Nets 10-11 Pre-season- Haifa Oct 3 at THE ROCK/VC3FAN Life rant. lol

This game should not go into overtime

Minny Deserves this game.

We NEVER play well here and tonight could of been that night.

This Nets team Should not be here.
That missed FT by Flynn was big.

Well...we've got the last shot with a chance to win the game. I can't ask for much more after being down by 19 at one point...

Lets see who steps up
Waste of a brook performance

Welcome to the 2009-2010 Nets Season

I hate going to Minnesota.


Well now that I was able to.......think about that game last night, I can rant a little.

First, Brook played at an All-Star level. Yes Big AL is still recovering and there was no Love but that performance is something we did not see from brook lastyear. 15 Rebounds, I'm not even focused on the points or blocks, the rebounds.

YI - 17pts, 12 boards - Cant ask for more from him, really can't. played well except for that lane violation.

TWILL - 15 pts, 10 boards - Brilliant Debut. Now can he be consistent.

Now for the fun part.

Devin - one game or not, his defense sucked and he needs to be the fourth quarter guy, no questions asked.

CDR - calm down buddy. You were to filled with energy and played bad defense which caused you to get into foul trouble. your going to lose your job to TWILL ifyou do not play well my man.

Lee - Still don't think he knows that the pre-season is over yet or that the game in Minnesota ever started.
The Bench - ughhhhh

Hayes goes down and we lose our bench like that (Twill played big minutes off the bench but still who else???)

Boone was horrible. Quit shooting jumpers you can only hit in practice. Box out and get Offensive Rebounds. You did not need JKidd when you did that your firsttwo years here.

We miss Dooling and need a backup PF (Sean Williams still owns a Nets Jersey right?)

Skip was Skip. He actually moved the ball better than Harris but we have that discussion every year.

Really did like when Skip and Harris were on the floor together.

This will be the season guys. I think we will lose alot of fourth quarter games this year. VC is not even the reason why. The team has struggled in the fourthquarter for three years now.

The defense was great for three and a half quarters though.

This was just a weird game. But still frustrating.
Of all people to hit that shot

With a tough schedule, that was a win we needed. Just can never get it done in Minny.
Hayes will be out 2-3 weeks.

This will open the door for Twill to be on the floor more.

Lopez and Lee had their third year options picked up, YI got his fourth year option picked up. Sean Williams got his 4th year option declined.
The Return of VC.

I will be standing tonight at the Izod when he and Ryan are introduced. I do not care what VC I see tonight.

I think he deserves it. He has done everything needed the last 7 years here in Jersey. I will hate him though if he scores a buzzer beater. lol.

Also, I wonder if Ryan is staying with Brook and his older Brother in Jersey.........


Happy to see Ryan comeback.

Lineups -

Devin Harris
Courtney Lee


Jameer Nelson
Brooks bunk bed buddy

I will probably not be posting much in here tonight so I will leave it to vandal, Tony, and that guy who begins with a S. snuggles, smooches whoever heis.......LOL to keep this page going since JB23 is probably going also like me.

LETS GO NETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Its going to be great to see VC back. Hope he scores 30 in a Nets win

I'll definitly be attendance so you guys (like VC3 mentioned) have to hold it down tonight.

Hope everyone in attendance gives him the standing O he deserves.

Welcome back VC
I'll try to keep the thread on the first page.

I'd like to see a great game from VC in a Nets win, as well.

But we'll more than likely get crushed tonight.
Before I head out from a computer for the day. I will try to post at the half. (Girlfriend is with me tonight at the game so......)

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