NBC employee claims Bill Cosby paid off women, invited young models to dressing room.

Is that a serious question?

Dudes in here posting/asking some WILD ****
What girl says she wants the D sober?
What girl says she wants the D sober?
Son what?!!!

If you never smashed a chick who was sober or made advances to you and smashes while she was sober then turn yourself in b. NOW

I can't believe the amount of ppl on this forum snitching on themselves in this thread just cuz evidence has come out that Cosby is a rapist. Dudes taking that role model **** too far.
georgescorewell really just outed himself ...
Lol @ wolf tryna save face. Just admit you were wrong and move on bruh.

I have no dog in this fight but until you come with some proof that was a ***** move
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I haven't paid too much attention to this story but damn :wow:

This is TOO MANY women...

Cosby had a broad ready and willing throwing the drawz at him and he STILL roofied her :x :x

He got a hoggie a coogi sweater and a chocolate soda waiting for him in hell :smh:
View media item 1623048

Chris Broussard · @Chris_Broussard

10th Jul 2015 from TwitLonger

Regarding my Wednesday report: I should have attempted to contact Mark Cuban before reporting what my sources were telling me. I always try to carry myself with honesty and integrity both personally and professionally. I recognize that I tweeted hastily, I’m sorry for it, and I will learn from my mistake.
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Put a Molly all in dat Sweet Baby Ray's, she ain't eem know it

-Cosby had and episode on his show where something in his BBQ sauce make the women less hostile, and more affectionate to their lovers

Dude was sooooooooo flagrant :smh: :lol:

Under the jail

Holy **** :wow: :wow:

The dambs, he had none :smh:
Chris Broussard · @Chris_Broussard

10th Jul 2015 from TwitLonger

Regarding my Wednesday report: I should have attempted to contact Mark Cuban before reporting what my sources were telling me. I always try to carry myself with honesty and integrity both personally and professionally. I recognize that I tweeted hastily, I’m sorry for it, and I will learn from my mistake.
Put a Molly all in dat Sweet Baby Ray's, she ain't eem know it

-Cosby had and episode on his show where something in his BBQ sauce make the women less hostile, and more affectionate to their lovers

Dude was sooooooooo flagrant

Under the jail
I can't call it with GeorgeScorwell vs. YoungWolf

There's been many times I've seen dudes post some foul **** or expose themselves, we'll clown them and/or call them out, and for some posters it'll stay with them longer for them to remember it. I know one time specifically I quoted somebody who quoted himself and exposed the fact that he had forgot to logout and login to his alt SN. It was like the first 5 posts of the thread. I can no longer remember what thread it is.

What's more shocking is that wolf even remembers the last SN scorewell even had. I rarely know if a poster has come back if they return with a totally new SN.

I do agree though that if you gonna call somebody out you should at least remember what thread it happened in or be able to quote them precisely, link to it, etc. and failing that at least have other posters support who also remember.

To me the accusation is up in the air.

Yall in here pointing fingers like there wasnt just a thread where everyone was exchanging sexual assualt stories.

View media item 1043750


WIO thread

Yes, thats sexual assault.
That's that "legally" sexual assault technicality.

Arbitrary as **** and in NO way comparable to rape.
I remember the homie Scorwell's other sn too, mostly cause I forget nothing.

And he uses the same avy :lol:
wow, i remember that cosby episode once i watched the clip...always liked when sitcoms had scenes outside the normal setting...they didn't show the backyard on that show all that much...probably why i remember it
He really must think it's just ok

maybe he thinks since he paid his dues & got rich & successful, he can treat everyone else like ****
like he earned the right to act the way he does

years ago i heard he refers to himself in da 3rd person sometimes...like at a restaurant..."Bill Cosby needs a refill!!!" :smh:
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That scene was actually very funny and awkward at the same time.

Not to make light of this situation. But I was howlin when he wiped the BBQ sauce off of ole boy.
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