NFL Discussion Thread - Hall of Fame Game: August 3rd

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At first blush I thought that was an incredible unlucky call for the 49ers.  However, on the replay you can see him throw Brees down by his head...

edit: not that I really know what's legal and what's not these days, though.
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That was a bogus call. He wasn't going for his head at all. Not his fault he's taller. 
Wow what a BS call. And I'm a Saints fan
the hit seemed legal, the follow thru was def not...

either way it follows the rules..
i cant mess with that call. this is football. he didnt go for his head. that's a bad way to help decide a game.

intentional grounding is a pity call
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QBs need to play with green jerseys, if u cough on one its a foul... Bress head was moving forward that's why it looked so bad.. Another reason why football will soon be extinct as we know it
Man I f'n hate how soft football is now. How the hell is that penalty on the 9ers. Bree's is f'n 5'9!
ugh , stop ****** about the call everyone . football has been this way for a min

just accept it as reality now
lets not pretend all of football is soft. those are some scary dudes and scary hits. The trenches are still there. it's really the PI calls ad protecting the QB that has been on another level.
Sean Payton with that homo smile on his face afterwards. What a joke. I don't think Brooks had any control over that. Great hit and great play.
ugh , stop ****** about the call everyone . football has been this way for a min

just accept it as reality now

Please. Prior to this year you know for a fact that would not have been penalty. Roger man roger.
ugh , stop ****** about the call everyone . football has been this way for a min

just accept it as reality now

True. But it still isn't the football I grew up with and not so much as it is now, but what it soon will become. Worries me.
that pic doesnt tell the whole story..nd u kno it..

as brooks came down he threw brees down by the neck/chin..

soft call? yes..  bad call? NO!
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