th and 11 situation which they turned the ball over on downs. This gave us the ball back atour own 47 with a minute and a half left. If we were trying to "run up the score" why did we take 3 consecutive kneel downs with 1:30 plus to go? Soplease don't try and compare that %!%* because its clearly not the same.

I'm not saying what the Vikings did was wrong nor do I care. The game was over and an extra TD doesn't make the loss any better or worse so to me itsirrelevant. However, you guys were clearly trying to pad the stats where as if we were doing the same thing you did, we wouldnt have knelt the ball down whenwe had almost 2 minutes left of play. Again, I could careless if they did it or not because there is 60 minutes of football to be played. But don't comparewhat we did to what the Vikings did.

I hope Vikings fans also realize that this is all about Favre. He could care less about the fans/the owner/GM/organization. This is all about him. Now if youknow that and you're just saying "I dont care as long as he gets us a ring" then thats fine. But I hope yall don't actually think he'sdoing this for yall or he actually gives a crap about Minnesota because as much as ESPN wants to paint him as a Saint, he's just as selfish as all the"diva" players. And I don't think there's anything wrong with "divas"
hell, if favre wins the super bowl i hope he sticks hi smiddle finger up at the press conference and says $*%! YOU, ted thompson and $*%! YOU mike mccarthy and$*%! YOU, erin rogers ... you can be as selfish as you want to be when youre god ...
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