NFL Discussion Thread - Hall of Fame Game: August 3rd

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Kluwe admitting that his future in the NFL is over at the end of that article is what gets me. If you feel that your outspokenness is the wall between yourself and continuing your career and you refuse to deny that part of yourself, especially to advance what you feel is a cause worth fighting for, then you are a courageous person.
Kluwe is inadvertently speaking up for Kerry Rhodes, who is rumored to be black-balled by the league. Perhaps Aaron Rodgers as well, if the rumors are to be believed.

Brendon Ayanbadejo is also a courageous NFL activist for equal rights.

Havent been on NT for a few days but I assumed someone would have posted Aaron Rodgers response to the gay rumors by now?

Also good for Kluwe :smokin
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I didn't realize that Champ was about that


Trust I'm about the slaying Bortles/McCarron like GF's. But also about that Neal Caffrey and Harvey Specter esque grooming.

not'll have to ask the yankee thread if that's acceptable :lol:
I'll be livid if the Yanks get Ma Kun after Ells. I almost can't root for Ells anymore.
On the heels of the Kluwe letter and this Rodgers rumor... Honestly my worst fear in all of this isn't that Rodgers may actually be gay, but if for some reason he came out and made anti-gay comments.

I couldn't give less of a **** which way he swings, but it'd really put a damper on how I view the guy if he's at all homophobic.
On the heels of the Kluwe letter and this Rodgers rumor... Honestly my worst fear in all of this isn't that Rodgers may actually be gay, but if for some reason he came out and made anti-gay comments.

I couldn't give less of a **** which way he swings, but it'd really put a damper on how I view the guy if he's at all homophobic.

i don't think he would. he's a smart guy. plus, packer PR is probably all over him in terms of how to handle questions about this stuff
On the heels of the Kluwe letter and this Rodgers rumor... Honestly my worst fear in all of this isn't that Rodgers may actually be gay, but if for some reason he came out and made anti-gay comments.

I couldn't give less of a **** which way he swings, but it'd really put a damper on how I view the guy if he's at all homophobic.
Implementing the Ronnie strategy. Deny, deny, deny. Like Ryan Braun.

I honestly don't think AR12 is a homosexual though. Tagging Destiny Newton doesn't feel or seem like a front or cover-up.
On the heels of the Kluwe letter and this Rodgers rumor... Honestly my worst fear in all of this isn't that Rodgers may actually be gay, but if for some reason he came out and made anti-gay comments.

I couldn't give less of a **** which way he swings, but it'd really put a damper on how I view the guy if he's at all homophobic.
i don't think he would. he's a smart guy. plus, packer PR is probably all over him in terms of how to handle questions about this stuff
Yeah hard to explain what I mean... I don't want him to be that guy.  Not just be smart enough to not be that guy publicly.
On the heels of the Kluwe letter and this Rodgers rumor... Honestly my worst fear in all of this isn't that Rodgers may actually be gay, but if for some reason he came out and made anti-gay comments.

I couldn't give less of a **** which way he swings, but it'd really put a damper on how I view the guy if he's at all homophobic.
Implementing the Ronnie strategy. Deny, deny, deny. Like Ryan Braun.

I honestly don't think AR12 is a homosexual though. Tagging Destiny Newton doesn't feel or seem like a front or cover-up.
Id be her assistant. 
Cincy opened as 7-point favorites. Line moved half a point to 7.5.

Disrespect for Phil.


cincy is the more talented team. bolts barely sneaking in and a little banged up. cold doesnt bother phil but wind and rain could. im taking the better QB but it doesnt bother me if nobody else does.

you get the respect with a win. the line is just a line
The Kluwe situation sounds like business as usual to me. The owner feigns a sympathetic ear while the head coach is told to silence the player. After Frazier couldn't get him to stay quiet, they turned to Priefer to "intimidate" him to silence. IDK he just comes off a bit self righteous to me.

I'm talking about the article posted in here and the tone presented in the article. The tone of the article is that he puts himself in the center of hot button issues for eg. all the steps he takes to make sure he got the "ok" from the team. Yet when the head coach lets it be known that in fact he doesn't have the subtle/understated "ok" from the team he continues on and from the article tweets about other hot button issues ie. the pope. I could understand if he was openly gay and they were keeping him from speaking out or didn't like his lifestyle but this doesn't seem to be the case.

Kluwe comes off to me from the article as a man of intelligence and was using the PC PR rhetoric of the team against them.
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On the heels of the Kluwe letter and this Rodgers rumor... Honestly my worst fear in all of this isn't that Rodgers may actually be gay, but if for some reason he came out and made anti-gay comments.

I couldn't give less of a **** which way he swings, but it'd really put a damper on how I view the guy if he's at all homophobic.

i dont see Rodgers speaking on the matter again.
Cowboys might block Marinelli from becoming the Bucs DC because they want to promote him to the same position....
There was a conversation in the Deadspin comments that I thought was thoughtful. Someone was making the case that Kluwe comes off as self-indulgent and seeking to promote himself while openly discussing these issues. The other person responded by saying that it wasn't Kluwe that made the topic about himself, it was those that were in disagreement with him, and that Kluwe had no choice but to defend himself and put his character in the conversation since he couldn't ask or expect anyone else to defend him.

I thought that was a strong point that goes over peoples heads sometimes. Often times, people are refocusing the issue of what Kluwe is saying back onto who he is/was, an NFL player. Kluwe has wanted to make the conversation about the topic at hand, and is pushed to talk about himself merely to defend against personal attacks.
There was a conversation in the Deadspin comments that I thought was thoughtful. Someone was making the case that Kluwe comes off as self-indulgent and seeking to promote himself while openly discussing these issues. The other person responded by saying that it wasn't Kluwe that made the topic about himself, it was those that were in disagreement with him, and that Kluwe had no choice but to defend himself and put his character in the conversation since he couldn't ask or expect anyone else to defend him.

I thought that was a strong point that goes over peoples heads sometimes. Often times, people are refocusing the issue of what Kluwe is saying back onto who he is/was, an NFL player. Kluwe has wanted to make the conversation about the topic at hand, and is pushed to talk about himself merely to defend against personal attacks.
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