News On Future Films Based on Comics/Paranormal/Sci-Fi

I dont read comics often so dont roast me if i dont make sense lol but I bet they are gonna model Aquamans character after Namor (outside of the obvious shared characteristics)

Cuz Namor is freaking awesome. Aquamans probably gonna be an amphibian version of Drogo.
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:x the **** did I just read? No wonder it will be 150 more years before a black actor can have a career in Hollywood without resorting to being gangbangers, drug dealers, maids, and slaves. With few exceptions of course.

Yes the casting of Thanos was prejudice against the Deviant race. |I Why cast any black people when whites can simply use blackface.
MCD was always my fancast for apocalypse.
No one wants to see that ****. And honestly his box office appeal is declining FAST. Pirates 4 made the least money. Transcendence LOST money. Don't even get me started on the Lone Ranger. I know Hollywood is full of creative accounting but $190M loss :x. A public company's accountants can only get so creative. Im sure Marvel wants literally anyone else. Get that box office poison outta my fave cinematic universe.

Shouldnt be any surprise. You can only play the same character in every single movie so many times.


*looks at avy...

It's individuals with your outlook that hold everyone back from moving forward.
sunshineblotters sunshineblotters that Cara Delevingne avy isn't helping the pro black argument :lol:

It's all good in the realm of comic book movies. We're just tryna have our childhood heroes interpreted on screen.
sunshineblotters sunshineblotters that Cara Delevingne avy isn't helping the pro black argument :lol:

It's all good in the realm of comic book movies. We're just tryna have our childhood heroes interpreted on screen.

lol you act like Im a racist. I like people of all colors. Including Aryans. I prolly have more hispanic friends than anything, many of them white. Doesn't take away from my hate for whitewashing characters. I'm sure all these comic book lames tahm bout how it's okay for Apocalypse, an ancient egyptian, to be played by a white guy "cuz Thanos is a white guy. derp" would be commit suicide if Batman was black cuz after all Night Nurse is gonna be played by a black girl.
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Easy sunshineblotters sunshineblotters :lol: no one is calling you racist and we've conversed in other threads about race relations so I know you don't think like that. I understand your frustration about character portrayals and me being black, I for one can't stand the fact that Johnny Storm is black in this interpretation of F4 but Hollywood is trying to cash in. They don't care about diversity or character origins the way "we" the comic readers do. I had a problem with that too initially but NT had to explain to me that Hollywood is just being Hollywood. All I hope is that the comic readers who made these characters cool in the first place get there wink and nods here and there in the film.
Easy sunshineblotters sunshineblotters :lol: no one is calling you racist and we've conversed in other threads about race relations so I know you don't think like that. I understand your frustration about character portrayals and me being black, I for one can't stand the fact that Johnny Storm is black in this interpretation of F4 but Hollywood is trying to cash in. They don't care about diversity or character origins the way "we" the comic readers do. I had a problem with that too initially but NT had to explain to me that Hollywood is just being Hollywood. All I hope is that the comic readers who made these characters cool in the first place get there wink and nods here and there in the film.

I should've quoted other dude as well. "You like a white girl" is not a good argument for whatever his point was.
i dont care at all about the race of the actor, as long as they can act and fit the character they're trying to play

if they were to remake batman and cast denzel as bruce wayne i would consider it my favorite comic book movie ever before even watching it

i dont mind the MJ casting for F4 but i dont understand why out of all the characters to cast a black dude it had to be the one with a sister who's original race they didnt change, why not just make Mr Fantastic black. but i guess it also leaves room for some good character development and backstory since one of the siblings was adopted
I mean it's all well and good to say that like we live in some utopia where racism was never created but thing is it matters even if you say it don't matter. I mean hell just explaining why it doesn't matter to you shows that there is an importance there with the issue.

Plus that logic can't really float across the board. I mean how many ppl would be behind a Bob Marley movie where Daniel Day-Lewis played him? Now I'd love it cuz DDL is that great but that would cause an uproar.
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im not saying it doesnt matter, im saying for me personally it doesnt matter. if you care about race in movies i understand your reasons, i dont think my opinion is better than anyone elses. this is movies we are talking about, everything is subjective. im not going to be extra interested in a movie because i watch the trailer and see the main character is a black dude or an asian woman, im going to watch a movie if the story seems interesting. but i do agree that right now in hollywood minorities often get type cast as minorities, if they are casting a black guy (unless its a superstar like will or denzel) its probably because the character is some kind of stereotype of a black person where it wouldnt make sense to cast someone of another race. there's no reason (other than marketability apparently) that a black or asian or south american actor cant be cast to play just a regular lead role in a movie like limitless or gone girl.

obviously if its a movie based on a real live character ill want the actor to resemble the character he's portraying
Since we're talking about race in movies, before Captain America The First Avenger was shooting, Will Smith was pitched the role. Or sole that was the rumor. I'm Black, and from my pop culture standpoint, it sounds awesome. From my comic book standpoint, a TERRIBLE idea. I never was a big FF reader or fan (although, the FF reads have been awesome since 2012), I'm interested to see how the story plays out. FF isn't a Marvel property, so they can do as they please with it. Since the movie is supposed to be 'mature,' we may find that we like this idea.
Since we're talking about race in movies, before Captain America The First Avenger was shooting, Will Smith was pitched the role. Or sole that was the rumor. I'm Black, and from my pop culture standpoint, it sounds awesome. From my comic book standpoint, a TERRIBLE idea. I never was a big FF reader or fan (although, the FF reads have been awesome since 2012), I'm interested to see how the story plays out. FF isn't a Marvel property, so they can do as they please with it. Since the movie is supposed to be 'mature,' we may find that we like this idea.
why is steve rogers being black a terrible idea?
Consider this... Red Skull, the Tesaract, and all the comic book lore in the movie. But a Black Captain America during WWII?! For me personally, hardly believable. Falcon is just becoming Captain America next month in print BTW. But a flagship comic character and the face of Marvel vs Johnny Storm whom Marvel has killed once before, well you take your pick of what would get the most criticism from comic readers. Steve Rogers has 'died' in print but he's much less expendable than John Storm. I can deal with changes in print because itll be different I'm two months lol. But the world isn't ready for a Black Captain America on the big screen. Half the people that see these movies aren't even comic readers but know at least what Captain America looks like. He's not Black to them lol. Gotta fill those seats at the movies and sell tickets.

Sorry for the long post. Just posting some reason behind it.
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why is steve rogers being black a terrible idea?

Why is a highly celebrated world war 2 hero being black a terrible idea?


They had barely abolished peonage (a form of slavery) just so blacks could go into the frontline and die. Though they shouldn't be. Any celebrated black WWII veteran was lost in the pages of history, if they were any.

Also I'm pretty sure cap being Aryan and still punching hitler in the face was done on purpose. A black American, high celebrated, hero from the 40s would literally be the least believable thing in this universe. Pretending otherwise would be a joke.
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I really want Cap to beat the crap outta Iron Man

This kinda happens in the comic...

Since we're talking about race in movies, before Captain America The First Avenger was shooting, Will Smith was pitched the role. Or sole that was the rumor. I'm Black, and from my pop culture standpoint, it sounds awesome. From my comic book standpoint, a TERRIBLE idea. I never was a big FF reader or fan (although, the FF reads have been awesome since 2012), I'm interested to see how the story plays out. FF isn't a Marvel property, so they can do as they please with it. Since the movie is supposed to be 'mature,' we may find that we like this idea.

I'd love to see more heroes black heroes on screen that looked like me but I don't want my childhood messed with. Changing the race of these legendary characters isn't a good move. If it ain't broke don't fix it. The FF reboot will find out the hard way...
Simon Kinberg on the Fantastic Four Promo delay..

I don’t, actually [know when we'll reveal something.] We’re putting it together now, and one of the important things, because this Fantastic Four is a reboot, and is such a different tonality and vibe from those other films, we want to make sure that the first thing we put out really expresses the voice of the movie, and isn’t compromised by not having visual effects ready, or anything like that.

I don’t actually know when it’s coming out, but I’ve seen all the footage from the movie. I was there for pretty much the whole shoot. It is a very different film from the others, and one that I think is very different from other superhero movies. It’s a very emotional, character-driven, more grounded film than I think people are anticipating.
why is steve rogers being black a terrible idea?
Why is a highly celebrated world war 2 hero being black a terrible idea?

They had barely abolished peonage (a form of slavery) just so blacks could go into the frontline and die. Though they shouldn't be. Any celebrated black WWII veteran was lost in the pages of history, if they were any.

Also I'm pretty sure cap being Aryan and still punching hitler in the face was done on purpose. A black American, high celebrated, hero from the 40s would literally be the least believable thing in this universe. Pretending otherwise would be a joke.
theres a thunder god, the main world war 2 villain has a demonic red face, theres a guy who can turn into a huge green monster without his pants ripping off and all these things worked because of good story and good acting. if they can pull off a movie with a black steve rogers it will be because of a great story and great acting/directing not because of historical believability.

with all that being said, im glad they cast chris evans because i dont see anyone doing a better job at the role than he has, he's perfect for the role and thats not because he's white its his charisma and the way he carries himself 
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